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Aug 2012 · 701
Ode to a Lifetime
Caleb Wilcoxson Aug 2012
May everyday be a celebration.
A celebration of the small amount of perspective time what we are allotted on this earth.
So love wildly, live boldly, and never look back.
Take in every moment and admire the magnitude of the gift you have been given.
Celebrate the lights, the sounds, and the senses you take for granted.
Aug 2012 · 592
What I Am
Caleb Wilcoxson Aug 2012
I am what I am
What I was, and what I have been.
I am forever changing, minutely static.
I live in each passing moment,
only to aspire for what my future holds,
all the while acknowledging my past.
Our condition is limiting, so we must live in our dreams.
My wishes, my fears, my ever changing attitude,
I allow myself the power of absolute observation.
May 2012 · 612
I Love You.
Caleb Wilcoxson May 2012
Take away love and it's you and I
But put it back and our sentence is complete
A lasting idea, an emotion from within
With you I am whole, and on you I depend
This idea is molded and structured for two
Just three little words that stick like glue
Grammatically correct when two are one,
Joined by an action second to none.
Nov 2011 · 1.0k
This Life, A Trance
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
To dream of dreams of dreadful sorts,
replacing ends with abundance of substance
for reluctance of ravishing rebels' tales.
The story of glory forever prevails
in the moments that pass in setting sails.
O' the mockery of labor on those Western rails.
A world untraced in forbidden trails.

The complex collaboration of conjunctive sorry hearts
pitches a feeling of ferocity and animosity
towards the generosity of the genocidal gender races.
When all they wanted was their "saving graces."
The unmarked tombs of those nameless faces.
Where were you when their race was wasted?
A race misplaced for the trending traces.

As I solemnly slip from the silhouette of sanity  
to sit and revel in revolutionary frames.
These games we play to tame the sun.
If tomorrow never comes, then what have we done?
We're fixed on the war that can never be won.
But if you sit this one out you will surely be shunned.
Now tell me my child, why is it you've come?
Nov 2011 · 513
A Poem for a Friend
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
These are the days we live, breathe, and die for
So much to gain and so much to cry for.
Cherish the ones who cherish you too
Beloved are those, both humble and true.
In pain there is growth and renewal of life
If we could switch places, I'd bear your knife.
It's true, you know, how they say when you die
Your sould will move on and live in the sky.
I know you are happy and free to remain
And I hope for the day, I can see you again.
Nov 2011 · 1.1k
Rest Easy
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
Come and rest your head upon mine,
I'll bury your woes and shelter your spine.
I've seen the troubles along your way,
Alas, it is time to let them lay.

Though your heart grows weak, your soul remains pure
If ever I grow ill, you would be my cure.
In comfort my heart reaches you still,
But in pain you chose me, instead of the pill.

In two, there is one, if one should exist,
If not, there is none, but only a mist.
Nov 2011 · 573
Nature Came First
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
In the quiet and still, nature came before us.
In pursuit of the thrill, nature came before us.
From the journey with the wave, nature came before us.
From the cross to the grave, nature came before us.

On a warm summer's night, nature came before us.
In expedition's of flight, nature came before us.
Under leagues of the seas, nature came before us.
To sacrificing tree's, nature came before us.
In a fiery blaze, nature came before us.
At the end of all days, nature comes before us.

(and then she spoke)

"Free me" she says, in the faintest tone
"I have offered myself, and my throne.
You've taken all I have, and still what I have not
My meek  and meager son, your mother left forgot."
The song of the redeemed is playing ins your head
A chance to save our mother, a rescue from the dead.
Set her will aflame, her prescence brought about,
Absence is, (just) things left without.
Faith is (just) believing, absent of all doubt.
Nov 2011 · 737
Cradle of the Stars
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
All we are is a memory,
Lost in the passing of time,
Waiting to be recalled and relived.
An instant can change us,
A mind can erase us,
*But time will always hold us dear
Nov 2011 · 604
There Is NO Present
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
I wish to take from you everything and leave you with nothing.
Not the shirt on your back nor the shoes on your feet.
I want to strip you down to your flesh and bones
You will not thank me, at least, I do believe.

Time will pass and you will sit and wonder
How heartless was I? How cruel and so mean?
As you contemplate fault your opinions will fluxuate.
Until you see the end, the truth, the love, the freedom.

You see, free from obsession and possession there is truth.
Truth in absolution, and the absolute is nothing.
Nothing ever lasts to tell the tales of time.
So too are you, not but a mirror of the self you wish to see.

Projections of reality loom in subconscious thoughts based upon needs.
The need to survive, and to grow, and belong, and be loved,
Projecting themselves outward seeking their quickest avenue to satisfaction.
Like lightning seeks the ground, their pace is rapid and unnoticeable.

But you, you are man, doomed for failure of such unnoticed events.
Your greatest success is simply understanding the truth in you.
Nothing is as real, as concrete, as it seems to be.
In this you can truly be set at ease.
Nov 2011 · 485
True Too, Are You
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
A piece, a place, a part of me
The inner side you never see
My hidden strength and bouyancy
Set for the eyes of only she.
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
One day he will be forgotten
When all is lost and trees are rotten
Leaders will conquer and fall with time
And letters accepted will soon decline
Rocks remain to date her birth,
Though none have seen a newborn earth.
The fights will last 'til her final days,
The sun will fall, and burst, and fade.
But you have lived and died and decayed,
And none can ever take that away.
Nov 2011 · 779
Black & White
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
These People
These People
My People
These poor poor People
Your People
His People
Her People
Our People
When will they understand?
When will they learn?
Why can't they see?
Will they ever stop fighting?
I suppose not
Set apart, they fear they are,
From one another, both near and far.
You People, Good People it is time for change
But change doesn't come from teardrops on a page.
Actions are what make our decision(s) concrete
Act now or forever remain obsolete.
Nov 2011 · 1.4k
A Teaspoon of Life
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
Words are only words until made into actions,
And men only men, imagine such factions.
The potion is red, the vile is green,
When you sit on the throne what is it you seek?
Yes these words bare weight however shallow they seem.
But by measure of life, what all do they mean?
Nov 2011 · 696
One Nation, Under Greed
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
We speak to the rich, we speak at the poor
But while we are speaking more hit the floor.
Is life not so sacred to be shared with all,
Or is life to be commanded, to conquer new walls?
Your luxury spoils you, is money such splendor
While the weak get weaker, you curse at your blender.

When your world falls, if buries you whole
Bewitched and forgotten, have you lost your soul?
The weak will revolt and pluck out your eyes
So remember your calling beneath the skies

When the sun fades away and the rains move in
When you scurry and scuffle to repent your sin.
Rememver your choice when decisions were made
To fight for a cause, or relax in the shade.
Will you fight to the death, or be handed your *****?
Nov 2011 · 2.2k
The Lonewolf
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
I am sorry, I do not mean to be
The Lonewolf is me, the tale, you see?
Bound I am, both by sky and by sea
My body remains, though my soul is weak.
If you were like me, then maybe you'd see
This heart is a cage, and your's the key.
Nov 2011 · 469
The World is "Theirs"
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
Religious Views
Religious Blues
Religious One's
Religious Two's
Religious Dont's
Religious Do's
What's on the tube?
Religious News
If we should fight
Religious Fueds
The world is theirs
The colors and hues
Where once we shared
Our P's and Q's
The day is gone
For the me's and you's
Caleb Wilcoxson Nov 2011
You said low, I said high
I said hello, you said goodbye.

You said sink, I said swim
I said her, you said him.

You said quit, I said try
I said live, you said die.

Exposed are we to the twins of life,
Decisions are made by point of knife.
You are You and I am I.
Bound by flesh, but free in mind.
Mar 2011 · 501
Teaching The Rain
Caleb Wilcoxson Mar 2011
The satisfaction of thunder after a lightning strike,
Like a father teaching son to ride a bike.
The storm always comes in the dead of night,
Inside it is hidden beyond any light.
The ease of the rain that settles your heart,
Following a journey back to the start.
This time is yours to choose and decide,
To live and to dream and to reach for the sky.
Mar 2011 · 596
In the Secret
Caleb Wilcoxson Mar 2011
Theres a place I have been, not here, nor there.
It begins a dark void soon explioted by stars shooting and shaping the atmosphere.
Music begins playing acting as a catalyst to the atmospheric art show taking place in the heavens.
The landscape is dry, desolate, and open, only a mountain range lies within sight at the edge of the world.
This mountain can speak, not with words, but the wind and the rain and the music that remains setting the scene as well as the climate.
In this place I have no fear, not even the eerie vacuum of darkness for I know it is a part of me, as is all that I know.
In this place I am me, totally free.
It is my shelter, my calm, my peace, my mind's only escape to believe.
It is beautiful, it is me, and it is wildly free.
Mar 2011 · 512
Hidden in a Chest
Caleb Wilcoxson Mar 2011
Why is it you and why is it me?
These two separate worlds that will never be.
The space between us like the sun and the moon,
it's one or the other but never the two.
Attractions that loom in the dead of night,
if love was a war, for you I would fight.
Two bodies in one whenever we touch,
this fate discontinued, but given a crutch,
A heart, and a mind, and a sould to fulfill
each seeking the other and binding in will.
By death we could never be set apart,
but given a chance to follow our hearts.
Mar 2011 · 465
Angels & Stars
Caleb Wilcoxson Mar 2011
An age without time
A reckless design
A place for nights like this
A beauty unfolds
In tales of the old
When trumpets erupted with Bliss
Feb 2011 · 517
Senseless Wonder
Caleb Wilcoxson Feb 2011
Why do we fight?
Why are there stars?
Can we see them all
or are they too far?
Is the Sun almost gone?
Will we see it move on?
Did the oceans dry up
when you were a pup
or wait 'til you were 93?

Are there people out there
with long and black hair?
Are these people like you and me?
Can they swim like us?
Do they walk like us
or maybe they live in the sea?
What is a dream
and what does it mean?
Or is it just filliing a void?

Can you read between lines?
Did you swing from the vines
in Summer when you were a boy?
Can we live like this?
Is it worth the risk?
Will it all work out in the end?
Or is the battle at hand
for the turning of man
on himself and all of his kin?
Feb 2011 · 2.7k
Mending Mitosis
Caleb Wilcoxson Feb 2011
Ancient stitchings embedded in skin
A reminder of Demons lurking within
Of who I once was, and all we could be
A fate that I knew, but now it's just me
A love that was shared and spread like disease
Emotions that sent a tree to its knees
Tearing limbs, and lungs, and hearts to the floor
From nights spent begging, pleading, and more
A passion foregone, or obsession amiss
My sacred reality, come now to this
One question is left, to finish your game
Can you divide one into two and remain unchanged
Feb 2011 · 507
Time, The Passing
Caleb Wilcoxson Feb 2011
Today will never end
Tomorrow will never come
Yesterday is on the run
The choice is yours, pick one
Feb 2011 · 422
Sun of Ages
Caleb Wilcoxson Feb 2011
Bold and Brilliant
Burning and Beautiful
If you shall die
Then so shall I
You shape my world
Just like the Earl
Of all that has ever been done
I revolve around you
The One that stays true
My Yellow and Glistening Sun
Feb 2011 · 568
Repressive Strength
Caleb Wilcoxson Feb 2011
Into the night, the quiet, still, and cold
Treading this ground is a task for the bold
Ancient whispers still linger at the edge of the light
Calming your fear and hiding fright

Mistakes lead you now to the middle of the wood
Empty promises haunting while intentions were good
Swallowed by darkness and consumed by fear
Demons are calling and wooing your ear

Alone in the blackness you follow them down
Past a grave and a cross to a hole in the ground
From this hole comes a stench, ****** and foul
Thoughts of transgression ingored until now

Your body goes stiff for a second or two
All emotions have left you, all except two
Unable to run from these demons you dread
As the fight continues inside of your head

Screaming and shouting there seems like no end
Where is God, when the devil claims he is your friend?
All you can do now is turn to the light
Push back the fear to wage war on the night

Swallowing curtains of pain and dispair
As the moon shines above with its luminous glare
You take all your burdens and force them to flee
The battle now ending, you set yourself free.

A light starts to flicker in the dead of the night
A beacon to those enduring their fight
Drenched in sweat from your brow to your cheek
Bearing strength as  a man who once was weak
Probably the poem i've spent the most time on and has the most meaning in my personal life.  It was written in the winter months and portrays a the feeling of "into the darkness seeking the light inside"
Feb 2011 · 505
The Saga of Man
Caleb Wilcoxson Feb 2011
I saw you sitting with an inquisitive look
You said "have a seat" as you opened your book
"A tale of love the book has told
From stories past and days of old
This book is ours" you said to me
Inside, does hide, a history
The age of man is over and done
But the story of yours has come to one
You are the answer of that which you seek
So first find yourself, and then help the weak
For it is promised to you and all who are true
In order to lead "you" must follow "you."
Feb 2011 · 818
Secret Organs
Caleb Wilcoxson Feb 2011
It tricks and it treats,
It hides and it seeks,
Lies awake and asleep,
But never does it cheat,
It plays foul and plays fair,
It is always aware,
Contradicting your head,
Without it you are dead,
It's there from the start,
It is, in fact, your Heart

— The End —