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4.9k · Feb 2014
Society Ruined
Buzz Feb 2014
The end is becoming clearer
Disaster is spreading wider above areas
The time of joy is finally a closure
Society has lost it's power

War is rumbling, errupting in any second
Mother nature is crying, deforestation at it's worst
Earth is collapsing, balance is thrown off
Peace is dying, anarchy starts rising up

The leaders become corrupted
The idiots become famous
The truth-tellers become executed
The innocents become jobless
You know what I'm talking about
4.4k · Jan 2014
Damn you are gorgeous
Buzz Jan 2014
Yes, you are gorgeous
Makes me love drunk all day
How you are gorgeous you asked?
Words can't even give a brief explanation

Your gorgeousness
Is beyond this world
Something I never seen
Never to be detected in the milky way
Deflecting every radio waves

Your gorgeousness
Is something that cannot be seen
By the naked eye
Reflecting every traces of light
Causing internal reflection
Forming rainbows around the sky

Your gorgeousness
Is poison
Kills me inside and out
Accelerates the drums of my heartbeat
Nearing me to my dear grave

Yes, you are gorgeous
Can it be true?
I'm not sure if it is affecting everyone else
But, I guarantee you
I have fallen head over heels for you
4.3k · Feb 2014
Roses and violets spin-off
Buzz Feb 2014
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Candies are sweet
But not as sweet as you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Candies are junkfood
So, it is unhealthy for you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Too much of 'you'
Diabetes may take due

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Eventhough you are sweet
Doesn't mean I have fallen for you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
There are many fishes in the ocean
And ***** animals in the zoo

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I prefer bread than candy
At least they give me more energy for the business I do

Roses are red
Violets are blue
If you haven't notice
I'm done of you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Love is a complicated mystery
To solve it, there is no clue
3.9k · Jan 2014
The Outsider Of Everything
Buzz Jan 2014
Is nothing but a partner of mine
Seldomly, I feel needed
While the public pour their sweat on the corridor
I am alone thinking to myself
That I am an Outsider

As I am by society
Rejecting the idealogy of mine
Thinking that it is old fashioned
Whilst the world strive for change
Isn't the suggestion a change for the better?
That I am an Outsider

By all degree of mankind
They judge a book by not looking at it's content
But by it's colourful cover
The shallowness of theirs
Truly runs a trivial in my mind
That is why
That I am an Outsider

But I don't care
3.6k · Feb 2014
Hey girl with the veil
Buzz Feb 2014
Hey there
Girl with the veil
Eventhough you cover yourself with a scarf
Your inner beautiness radiates through it
Displaying the real you
Without any other distractions

Hey there
Girl with the veil
You are not shy to voice out your feelings
Even with that hijab
It doesn't mean you are timid
The speculations of the ******
Makes it harder for you to go on
But you don't care

Hey there
Girl with the veil
You seem to have been writing poems
Hopeless romantic ones lately
Is your heart lost?
If you need any help
I can help you to find directions again
Dedicated to the girls wearing veils
2.2k · Mar 2014
Buzz Mar 2014
Shroud of sunsets
blankets the eye
Tombs of tiredness
Dwelve inside
From all the efforts
Lighting the path
That no one dares
To even sneak a peek

"I don't care"
Said the commoner
For I have faith
And hope to follow
As these combined
Can mould the world
From a shattered piece
To something that lingers

Sweat sips
From the knuckles of the fighter
As he respirates for glory
Surely, a mountain of burden
Is carried on his collapsing shoulder
The face of his is pale
Fear of the future
Nevertheless, he is resilient

Days come and go
Seasons change
Friends made and forgotten
Age gained

Today, I stand to you
To tell you a tale
Of the man of will
To never be extinguish
For he has achieved
For what he had begone for
A dream of his
That no one seems to believe
Buzz Jan 2014
I hit a mosquito using my head
It's no big deal
The mosquito was a nuisance
So my head will fit the bill
My head is decorated in red
Due to the blood that splattered
I never knew that a head
could make a mosquito's body tatter

Now I grasped the full definition
To use your head in every situation
My hands were forging art
so I couldn't separate them apart
So a head of mine will do
"Take that mosquito, f@#k you!"
So, that's the end of it
"This incident will make a great poem", I think

Thus a whimsical tale between me and you
And yeah, it is true.
hahahaha  :D
1.6k · Jan 2014
The Polluted World
Buzz Jan 2014
Waking up seems like a futile effort to me.
To be in this realm, such a pity for all mortals.
As to one day, all of them will suffer the fate
of the unlucky ones.

Oh, how the world is polluted nowdays.
Mayhem, mayhem, and more mayhem.
Corruption, bloodbaths and destruction
for the race to see which is the alpha-male.
In the end, it is the survival of the most deceitful.

In the end, I am still on my bed.
My bones ache while my muscles creak.
Waking up is still a futile effort to me.
Sheilding from the disasterous world using my comfy blanket,
seems like a good idea.
But, if all of us were to slumber,
than who will straighten things out?

I arise and go,
to face the polluted world.
There, my legacy awaits
as another **** sapien.
That will uphold the truth
as all if us are responsible,
of how polluted the world is.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Casanova poem
Buzz Jan 2014
....your fined-tuned beauty
As if a goddess has been reincarnated
to an embodiment as yours
The way your lushious hair is displaced by the wind
And aligned in a perfect mess after settling down
The eyes of yours, as if they were two ponds
under a full lunar beam
reflecting mysteries into my heart
Your eyelashes are like the grass
surrounding the fathomless pond
covered with glimmering droplets of dew
to complement the eyes of yours
Your face, a mark of true beauty
which signifies your pure heart
And a smile of yours
from your mesmerising lips
can make any mens' day
Your laugh
gigling in shyness
was a habit for you
but it was and will always wil be
The humility of yours
was too much
It was just, so wrong to see such a humbled woman
Your humility defeated me

When you are drowning with sadness,
I will be there to rescue you from the horrendous flood
When you are eaten by depression
I will be the one to pull you back up
from the belly of the beast.
When you are cold, alone and lost
I will the Sun to provide you warmth
I will the lustering light to guide you
I will be the one to be by your side

(Insert name here), you truly are the one that I want to look after.
Just some romantic poem I had created. Do try on somebody, haha
1.5k · Jan 2014
Small Things
Buzz Jan 2014
I am cursed as a thinker
To be wandering in the cerebrum
That in every small detail
Comes a big issue
To believe that something small
Could possibly erupt the earth
Is something extraordinary
That grasped my deep attention

A pebble
Could build mountains
A microorganism
Could cause infections
A bullet
Could **** a person
And a speech
Could win the hearts of millions

I'm stuck here for eternity
Thinking quietly
Though I am a cursed thinker
The wisdom in my soul constantly becomes deeper
Maybe one day, I'll share my wisdom with the world
That even a speck of dust, there is so much to behold
Buzz Jan 2014
I remembered the days
We use to gaze upon each other
Under the lit sky
of fireworks and explosions
Your touch used to electrify me
As I was shy
Yes, I was
And we shared our laughters
As no one knows about us
And we shared our tales
Of love and desires
To the extend
That we are more than friends

I remembered the time
When I got that call to far away
A place not known to us
As you found out
Your heart was flooded with tears
As mine withstand the horrendous emotion
And as you let your body collapse to mine
A meaningful hug was grasped towards each other
And our feelings are poured
Into a goblet we cherish together

Now, seems like to only medium to converse
is with the social network of the almighty internet
We text message at twilight
Send emojis during the afternoon
And shared video calls when the sun sets fully
Eventhough we never see each other face to face
Our heart will always be together
1.3k · Jan 2014
How Bold
Buzz Jan 2014
Oh, how bold of you,
How bold of you to come out from your luxury nest.
How bold of you to be strutting your glitterful feathers,
down the aisle near the polluted lake.  
How bold of you to be tricking people,
with the exotic sounds from your beak,
and your hypnotic patterns on your feather coat.

In fact, your boldness eludes me to be thinking,
What is boldness?
To be this critic thinking, I must not.
As to this bold creature.
Let it be known to 'it' by 'it'self,
that one day,
that boldness will fade away.
1.2k · Feb 2014
I write poems not tragedies
Buzz Feb 2014
A word for a new episode
The way the neo-world behaves
Submitting into odd cultures
Where else everything abandoned gathers dust
"Tragedies" they say
What we write
Nonetheless, I felt shame
Shame for the present generation

All is lost
None is found
A shimmering light couldn't possibly save a couldron
Which is rusted black
And soot gathers within
but we incorperated with it
Trivial indeed
The minds of modern replicates the lost
No miracle is left to salvage
And dreams are left as fairytales

Decipher of you will
The tragedy I unfold
For I have resolve to nothing
The time packed for us is tightening
And bodyparts are left bound
Sad indeed, to them they say
"You write tragedies, yawn....."
For I write poems, not tragedies
1.1k · Jan 2014
The Fighter
Buzz Jan 2014
Sweat gushes from the streams on the skin
The mind starts spinning in an endless frenzy
Giving up, is that the final option?
No, there must be another way

To be here
On the holy podium
Has become a perilous journey
of blood and pain
And to be giving up
Is an enormous waste
The sacrifice that had to be taken
is too much.
The people that are counting on me
their hopes
their tears
their time
all for me
yet, giving up?

My mind is set
Facing the foe is mandatory
The knowledge that is bestowed by my master
The courage bestowed by the loved ones
And the power obtained through training,
I believe,
no, I KNOW
is sufficient
is enough
for this hurdle

I wipe my sweat aside
Bury my worries with hope
Focus has become a companion of mine
Memories starts flooding my conscience
And with the might of many souls praying for me
With the promises I kept
the coup de grâce is delivered
with all the bets counting for it.

That was a reminiscence of mine
Now, I sit by the side lines
Watching my prodigy fighting out
As I have become a master
Who was once a fighter
And will always will be.
988 · Nov 2015
A little minty
Buzz Nov 2015
Dusty & cheesy
Poems that are poured by yours truly
Rhyming to the brink of uncertainty.

Well, tainted hearts love company
Especially, one such as thee
I'll wipe the dust away
With mayhem and glee.

What can I say?
Writing drags me away
No need for **** or ecstacy
Save them for crackheads in the alley.

Did I improved?
Did I journeyed?

Just less cheesy
A little bit more minty
Buzz Feb 2014
A true stranger
Bedazzling in your mysteriousness
One could wonder the secrets you tombed in
The taste of a new world? Perhaps?
Or just another common jewel
Being traded frequently at the market

The air you give in
Exotic, really
The colours you draw in
Flows with uniqueness
But the way you sway
The way you mingle
Limited to certain
Could it be?

Well, that's just great
The beauty of an angel
But her pompousness is in the way
A bitter taste to a delectable cake
A mighty spoil to a great scenery
Perhaps I been aiming high
Time to start from the bottom again
870 · Jan 2014
The Mighty Fall
Buzz Jan 2014
The awakening of an empire
ruthless and almighty
The coming of a king
Whose heart is condemned with evil
and the selfishness of his ways
knows no boundary.

The land that is cared most by the people
is leeched by the dictator
The energy of the youth
is harnessed for prosperity
and there is no hope there
than a miniscule of humanity.

A hero rises from the valley
to whom that he seek
The tyrant of the kingdom
who is infamous in many degree
to **** him is a must
so that justice will be upholded
and so that peace will return
to the valley of the forgotten

For the ne'er-do-well, he knows
For his sorcerers had prophecise
that one day a vivid light
will destroy the darkness that thrives
So he had gather up the best of his men
to strike terror to the hearts of millions
in hopes that maybe
they will finally get rid of them.

So a battle had burst out
between good and evil
one fights for rightiousness
and one fights for corruption
in the end one shall stand
and one shall fall
but to the despair of everyone
lives will be drawn

No sacrifice, no glory
That's how the saying goes
as the war is finally over
the king did not show
for he had flee to somewhere else
T'is a lesson to all
That surely, when there is a great rise
There must be a mighty fall
869 · Jan 2014
Hmmm.... pancakes
Buzz Jan 2014
Ah, some good old fresh pancakes
So fluffy and chewy
A nice meal like that
Gives a joy to start the day

Some eggs to be cracked
A cup of flour or two
A chilling pour of milk
And a pinch of salt to give the woo

Blend some banana with the batter
And then cooking starts on the hot pan
Give em' nice and crispy
and don't burn them if you can

The stack has been done
Now it's time for the grand eating
The glazing honey flows lazily
On the butter that starts oozing

A stab with the fork counts an ending to the pancakes
To be eating them makes my heart ache
As to such beauty to come with such a simple dish
Well, time to fulfill my belly's wish
717 · Jan 2014
Buzz Jan 2014
Is all that is seems is true?
Surely, the world is full of deception.
Life must have a place to hold
A religion plays it's role
Moulding the damaged world with truth

Is is said that it is corrupted with terrorism
So to be fair, some of us went astray from the teaching.

But don't be fooled by the corrupted medias
Especially the one that tries to tear us
Alas, we are resilient
Undivided, we shall stand
Thick and thin, we hold hands
In the world where trickery plays it's demise
For you people, please realized
Unknown to you, yes we are
Learn about us, and the history so far.
If I were to offend any side, then I deeply apologize. Just some words I want to express.

ps. Try looking at the first letters of each line.
692 · Feb 2014
Runaway romance
Buzz Feb 2014
A little hug
On this speeding jeep
Would surely soothen the heart of a man
Who just commit a risk never to be taken
Adrenaline pouring on the veins

A light stroke
At the hair between the ear
Would provide enough serenity for a girl
To give it all for love
For they are at the deserted highway

The couple move along
Nothing will stop them
For love conquers all
In anxiety, they perish the to be-regretted
And hone together their hopes
For their future, they'll fight together
689 · Jan 2014
A typical poem these days
Buzz Jan 2014
An intro which starts with a dramatic entry
An outburst of prologue will do the trick
suspensely reveals the theme of the literacy
A sudden emotion starts devouring

Sadness, a great weapon of the typical poet
The emoish feeling is spun into small fibrous pieces
And it is scattered everywhere
The tales from fragile broken heart
The melody from the failed dreams
The rhymes that accompanied the tears in the bedroom
Dark and Depressed
A dash of sorrow
A tiny hint of regret
A spoonful full of hope

Abstract sentences created mindlessly
"howl of heart in a burning forest where the greyish sky pours acid to the pavement"
Words spreaded meaninglessly
"To beyond I listen stars collide eternal nightmare"
Emotions flow out endlessly

An ending is crested on the blank
After all is poured out
Awaits for another day
To compile the emotion inside the chest
To be released ragingly
A typical poet
629 · Jul 2014
Those Who Reigned
Buzz Jul 2014
Along came the roof,
the shelter those who dreamt weak
for we are always dominant
throughout history, as so we thought.

Ours were exceptional
The sway and fway of the legends
Thou it might seem
We were still full of 'weak'
As that oppose our original codex.

Someday, defeat is inevitable
The taste that all is to receive
But our desire is constant
Never to be dimmed
The will to protect what's right
The strength to preserve the might.

If we were to be dictators, forgive us
As that oppose our original codex.
600 · Mar 2014
Hell yeah I am
Buzz Mar 2014
Take a long view towards the gesture of mine
See what it is to unfold
My hands clenched as my spirit grows
Doubting things never a option
A fool, an idiot, a loser
For I have many infamous callings
Tho none of them were true
Still, they drove me with confidence
Locking memories of mockeries into my heart
Let it be known to them
That I don't give f@#k
Overflowing confidence, perhap?
Nah, that doesn't resemble me
For modesty is my policy
But I will tell you this
That I am what I (*******) am.
Released lot of stress writing this crap
575 · Jan 2014
Death of the poet
Buzz Jan 2014
When I'm gone
Incinerate the literacy I have created
Spread the dust on my poor grave
Or throw it in the pacific ocean or somewhere
So that I may see
The world start a revolution
Without my help

When I'm gone
Make sure to keep my identity
Never tell them the death of me
For I am afraid
For that I would become famous
After I die
Synonym to other ancient poets

When I'm gone
The world will surely succumb to chaos
Bury me deep into the ground
Deep as you can
So that my body won't be harm
By bombs and explosions
And will decay properly
Wills of the poet
Buzz Feb 2014
Elegance, is it?
For me to address you dearly
Surely, you felt my heart pouring for you
But 'respond'?
Meh, lazy as you are

Harmony plays together
Illusions form in dark matter
A succubus like you
Tears men heart out apart

Meh, my reply back to you
For what goes around, comes around
Are you not green in envy?
Are you hiding your face?

You deserted me
Yet, you want to mend it up
May light guide you
Purify, if you may

Tho, you may be a sting in the ****
You designated arrow truly aimed for my heart
The slyness of yours is truly cunning
For a she-beast who has an appetite for gentlemen

For now, I left it empty
For my cup is always half-full
Unlike the ego of yours
The Orochi of the west

Babbles in the likeliness of mine
Of the way you strut and fret
But fear not as no grudge is hold
For I am a guy that is bold

You are crashing
But you are no wave
A title in the simplest matter
For a woman like you to behave
523 · Jan 2014
Hello Poetry
Buzz Jan 2014
Through the internet
I see with my square telescope
The world of feelings
Which I discovered

Though these emotional chant
Actually expresses art.
But, only with a sharp eye
Can one know whether it is art or feelings

One can wonder
With emotions
Art is summoned
So to the theory
That art is a work of feelings
Played together with a specific medium
To display a unique melody.

Thus, the works of this world intrigues me
So I join in the ritual
Because in every feeling
Has it's own unique melody.
520 · Jan 2014
The Writer
Buzz Jan 2014
As the writers hands shrivel,
His sharp pen glistens due to the night light of his,
In his mind, words start mumbling and dancing,
As if those trying to turn him mad,
But, in the reaction of his face, he looks calm and serene.

As the pen touches the surface of soon-to-be-masterpiece,
the ink drips from it, shaping the art to be desired.
One by one, the creativity is carved onto the paper,
that will strike inspiration into the hearts of millions,
While in fact, his real attention was just to amuse himself.

As the Magnum Opus finally takes it's form,
the writer sigh in relieve, releasing a thousand-years burden.
And, as his work finally being recognized by mankind,
he continues sitting on his chair, raising his pen,
and creating another work of art.
516 · Dec 2015
I hope you do
Buzz Dec 2015
I know you might not read this
But I'd still write it for you
Though it might be straight from the heart
But you better bet it's true

You are a blossoming spring morning
Littering the streets with bouquets
Chilling the atmosphere
A refreshing misty wind
With a breahtaking view

You are a flowing river
In the midst of a calm meadow
You lushed with greens
And sparkled with pureness

You are the silent moon
Greeting people
With that heartful lunar light
A stunning monument
In the lone starry night

I know you might not read this
But I hope you do
It's just another cheesy poem
From me
To you
512 · Nov 2015
Of lectures and assignments
Buzz Nov 2015
Little by little
Shadow engulfs the weary soldier
As the dark drapes hide the light
The senses onced sharp
The focus once once intense
The confidence once large

As the head nods unconsciously
in succeeding rhythmic locomotion
Dozes the student
From the horrendous boringness
As the teacher shuts
the dusty only-once usage textbook closed
Marks the end of the informative torture
Awakens the knowledge searcher
From his unexpected quick slumber

Thus came night
For the student to do the task obtained
Little did he know
Not a single knowledge was gained
486 · Jan 2014
Folie à deux
Buzz Jan 2014
Is not my fault that I'm a maniac
As time goes by, my mental conscious seems to fade
The memories that have accompanied the lyrics so far
......What a catch

Are we growing up, or just going down?
I remembered the time that we used to be alone together
Now, where did the party go?
I know I'm halfed-doom and you're semi-sweet
But sugar, we are still going down swinging

So, douse yourself with cheap perfume
Because I will raise you back like a phoenix
Eventhough I got troubled thoughts and a self-esteem to match
I promised you anything for another shot at life
For all the times we had together
.......Thanks for the memories
Tribute to Fall Out Boy. This is made by a bunch lyrics from their songs.
415 · Feb 2014
Buzz Feb 2014
Out, out, brief candle?
Nay, might i say
For a life left unfinished
Is not the glamorous finale for my final chapters

To me, an ending of mine will never exist
The saga will continue infinitely
By my predecessors, by my heirs
The legacy must go on

A story of what might you ask?
Drama, romance, comedy and horror
All shaken, not stirred
An epic 'epic', between you and me
A story of a man who shakes the world

— The End —