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Memorial Day is about remembering
So let us remember
Remember the Great nation our soldiers died for
Remember that they sacrificed

Let's show that sacrifice was not in vain
Let's build a Great nation once again
Let's have difference of opinion
Let's show even though we do that doesnt cause division

Let's show we can unite
Let's show we can fight
Let's fight for the things that matter
Let's stop all the negative chatter

Let's honor our soldiers gone
Let's start by doing right and letting go of wrong
Let's be America again
Let's not be foes but stand together countrymen, friend

Let's stand united
Let's remember the countries that tried it
Let's not fall
Let's say thank you and we are uniting in memory of you all
When a child becomes a broken adult
Due to experiences outside their control
They lose themselves
Before every finding what's in their soul

When a child has endured too much pain
They press on
Love more than they should
And somehow learn to dance in the rain

When a child resonates inside
All the memories you have to protect
The trauma you have to hide

When an adult can hug the child within
Knowing it's not your fault
Feeling the pain
Healing can begin

When the child and adult become one
You can look back
Cry and experience
But know someone hurting you is done
A song to broken can
Their world.

A song used in malice can
Your perception of their world.

A song used in love can
Your equal hope for the future.

A song used in death can
Your view of a life lived.

A song danced to
Can mean all the difference in the world
Change the course of a life
Define the hope of a future
And is worth all the memories in the world.

— The End —