fingertips become haunted,
and bodies are filled with ghosts,
when people are forced to lose the loves
that they loved the very most.
memories become poisonous,
and beautiful pictures can cause pain,
and even the letters of the alphabet hurt
when they arrange to spell a certain name.
But sometimes,
the sunshine walks up to you,
and the moon brings you coffee,
and the shadows no longer scare you
because the stars take you dancing.
when you're sure you'll never smile
the way you did before your heart was crushed,
without expecting it, the universe brings you
someone who's never made you laugh so much.
love walks right up to you,
when you're sure that it was dead,
and plants flowers in your smile
and a never-dying garden in your head.
And while you never know
which sometimes you're in right now,
one thing is for certain:
you'll live through them all, without a doubt -
and that makes it all worth it, somehow.