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Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
I can see you through the treehouse window
as you stand before the river, fist clenched.
"What's in your hand, Brother?"
"Sister, it is something so heavy,
I fear it will drown if I open my clenched fist."

I can see you through my phone camera
as you slouch before the river, fist clenched.
"What's in your hand, Brother?"
"Sister, it is something so precious,
I fear it will fly away if I open my clenched fist."

I can see you through the nursery window
as you hunch before the river, fist clenched.
"What's in your hand, Brother?"
"Sister, it is something still important,
I fear it will be lost if I open my clenched fist."

I can see you from my porch
as you kneel before the river, fist clenched.
"What's in your hand, Brother?"
"Sister, it is something so forgotten,
I fear it will disappear if I open my clenched fist."

I can see you along the shore
as you die before the river, fist clenched.
"What's in your hand, Brother?"
"Sister, it is something I should have let go
so many years ago"

I saw you
as you opened your clenched fist before the river.
A single pebble fell to the riverbed.
"Brother, Death's claws did not **** you --
Cupid's arrow did."
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
How can I sleep?
Your face keeps
Itself on my eyelids.
Your voice keeps
calling, screaming, my name.
Your smell keeps
Suffocating my sleep.
Your warmth keeps
Destroying my comfort
Our memories
keep me from sleep.
Our actions
keep me from rest.
Our words
keep me from peace.
You keep haunting me,
after you left me to cry
after I pushed you away.
How can I sleep?
Carsyn Smith Aug 2013
Nothing is

The TiDeS are always changing.
Today’s sand isn't the same as
yesterday’s sand.
The shells
come and go.
The fish swim away.
One minute you’re standing TALL;
the next you’re
                          belly up
                                         in a feeding frenzy.

Sharks prowl the surface and

creatures lurk the depths.
There are places man will never go;
and things we’re not meant to see.
                                                                People leave nothing but their
but even they are stolen by the noon waves.
The timid walk on paths already forged.
                                                                                                     The reckless run from predetermined trails.
                                                    The strong stride next to the path,
                                                                   but never on it,
                                   because how will you ever know what the sand feels like
                                                          if not with your own feet?
                                                                 It may be hard,
but in the end you’re smarter than the reckless and
                                                                                                                                       braver than the timid.

                                                                   Life is like an ocean.
Formatted for the computer, so sorry if it looks weird(er than it should).
Carsyn Smith Jul 2013
Take this red ribbon and tie it to a tree
this is how I'll know you always think of me.

Take a silver string and tie it to your bedside
this is how I'll know you never lied.

Take the charcoal cloth and tie it to a light pole
this is how I'll know you want me for my soul.

Take this blue band and wrap it around my greatest fear
this is how I'll know you wanted to catch my every tear.

Take a thistle tread and drape it over my greatest dream
this is how I'll know you always supported my crazy scheme.

You've given me reasons to pause
make me believe again in what was
Take these fabrics and show me I was wrong
I have to make sure I can still bring you along.
Carsyn Smith Jul 2013
the darkness is my blanket
as i sit alone cold and broken
in the silence of falling tears
there is a blue light that drowns me
coating me in a false tranquility
unable to rest
the dead raising from their graves
coming after me
haunting me
suffocating me with boney talons
the claws rake at my skin
leaving it lacerated and raw
red tears running along blue tears
until im bleeding blue and crying red
and even though the darkness is my blanket
i shiver and shake
i fear and tremble
i bleed and cry
i feel no tranquility
so long as the dead haunt me.
Carsyn Smith Jul 2013
and when the sun rises,
a red sky
a red sun
shining red rays
on the rivers of blood that scatter
the field of delicate flowers.
and bodies litter the grass
showered in red dawnlight
like drops of rain on dry concrete.
and we're there - you and me  
we're under the pile,
near the bottom,
because we were the first to fall.
Carsyn Smith Jul 2013
Don't tell me I was born to be something,
Don't tell me I need to be this prophecy,
Because there's no way I could ever be.
Don't tell me to be someone else,
Don't tell me to change,
Because there's no way it's going to happen.
Don't tell me there's a path for me to follow,
Don't tell me I'm a puppet for God to play with,
Because I make my own future.
The only thing you could possibly know,
Is the fact that some day I will die.
As soon as you label me,
You fence me in.
Don't tell me I'm to be something,
Because I'm already me.
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