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Feb 2021 · 96
ian Feb 2021
She is the one who wore long skirts with socks and birkenstocks
She is the one who danced to Grateful Dead
She is the one you hear adventures about and say, “What? That does not sound like something she would do!!”
She is the one that has the shoulder you can cry on
She is the one who will take you to the store at 10 pm at night to get supplies for a project that She said not to procrastinate
She is the one that you never want to admit is right, but usually is
She is the one you can spill your guts out to without being judged
She is the one who you can wake in the middle of the night because you can't sleep because you are nervous for a test
She is the one who lets you play hookie and go shopping when you don't feel like getting up
She is the one who helped me do everything for three months
She is the one who I strive to be like someday
She is the one who will help you do everything
She is the one who will take care of you
She is the one who I will take care when I am her age
She is Mom.
This was inspired by my mum, she is always there for me and here to listen!! Love u mum! Hope you all enjoy

— The End —