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 Jul 2011 C C Brossi
DJ Thomas
Eye lashes flicker
a shared urgent interest
parting - dancing smile

copyright© 2010
 Jul 2011 C C Brossi
Smile !
 Jul 2011 C C Brossi
Stop trying to be perfect,
There's no reason to be worried
Everybody has a defect,
Everybody is a bit stupid.

Stop listening to those people
Who say you're not worth it,
They're just trying to hurt your soul,
Trying to **** your spirit.

Stop hiding your face
Under so much foundation,
Dark circles will not be erased,
It won't bring you admiration...

Stop everything. Just live. Just love.
Do something you like to do,
It will become all you can think of.
Don't let anything stop you.

Smile, because life is amazing,
And because you want to be happy
Smile, just spread your wings,
And be who you want to be.

Think about all those people around you,
Who think you are special
Think that their love is so true,
And that's why life is magical.

You have so many things to live for,
Smile, because you want to be someone,
And because you want to do more
Smile, because you want to be a free man.

*Smile. Life is beautiful.

— The End —