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Carsyn Smith Mar 2014
Take my hand and follow me deep
to the desires that cower in the hidden garden

there's no point in laying around
if all we see is darkness

I've left sleep behind
rolling in the dirt roads of my past

follow me, Restless,
and we’ll live to see Halley ten fold

dance with me under the falling leaves
and around the blooming daffodils

shattered cobble stone paths
carpeted in soft moss

breathe in the smell of summer rain
as we walk under crystal chandeliers

rust covered chain link fences
laced with green ivy

let's parade around in ball gowns
never to flinch when the twigs reach for our skirts

and they will reach with pitiless hands because
peace comes with a price, Restless

skin softer than rose petals are scarred from
cuts deeper than the Stone's Sword

bright eyes are as clear
as the tears that fall from them

do not be afraid, Restless,
for every nightmare has a dawn

I’ll be waiting with open arms
on the other side of the Gauntlet

come walk with me then, and only then,
we’ll never cry again.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2014
Midnight Woes are all I dream:
A soft song of recondite raindrops and
The warm embrace of cold sheets on naked skin.
A bewitching lullaby sinking in my troubled thoughts and
The lecherous lightning showing a now homeless house.
A gentle graze of longing fingers and
The light laughter that drowns in soft songs.
A question and an answer.
The dagger and the victim.
I dreamt of a Midnight Woe:
A warm body next to my hollowed heart,
The skin on skin, forehead to forehead, lips to lips.
A needle in my hand and
The thread in your heart.
Carsyn Smith Feb 2014
How do you tell a heart to stop aching?
Command a warrior never to fight again?
A singer to never so much as hum another note?

Two long years, and all I've done is fight
sword raised high some days,
and others--
it's a miracle I'm standing.

How do you tell a bird to stop flying?
Persuade a flower never to bloom again?
A leaf never to fall?

Too many long days, and all I've done is sleep
dreaming of a world with escape,
and others--
a nightmare that leaves me weeping.

How do you tell the sun not to rise?
Punish a star for shining too bright?
Stop the moon from changing shapes?

Too many short seconds, and you're slipping away,
through my fingers like sands,
and others--
sitting on my shoulder with everything else.
Found this in my old notes, I hope you like it! :)
Carsyn Smith Feb 2014
Looking at the crack under my door and seeing the light go out.
At that moment, I know you are all asleep and dreaming,
and I can’t even close my eyes.
I can't enjoy the most simple of silences
because my body and mind won't let me.
Fill me with pills and formulas,
sing me lullabies and read me stories,
tuck me in and kiss my forehead...
it doesn't change a thing.
I'm still watching the light under my door go black and
the house fall silent, crying soft tears into a useless pillow,
fearing I'll never dream again.
Go home and get some rest they say...
ha, if only their words made it so.
Make me Ella and command me to sleep... please.
All I want... is a dream.
A series of images that make no sense,
a nightmare that makes me wake up screaming,
because you know what that means?
I was sleeping... I was dreaming!

That small sliver of light under my door keeps me sane,
without it I am alone
a room of light in this world of darkness,
and I want nothing more than to join it.
When the sun goes down, the clock slows its march.
The seconds feel like minutes
The minutes feel like hours
The hours... feel like they never come.
But when the sun finally does rise, it is a sad and happy moment.
It's an escape from the darkness but
it's another battle to fight.

This black ribbon that laces my door
fills me with dread and sounds the gun to make
the seconds feel like minutes
the minutes feel like hours
and the hours never come.
Insomnia *****...
Carsyn Smith Feb 2014
I jumped in wanting to swim across.
He dove in to simply enjoy the water.
I had always been afraid of drowning --
of letting the water in
even when he said he's save me.

We pulled at each other like tug 'o war.
I wanted to swim to shore --
back before we jumped in.
He begged me to stay --
But I couldn't.

I swam across and to the shore --
But he still held my cold, lifeless heart above the water
as if it would disintegrate with a single drop.
I told him to stop being a fool and come forget the water --
But he wouldn't.

I wanted to jump in again --
to possibly rescue him like he promised he'd do for me --
but people held me to words spoken in drenched clothing --
I'm never doing that again
So I shouldn't...
Carsyn Smith Feb 2014
we see eachother in our reflections
but we're just looking at broken mirrors
thinking we're a perfect match.

we're two fools dancing around eachother like
we own the grandest castle
thinking that nothing can touch us.

we flash images at eachother like
broken television boxes
thinking we know eachother's story.

we burn holes in eachother like
cigarettes on old parchment
thinking that we're helping.

we sit and cry under the covers
like two children with broken toys
hoping we still love eathother.

we dream of eachother like
the living mourning over the dead
thinking that the other is gone.

we're connected to eachother like
two sewn pieces of cloth
thinking we're a million miles apart.

we want to forget eachother like
a bad dream
thinking we were nothing but evil.

we make eachother bleed like
fresh purple hearted war veterans
thinking that we can rip the thread of the past.

we're distant to each other like
two strangers on a crowded street
hoping the scars don't show.
Yes... I know "eachother" is two words...
Carsyn Smith Feb 2014
Talk about me not to me
it's not like I can hear you.
No, please, don't let me stop your rant.
Carry on with how I'm such a ***** --
how I'm heartless and cruel --
Please tell them all,
I wouldn't want to love, anyway --
Yes, that's right.
Why would I want love?
Why would I want to feel the strong embrace of a man,
to know I'm safe and wanted,
to feel blush soil my pale complexion...?
Why would I deserve that?
Who could possibly love me
after all you've told them?
I guess I should thank you.
Now I won't hurt anyone --
won't hurt myself anymore.
I'll never have to cry again --
for joy or sadness.
So, thank you for turning me numb --
I wouldn't want it any other way.
A bit old, so I touched it up a bit.
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