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lotus lord Jun 2015
i try to be there for you when i can
but sometimes it seems as if it not enough

you've always been there when i needed you
it may not seem it

but knowing you care
makes it a hole lot better

it makes me know know your there with me

you may not be there when i'm down
you may not be there when i need someone
you may not be there when i need a hug
you may not be there when i just need a friend

but ill always know your there in my mind
lotus lord Jun 2015
why cant people come talk to me

you go behind my back
and do something that will hurt me later on

you never come to me and ask to talk
never once

if people came to me and sat me down
told me whats going on

there wouldn't be hurt
wouldn't be drama

i would be better than i am now

but yet you still go behind my back

why cant people talk to me
lotus lord Jun 2015
I like different things than you

I have different friends than you

I dont want to be popular like you

So dont pick on me

Dont laugh at me

Because I am me
And you can't change it

This is my life
And I'll do as I please
lotus lord Jun 2015
Time and time again I'll tell you to leave me alone
But you just stay there

Time and time again I tell you to stop picking on me
But you just keep at

Time and time again I say something to you
But you won't listen

I'm tried of asking time and time again
Because now I'm not going to ask time and time again
I'm going to take care of it the first time
lotus lord May 2015
you pull me in to your lap and kiss me
latter that day you ask me out

i wait and think but never answer

time goes on and you give me a computer
but we went down stairs you set the computer down
you pulled me close and kissed me
and it changed my world

weeks went by

one day after school we hang out
i sat in your lap as you play minecraft
and in between games we kissed many of times

the next morning i asked you out
but you needed time

a week later

at are choirs concert you gave me your phone and told me to read

what i saw killed me
you asked out my best friend/sister

i cried and cried even cried myself to sleep

it blow over but i never really did heal

you told me that those kisses meant nothing and it crushed me

you then asked out another girl

and it hurt me once more

i grow feeling for someone who hurts me over and over again

but how?
lotus lord May 2015
you can be some random person
and say something to make me feel bad

it wont matter to me

you can be my best friend
and say something to make me feel bad

and it would hurt me to the point i cry and give up

because you are someone i look up to
a person i care about
when your world means everything
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