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"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter,
it only seems like it does."
But it's tough to live those words
when the world gives you two options,
rich and cushy or poor and rough.
If money isn't real then what's the deal
with this green laying in my hand
that just bought me a meal and a doobie?
Most nights I try to figure out the mystery
of the world like Scoobie
and those meddlesome kids.
In the past two weeks I've decided,
I'd rather be airborne twenty four seven
and dropped out of college.
I guess pops was right when he said,
"It's not for you", he called it.
But it's all good, never been better
except for the fact that money still rules me
no matter how many times I replay that clip from
the movie.
© Daniel Magner 2013
I just thought I should let you know
I'm ready
Ready to admit that I am a broken, confused human being whose mind
isn't exactly all there. . . .
And I'm ready to ask for help
To say that I'm not doing so well
Ready to take a leap of faith and tell the truth
About what's really going on inside my heart

All the anger and bitterness
mixed with the longing to replace it with grace and healing
The shards of my broken heart stuck into my soul
They're bleeding but I'm afraid if I pull them out I might bleed to death
And I should also tell you about how lonely I am at night
When the stars aren't even hinted at existing beyond the cold cloudy sky
And those nights I cry
And I wish there were someone to hold me but I am so afraid
I can't even call anybody because I don't want them, I don't want you, to see me

I still don't don't want you to see

But if I don't let you see the real side of me
I'm afraid I'll just fade away or the shards in my soul will draw too much blood
And I'll just
Slowly die in front of your eyes
And although I don't really believe it
I know that you do love me and I know that I love you and that were I in your shoes
I couldn't stand to see you die like that and so
I tell you
What's really going on
And pray that you don't judge
That you don't stop loving me because that
Is what I'm most afraid of
That is what I thought you should know
Saint Jude says what's up
been in Boston all night
having coffee and tea, I bet
you're doing the same
in Tibet or wherever

They tried everything
on you: the secret arrests
burned Rumi books
poisoned coconut water
giraffes with broken faces

Loneliness is the door to the traps
but you know
who you are
I know too when I see you
on the coast

as still, as skinny as
one of my African statues
as lithe as a palm frond or a jellyfish
You were always going to get free
you were always going to get free
for b-dawg
 Feb 2013 Caitlin Drew
TJ King
when that strange man in the park
asked me if love could cause physical pain
i told him that i fell in love with a smile
a smile that lassoed and squeezed my heart and lungs
until they were one boiling *****

a smile that buried into my back
pulled out the pink shy parts
i paid an expert to destroy
pink devils
i cried into my cousins shoulder on autumn benches
pink tears

i fell madly pinkly in love with a smile
plucked like a fish from dark winter water
looked after
worthy of inspection
smiling breath on my scales and back
where the pink between them is apparent

then hurled back into winter water
where the day discharges slowly over the grass
in the courtyard.

i told that strange man in the park
my pink insides fizzle-pop like meat on
the summer sidewalk
when i imagine the smiling angler
making that next pull

admiring and smiling
cradling the back like a
pink chalice

That one thinks it's first catch.
As did I. Dark lip burn marks
On the pink.
Physical Pain.
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