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buckettears Jul 2019
Her parents used to fight.
She looked forward to school
Dreaded the weekend
People thought she was a fool

When they had to move
She didn't say anything
She really didn't want to
Give up everything

They moved to a new place
She had a fresh start
A clean slate
But it still broke her heart

She wanted to go back
Back to the morning she was born
And erase all the memories
So that she didn't have to mourn

She remembers that day
Where the terrible news came
There was an earthquake
And she recognised all the names

They were her friends
The ones that made her feel loved
But now they were watching her
From up above

She wanted to go back
To grieve with the remaining few
But her parents refused
And she didn't know what to do

She gave up talking
She gave up eating
Until she was bruised
Scarred and bleeding

She tried to get help
Her parents thought
She was just trying to get attention
And so they fought

They had fought before
But never this bad
She couldn't help
She felt so sad

She thought
There was only one way out
So she…experimented
With a knife she played about.
buckettears Jul 2019
It hurt her when you
Kicked her out of the house
For being *****
For being too 'vulnerable'

You knew it wasn't her fault
That she was pregnant
But you failed to accept
And isolated her instead

Gave her exactly the opposite
Of what she needed
She had suffered
Way more than you did

But you still
Kicked her out
And then kicked yourself later
When she died on the streets

She had suffered
At the hands of
The man who wanted her
And then the man who failed to want her

The second man was you.
She needed your love
She needed your advice
She needed you as a father

But you failed.
buckettears Jul 2019
How on earth do I say I feel happy,
When I can feel the chains pulling me down.
I'll tell everyone that I'm ok.
That I just need time to myself.

To tell myself that they're gone.

I try my best and look like I'm fine,
But when no one's watching, I crack.
Surrounded by my tears,
They form a pool around me.

I need to tell myself that they're gone.

I remember the day when they came home,
With my little sister,
My world was complete.
And I had the best family.

But now they're gone.

Now all I have is my baby sister,
But I miss them so much….my darling parents.

They're really gone.
buckettears Jul 2019
Dear life,
It hurts when my "friends" call me names.
It hurts when they steal my lunch, even though it's half an apple.
It hurts when they tear my torn bag off my body.
It hurts when they rip it apart into shreds.
It hurts when bullies punch me.
It hurts when they push me to the ground.
It hurts when they kick me.?It hurts when I go home.
It hurts when I climb into the bed.
It hurts when I hear Dad coming back.
It hurts when I know he's probably robbed someone.
It hurts when I hear the screams.
It hurts when I know I can't do anything about it.
It hurts when I try to do something about it.
It hurts when I see my bruises.
It hurts when I see my mother's bruises.
It hurts when I see my sister's bruises.
It hurts when I know that they aren't getting the life that they deserve.
It hurts when I think about giving them the life that they deserve.
It hurts when I try to give them the life that they deserve.
It hurts when I see Dad hitting my mother.
It hurts when I see Dad hitting my sister.
It hurts when Dad hits me.
It hurts when I think about the life I had.
It hurts when I think about the life I have.
It hurts when I think about ending this life.
It hurts when I think about leaving my mother and my sister.
It hurts when I think.
It hurts when I dig the knife into my arm.
It hurts when I feel the drops of blood dripping from my ***** arm.
It hurts when I take the gun off the shelf.
It hurts when I check the bullets.
It hurts when I point it at my head.
It hurts when I put my index finger on the trigger.
It hurts when I pull the trigger.
A girl who knows hurt like the back of her hand.
buckettears Jul 2019
Is it fun to live,
To survive, to thrive.

To have a happy life,
With a wife.

Maybe children,
A home to live in.

Friends who laugh,
Who are your better halves.

A job to keep you happy,
You do it gladly.

Is it fun?

How would I know,
I live on the streets of Chicago.

Pulling my weight,
No one can relate.

I'm just another teenager,
Roaming the streets - it's nothing major!

People assume I have a family,
And stroll by casually.

They don't stop and ponder,
Why this girl is on the street I wonder.

So no.

I don't know if it's fun to live,
To survive, to thrive.

Or to have a happy life,
Because tonight, I'm going under the knife.
buckettears Jul 2019
You are the lullaby,
That sings me to sleep each night.

You are the lullaby,
I hum after every fight.

You are the lullaby,
That stays strong,

You are the lullaby,
No one can do you wrong.

You are the lullaby,
That stands…not falls

You are the lullaby,
That stands and stands tall.

You are the lullaby,
Putting me to sleep,

You are the lullaby,
That inspired me to leap.

You are the lullaby,
I sang to my kids.

You are the lullaby,
I sang to my grandkids.

You are the lullaby,
Soft but strong,

You are the lullaby,
You are my song.
buckettears Jul 2019
I'm free as a bird,
But I will never fly.
Why is everything blurred,
Why, just why?

I remember the days,
Warm and sunny,
Back when we used to play,
And find everything funny.

We would laugh and laugh,
Make jokes out of everything.
You were my other half.
Now we're nothing.

Sitting on the log,
There in the bush,
Surrounded by the fog,
People want me to push.

I give everything up,
Forget and move on,
It's all messed up,
And everyone's gone.

No supportive 'hey',
No caring shoulder to cry on,
Everything's grey,
Even the dawn.

Is it really worth it,
Moving on when all are pushing,
Will I ever fit,
Where everyone's heading.

Am I just waiting,
For some kind of sign,
To tell me something,
That everything was fine?

I'm free as a bird,
But I will never fly,
Everything is blurred,
And now I'm saying goodbye.
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