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C G Andrews Mar 2012
Oh so every sweet
The deepest most turbulent sentiments
The calm before the storm
Into which I freely plunge
To be the man who is loved by you
C G Andrews Mar 2012
Oh, what a simple pleasure
To be able to make love to you
To bathe in the beauty of your eyes
To be one with you

The miles that spread between us
Seem an insurmountable wall
But that wall will crumble
I shall hold you in my arms at last

I shall fall asleep beside you
Knowing fully that when I wake
It shall be that sweet fragrant scent
Of your essence that I shall wake to

So to you I say, my sweet angel
That wherever life shall lead
I shall love you with each and every breath
For as long as you will let me
C G Andrews Feb 2012
So you think abortion is wrong

Don’t abort your baby

So you believe Christ is your lord and savior

Pray to him every night

So you think your guns are being taken away

Wait out the waiting period and buy your weapons

So you think you’re being oppressed when people disagree with your opinion

Form a country that is not free

It’s easy

You don’t want freedom

You want freedom to practice your beliefs

You want to limit or eliminate anything that opposes those beliefs

What you want is a nation created in the image of what you believe

I’m sorry, this makes you a fascist not a patriot
C G Andrews Feb 2012
Beneath the bare earth-tone leafless trees

rolling hills of flat white nothing

suffocated what was once

vibrantly full of color and life.

Eventually the snow melted and

the rains fell down upon the hills

washing away months of oppression

and sorrow; the fields were born anew

with breath and pulse, there was vivacity.

But as all things must fade, a single petal,

lost to the first touch of frost, falling

toward the inevitably cooling ground,

announced Autumn’s arrival

The cold breath of nature took away

the lilies and the orchids. Winter

stole away the burning red, orange

and yellow leaves. The skies blanketed

gray. The snow began to fall.
C G Andrews Feb 2012
For you it is red, white and blue; firecrackers,

cookouts and American beer. How easy it

must be to assume that by saying “God Bless

Our Troops” you are patriotic. I have an

entirely different view of the 4th of July.

Every boom is an IED, every pop a ******

round. If your God was present when my

brain was shattered he did not show up to

see me through my recovery. You presume

that every soldier is a Christian like you.

I was an American soldier. I’ve bled and

killed in service for this country. I left behind

pieces of myself in faraway lands. It was my

choice. Do not use me to support your moral

propaganda. I am a veteran. I am not your

political stage-prop.
C G Andrews Feb 2012
Faded days of dreams are gone
You're letting go the precious dawn
Never again your name to call
While we dance inside the mall
C G Andrews Feb 2012
Bring me back to my death
I'll dance with the spirits in the moonlight
Fading gently into silent oblivion
The fingers of the angel caressing my soul
Facing your God

These problems in life will touch me no more
To shake off this cloak of despair
Find peace in nothingness
Until the day of my rebirth
I'll know no more

No more will I know this pain
Ugliness will not exist
My wounds shall heal to face the test
My soul will be cleansed
I'll come again renewed

Only than will I be worthy
Finding balance I so craved
No more peaks and valleys
Only an even plain
And after all attain Nirvana
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