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lotus lord Jan 2015
To me I could care less if I'm popular or not
But to more high school kids it means the the world

To me I could care less about what's the newest trend for clothes
But to high school kids it means life

To me being popular is nothing because I would rather know I fit in a group who excepts for me

To me the newest trend is nothing because I'm thank full for what I have

To me being myself  is the most important not something I'm not
lotus lord Jan 2015
season 2 comes out in 2016

i cant stand it
you don't fallow the book on the ending
yet you make me 2 years to see season 2

i know they don't fallow the book
but yet its so good

there trying to **** be to me by making we wait so long for attack on titan
this is not funny i want it to come out now
  Jan 2015 lotus lord
Crushing Love
School girl: Oh look if isn't poor Gothic Rose. You got any new marks on your wrist freak?

Me: Actually no, but I have the blade in my bag would you like me to cut up your face
Pulls out blade and waves it around

School Girl: Ha! You think your so badass? Well guess what your not, cause I'm pretty sure if you didn't have a weapon I could kick your ***!

Me: Okay, fine.
throws knife across the floor way out of reach
Let's go then, cause I can still cut up your face without a blade

School girl: Backs away a few steps
Your ******* psychotic and hope you die

Me:Ha! Tell me something I don't know! and you know what I'm already dead. Dead to everyone as can be

School Girl: runs away and says nothing else

Me: Walks across the commons, picks up blade
Well, Looks like we have another date blade, let's get to it.
*Follows after school girl
Idk. Just bored.
  Jan 2015 lotus lord
Crushing Love
1 pill: Nothing really serious.
2 pills: To distract my thoughts.
3 pills: To numb the pain
4 pills: To get me high.
5 pills: To make me sleepy.
6 pills: To knock me out.
Sleeps for 3 hours
wakes up

7 pills: To cause poising.
8 pills: To send me into the hospital.
9 pills: No returning..
10 pills: To end it all.

*Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Now I'm gone
lotus lord Jan 2015
my life was over or at least i felt like that
the only person i called a friend had betrayed me

mom made me help at that camp to get over my loss

and that's where i met the 3 boys who would change my life forever

you made me forget what i had lost
made me happy once more

i ended up dating one and he ended up being my first kiss
he is now my best friend no matter how much his mom hates be we will still always be best friends

another end up being like my older brother
we may not talk much be still he there for me i could be in tears and he'll say with me as long as he can to help me when i'm down

the last was one who has made the biggest impact
once i though of him as my older brother but he never really was he was more as a best friend it was after 2 years did i found out he liked me and liked him and now where dating

these 3 have made the biggest impact on my life and i'm glad i met them
these 3 boys where there when i was down we met at a summer camp were i was helping out they were to we have made this little group the 4 of us we have stayed in contact for 2 years now and i'm glad there not one thing i would give up the change the moment we met be it was perfect as it is i love them all i really do
lotus lord Jan 2015
i'm weird
i'm hyper
i'm crazy

yet you all love me

your my best friends
your my wife's
your my sisters and brothers

you never treated me different
you took me in when i was new and showed me the ropes
after i learn i showed the other new people the ropes

i love you all for you are my good friends
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