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lotus lord Feb 2015
It makes since to me

I come from a town how if your not from here your nothing

They think there the best of the best

Come to find out it was the colonie for the royal they think there royal oh its funny
lotus lord Sep 2015
who old are you
when you don't know your age
my teacher asked the class this and it got me thinking so I would like you to think about it to
lotus lord Dec 2014
its funny how are mind tells us things that we dont even understand

when we have a dream or night mare we see people who we do not know
people we have not seen in a long time

they show us dream that we dont under
nightmares we dont want to see

its funny how are minds tells us thing we dont understand
lotus lord Jan 2015
season 2 comes out in 2016

i cant stand it
you don't fallow the book on the ending
yet you make me 2 years to see season 2

i know they don't fallow the book
but yet its so good

there trying to **** be to me by making we wait so long for attack on titan
this is not funny i want it to come out now
lotus lord Jun 2015
Baby boo
Why do you have to go

You are a sweat cat
I dont want you to go
You are so young

But you dont even know
What's going on

You are a very special cat
And I'm glad I gave you home

If I could I would take the cancer

But when you do go please
Tell you brother pumpkin
I said hi and that I love him
At least you'll be together again
I just found out my cat boo has cancer we found her under the shed she was just a kitten then we didn't know were she came but a big storm came and my dad brought her in she became are cat she is the sweetest thing you lay down and with your approval she'll lay down next to you or sit in your lap I dont want her to go I just lost her older bother there not from the same mother but have been raised together but he died 7 months ago I can't loss another we will be putting her down in a week because that's really all she has left I love you baby boo
lotus lord Dec 2014
Being sick is like having a brother or sister

There easy to get
But hard to get ride of

You think you got ride of it but it pops up out of the middle of no where

There also annoying and a pain
lotus lord Jan 2015
I can't wait till your here
But you will be here one day

I want to hold you in my arms
And so does Chris

You will be are little girl
We love you already as if you were here

I can't wait for the day you come

You are perfect to use
We can't wait to see you, hold you, and love you

You are, are little girl

Bell we love you
Me and my boyfriend plan to have a little girl she will be here one day and we can not wait for are perfect little girl
lotus lord Dec 2014
Your my best friend  

Not matter how annoying I am
How many time you've told me so
Sat there as I cryed
Or was there when I need you most

You were always there

When I get by a stupid football player you sat there wanting to tare him limp from limp for what he did but yet you stayed with me

You and the best friend I could ever ask for oh wait I could ask for it cause your one of a kind
lotus lord Dec 2014
todays day and age its all about the popularity and what you have
but why so you can fit in what so important about fitting in

from when we were little we where little we were told to be are selfs, not to be someone whos fake

so why is it that you have to be fake something your not to be popular
how i see it the people who stays who they are and never changes for anyone exsept for them self should be popular

they want look down one someone for doing the right thing, well i look up to that person

for they will go far in live and have a real life know what the real world is like
but for a person who is fake will get torn apart in the real world and they'll look back a see maybe they should have been them selfs and not fake
lotus lord Jun 2015
Before she was moody
Any day I would take you in again
Big body and small head

Before she looked like a turkey
Only under the shed
Only dad could train her
Baby boo is my cat boo in two days I have to put her down.  She's only 8 years old and we found her under the shed.  She was fat and when she would lay down she looked like a turkey.  My dad is not the one to really cry or be like that and marine and yet that was his cat he was the only one to pick her up and train her.  She has cancer and it hard
lotus lord Jun 2015
You take many lives way to soon

And you cause so much pain

You cause people to be sad and cry

You would think
With how much money has been put
To find a way to get rid of it
It would be gone
I just want it gone
lotus lord Aug 2015
I miss you so much
and what to talk with you

I want to hang out
want to be able to hug you

we have are ups and down
but we still remain close

can I see you again
I miss you to much
lotus lord Jun 2015
Im just a girl
With friends how happen to be boys

I don't see my friends
But once a year

You my a have a problem
That I'm a girl
And your son is a boy

But where old enough to know better

So don't be a controlling moster on your son
And don't blame me when you can't find him

And we won't have a problem
I have friend name Alex Chris and jake. I see them once a year at camp but yet Alex's mom doesn't like me and always thinks Alex is with me she ties her son up so much then blames me when he breaks free were all over 16 but I'm being told to stay away cause he's a boy and he can't control him self why can they just stop were just friends
lotus lord Jan 2015
I don't want to change

I like where I am and don't want to move
I may not like here but I don't want to move

You tell me I have to change school because theres to many kids
But there has always been to many kids

I like it here with my friends
I've know this my hole life

I dont want to go there
They will beat me and can't do a thing about it

I'm weak and fralie and you want to send me to a school where you have to tuff and strong

There just going to eat me alive

Please don't make me go
I have lived in the same home for 11 years and my school I go to now is 5 miles away but because there to many kids so there moving kids around so now there trying to tell me to go to a school 20 miles away its a BAD school people just keep building more and more house and no school why make me suffer if it not my fault
lotus lord May 2015
im sick i dont fell good
i can barley talk

my wisdom teeth are coming in
have to get 2 teeth removed
might have to get a root canal
surgery is coming soon

but i put it off for 2 reason
the fact i was sick and
my choirs concert is soon

i sit through pain to help my class
put the biggest smile i can on my face
risk the chance of destroying my voice for them

so when i cry from the pain im dealing with
just realize im doing this for you
my concert is tomorrow but i made the surgery so it would be a week after it was the soonest i could get in
lotus lord Dec 2014
Christmas time is a time for family not greed

Its a time to help thoughts in need not a to see what you can get for free

Its a time to have fun not be a Grinch

You have a heart so at least use it once
lotus lord Dec 2014
You tell me you love me
I tell you I'm in love with you

For month I said this
One day you said you might be inlove with me

You ask me to go to your house to hang out
You hold me, cuddle with me, kissed me, made out with me, told me you missed me

It felt like old times
your family was happy to see me everyone missed me

Then two weeks later when I tell you that your the one for me that your the one I hold dear

You tell me sometimes feeling change
And walked away

I cryed and your friend came and hugged me 3 times

You left me crying feeling like I'm dead inside
This is how my day went felt like I got hit by a bus
lotus lord Oct 2015
its funny

in one dream you wake up
and your glad

and others you wake up
wishing it was real

they can show you
what your scared of
what you want most
what makes you happy
and so on

but in all reality
its just your mind showing you want
i had a powerful dream last night i thought it had been real i woke to soon and reality hit me and i cried because i wanted it to be real
lotus lord Dec 2014
Its when you hold it in so long that your finally glad to let out that it feels so good

Like when you have to *** bad and you have to hold it
I was bored and had to *** so I didn't something to talk it off my mind
lotus lord Jan 2015
To start if off right we picked it together

A movie we want to see

Action for him so when i get scared he can protect me

A time where I can give him the first kiss he's always dreamed

And a girl for him who he like for 2 years can finally be his
BTW were seeing the newest hungry games ive cryed at the last 2 and he knows wish me luck
lotus lord Jun 2015
hey its Friday

don't worry anymore
its time to party and have a good time

go hang with your friends
go online and game
go sleep
or do what ever you want

its Friday
so go have fun
lotus lord Dec 2014
We all say you need friends to live but do you really once your out of school your friends will leave you to live there lives

Yes having friend is amazing but would you rather have lots of friend and them not care

Or would you rather have few friends and know you always stay friends after school
lotus lord Apr 2016
i'm a gamer
i live in the same world as you

play almost everyday
it's my get away

i met new friends everyday
i help you
you help me

just because i'm a gamer
doesnt mean i dont life like you
lotus lord Jan 2015
Everyone's there own geek

There's your reading, science,history, math,gamer

There's so many

Yet we look at them like there different or that there a monster but why

There being them self's

Why are we making fun of them
When we should be like them

Being are self's
lotus lord Jan 2015
Time to say goodnight

I know I'll see you in them morning but I don't want you to go

I feel safe loved and wanted
I Don't want that to go

I'll miss you and dream of you but I still don't want you to go

I know it time to say goodnight
lotus lord Jan 2015
You are my best friend

You a tuff strong beautiful smart young girl

When your give challenge you get through it

No matter what life thoughts at you
You get through it

You are my best friend
You are my sister

And I'm proud to say it

I love you

By the way there's a attack on titan movie coming out and your going to see it with me this summer
lotus lord Dec 2014
Greed will end us all

All people see is money
They never lower there prices
Don't want to pay for stuff they don't have to
Save on everything

So now people can barely get by

People never help others in need
They don't stop to help
Keep to them selfs never donate
Keep everything for them self

So now other people stop helpping for they never got there help in need

Greed will end us all
lotus lord Dec 2014
guys can sometimes be pain
well some

if you ask them something they say i don't know
if you try to hang around them they try to impress there friends
when you want to hang out there busy hanging out with them guys
you try to surprise them and they act like they don't care  

but when you get mad about all this stuff they act like they did nothing wrong

guy can sometime be a pain
lotus lord Dec 2014
Guy can be so cruel

They think dating a lot of girl is something to brag about
They way I see it that you just get bored and though them away

You swear they think of new ways to reck a girl life just to look cool but for what
To be popular

They cheat, they lie, they do what they please
Not every guy is like that I know that

But just think you know what loyal is they dont

We can give them everything they want and they still will hurt you

Guy can be so cruel
lotus lord Dec 2014
why is it so hard to be myself

you have some people who want you to change
but then there's other people who want you to stay the same

people are all about what popular today
what cool and whats not
what you need to have when we know most of the time you don't

people always are trying to please everyone else
but them they forget to please them self

by them time everything is said and done almost everyone has forgotten about being them selves

why is it so hard to be me
lotus lord Dec 2015
we call and you never pick up

you know im 17 year old
and yet you act like im 5

you make it seem like your the victim
but i see what you do, im not stupid

you tell me you'll never been sent a picture of me
but i know mom sends one every year

you tell me your using new paper as ****** paper
yet you drink and smoke

nana when will you learn that its not all about you
haven't you done enough
lotus lord Dec 2014
why does high school have to be so hard
they tell use there getting ready for life and whats down the road

but we do not grades when were on are own
we get payed to go to work but we don't get payed to go to school
we have to deal with the project that later in life we could care lets about

on top of that we have to deal with kids who give attitude
make fun of everyone else just cause there bored
and act like they have a right to do anything they want

why does high school have to be so hard
lotus lord Dec 2014
From the moment we met I know there was something about you that drawed me to you

You asked me out everyday and yet I stayed with a guy who I could not see it for only a few days of the year  

But after 3 months I finally gave you my number left him for you

We have had are ups and down and right now we a getting out of a down

We would hang out ever Sunday a day just for me it made me smile made me happy and soon summer came and we would spend Sundays and wensday together

And at the end of that summer I know what I saw and it was a diamond in the ruff

I fell in love with you and I still am you are my world
lotus lord Dec 2014
I do my best not to cry or get hurt but how can you not
In school its like there many purpose is to break you down
You try your best be nice to the one who tare you down and yet they still pick on you
They drane you of every
Maybe just one day I can go a day without being picked on
lotus lord Jun 2015
the bell will ring soon
and i just want to get out

you take up 7 hours of my day
when i could be hanging with friends
or doing other things

you bring me new people to meet
but yet you bring me bullies and drama

can the bell hurry up so i can just get out of here
lotus lord Apr 2016
i am human

i make mistakes
i do thinks that maybe i shouldn't do

i protect my friends when you have pushed them down
i am there backup when they need help

i'm kind and sweet
but when you do me wrong
i cut you out of my life

i weird but fun
i'm a out going person

i wont judge you if i don't know you
so why judge me when you nothing about me
lotus lord Dec 2014
I am me for me No one else
I may change for better or for worest
But that for me to choice

I am told to be myself and to never change
I may lose my path but ill find a way back

I may come in to your life and you may not like me
But I am me for me and no one

I will stay true to my self
lotus lord Jun 2015
i just feel useless
that i'm nothing
and that if i fell of the planet it would be better

do i care to much
do i really mean a thing
would it even matter if i'm gone the next day

i'm sorry for all i've done
i didn't mean for it to be like this
lotus lord Dec 2014
I sit here hungry everyday but I give up my lunch so you can eat

I do things to make you happy even if it means to give up my own happynis

I would give up every present under the tree just to get you one

I stay by your side even though you have another

Just once I want to hear you say you mean the world to me and I'm glad you stayed ever though I don't desever you
lotus lord Jan 2015
i'm weird
i'm hyper
i'm crazy

yet you all love me

your my best friends
your my wife's
your my sisters and brothers

you never treated me different
you took me in when i was new and showed me the ropes
after i learn i showed the other new people the ropes

i love you all for you are my good friends
lotus lord Dec 2014
I may be hyper, crazy, naughty, fun, and a lot of other thing but that cause I love being them

I'm not ready to grow up just yet I want to be a kid for how ever long I have left I want to be me
lotus lord Dec 2014
I'm a monster when I wake up

My hairs messy
I could care let about what happening around me
Don't want to get up or out of bed
I'm half wake
And hard to get up

Cause if you mess with me when I'm asleep I'm like a monster cause you disturbed my peace
lotus lord Sep 2015
I miss my best friend
I miss my sister

yet you are not here

I need to have you to laugh
to cry when it gets to much

I need to know your ok
to know your safe

yet I cant be there

I need you so bad
I think of you all the time
I miss you
my best friend is the world to me... to be honest I would give up twitch for her because she means so much...I miss you alyssa
lotus lord Apr 2016
i play on factions
timelesspvp on op faction

im making a group as a all girls faction  

but because i have a name as underworldlord
they think im a pervert

all i want is to met girls my age
and like the things i like
lotus lord Oct 2015
it been 6 months since ive seen you

i miss you so much
i still care for you

your still my best friend
and sister

i day doesn't go by that im thinking if you

we were the best of friends
and we helped each get through
nothing broke us apart

your parents hated me  
but mine loved you

you have were in my dream last night
i woke up crying

i felt you in my arms
i heard your voice
and now your gone again

i miss you so much alyssa

i just want you back
i need you back
lotus lord May 2016
i say i'm over you

that now your just my best friend
i stay up in the night talking to you

i think about the good times we had

but when i find your dating someone
i cry because i'm hurting
i'm missing you more then ever

and then i see

i'm not over you
lotus lord Jan 2015
To me I could care less if I'm popular or not
But to more high school kids it means the the world

To me I could care less about what's the newest trend for clothes
But to high school kids it means life

To me being popular is nothing because I would rather know I fit in a group who excepts for me

To me the newest trend is nothing because I'm thank full for what I have

To me being myself  is the most important not something I'm not
lotus lord Dec 2014
Is it OK to have a girl moment

Like when something big happens with your best friend even though you both are a tomboy

Is it OK to have a girl moment
lotus lord Dec 2014
Is it that hard to stop and ask are you OK to some one having a bad day

Smile to someone to cheer up there day

To help them when it gets ruff

If we want to make a change then you have to start with yourself
lotus lord Sep 2015
it gets to much

im made a mistake and I said I was sorry
but it doesn't mean you hve the right to attack me

I love someone so much
but yet I have to let you go
time and time again

I know the truth and I want people to know
yet you tell everyone im lieing
and tell me you punch me if I don't shut up

it gets to much and ill cry
but I still get made fun of because you don't know

it gets to much
this has been my morning 3 different people 3 different promblems... im about to just cry even more then I already am
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