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lotus lord Feb 2015
We go over the same stuff in school for years

What's the point
We already know this

Teacher tell us to say awake
But how can you went you already know the stuff

Maybe if we didn't go over the same thing over and over again

We would have less years in school
lotus lord Feb 2015
You never know what you have till its gone

You take the time for granted

But once you realize it gone
You worried
you panic

And you do all you can to get it back

You said to doutb you'll never see it again
You think back to the wonderful memories you had

Every little thing make you want to cry

But the moment you get it back  
You hold it close and cry
You tell yourself I'll never let it go again
lotus lord Feb 2015
It may seem like nothing
But to someone it means the world

You stand there with your best friend
Know she's in trouble
Scared for her life planing on not going home

But yet you stand there telling there your coming home with me

You don't care about anything else

You just stand there holding them letting them cry but all you do is stand there holding knowing its means a lot

For when you know they don't get much
So you bring even the most simplest of things and yet they act like you gave them the world

No matter what you stand by there side

It may seem like nothing to everyone else
But to one person it means the world
This is for my best friend she got in trouble and was scared but I wasn't about to let her stay in the cold and run, she was coming with me no matter what because she is my sister and she is my family
lotus lord Jan 2015
Everyone's there own geek

There's your reading, science,history, math,gamer

There's so many

Yet we look at them like there different or that there a monster but why

There being them self's

Why are we making fun of them
When we should be like them

Being are self's
lotus lord Jan 2015
ive made my voice heard and it so wonderful­/

this is me doing something to try to help save me from moving im caitlyn
lotus lord Jan 2015
we as a commity need to stand up for what right

no one want to hear what we say about moving to a new school
they went in there with no open minds

th­at is me up there if i can do it you can to
lotus lord Jan 2015
You are my best friend

You a tuff strong beautiful smart young girl

When your give challenge you get through it

No matter what life thoughts at you
You get through it

You are my best friend
You are my sister

And I'm proud to say it

I love you

By the way there's a attack on titan movie coming out and your going to see it with me this summer
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