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lotus lord Jun 2015
this is to younger me

most people would write
don't do this
go do that

but i'm not going to

you have a wonderful life ahead of you
you'll have hard times and you'll have good ones
just keep doing what your doing

you'll be glad you did
lotus lord Jun 2015
hey its Friday

don't worry anymore
its time to party and have a good time

go hang with your friends
go online and game
go sleep
or do what ever you want

its Friday
so go have fun
lotus lord Jun 2015
the school year is coming to end
i have to say good bye to all my  friend
there will be tears

some that i know ill never see again
and some that i know i have had a great time with

the end is near
and i know they have changed my life
and i hope i have changed theres

its off to a new school that no one wants to go
i did fight all that i could
and parents did to but that never changed a mind

so now my last day is coming soon
and i dont want to let go
i dont want to cry

but i do want  to change there lives

i hope my last day goes well
and for all my friend i love you with all my heart
this will be a sad day in a week i dont want alyssa nor twitch to go they are the  one who i will cry all night about for i want them in my life and want them by my side
lotus lord Jun 2015
time was so nice without her here

she was  pain to have around
and no one really  wanted her around
we only did it to be nice
but she never did get the hints

the day she was gone was so happy to me
and soon every day she was gone
things were as i wished what i wanted

come to find out she was locked up
and out away happy day for me

but then she has come back around
and the same old me being nice
and her being me  to me
has come back once more
six more days and  i would have been in heaven
this girl is a puppy dog to my friend and she wont get the hint that he dont like her like that anymore this girl would walk a mile and back  just to fallow him around for 4 minutes ive tried to be there for her and to be a friend but she just wont stop being mean to me 6 days till the end of school is it to much to ask well yes it been nice with out her
lotus lord Jun 2015
the bell will ring soon
and i just want to get out

you take up 7 hours of my day
when i could be hanging with friends
or doing other things

you bring me new people to meet
but yet you bring me bullies and drama

can the bell hurry up so i can just get out of here
lotus lord Jun 2015
this is something i say to my best friend

things may seem that there after you
that the world hate you
that everyone is against you

but its not like this
you are given these hard time
to make you stronger

yes you'll see who your real friends are
but you'll become stronger
its only there to help you

so it will always be ok
lotus lord Jun 2015
i just feel useless
that i'm nothing
and that if i fell of the planet it would be better

do i care to much
do i really mean a thing
would it even matter if i'm gone the next day

i'm sorry for all i've done
i didn't mean for it to be like this
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