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Bryn Dawes Jun 2015
The heaven’s open and they’re crashing down on me,
Raining words that I’d once spoken long ago,
Heaven’s broken and there’s nowhere left for me, to go,
Reigning kings will light the way and fall forever into shadow,
The darkest side of man that no one really knows

Light keeps the darkness alive,
Opposites and similarities collide,
The genius and the madman coincide,
Brothers standing side by side,
Brothers falling side by side

Watch without any hands and you tell me it’s my time,
Tying the bounds around the shackles in my mind,
Watch the light fall and the dark begin to rise,
Tying last and first in the race of our demise

Light keeps the darkness alive,
Opposites and similarities collide,
The genius and the madman coincide,
Brothers standing side by side,
Brothers falling side by side
Bryn Dawes May 2015
“Sing of love, my dear”,
You beg and plead,
“For you write so sweet of melancholy,
Now, I must hear of the beauty in beauty itself,
So sing of love, sing of us, my dear”,
The thing you want you already know, my love,
Though you do know of the light but linger in shadows hesitantly,
You can know nothing of a flower until you see it wilting in winter’s frost,
There is evil in love, and there is beauty in evil,
I ask of you, my love, to think on it differently

Love is lonely, absent or dying,
“You sing not of love, but of sadness, my dear,
I want to know of its beauty”,
You misunderstand love, my love, for it is nothing without the dark,
For the stars only burn brighter,
When night sky is empty but for sparkles of infinite wonder,
It is not dark, cold or hollow. Such are all things, especially love,
It is in the having lost, to lose or the losing of a thing that makes it beautiful,
Not whispers in secret at a lover’s grave,
Nor the clinging to life of a lover to save from that handsome Hell

I can write about love if you wish, my love,
But I do not know it, as you want it,
It is the wrinkles of an aged face I awake to every morn until you’re gone,
The cloudy eyes of blue I stare into until they’re reluctantly closed,
For it is the flaws in the thing that make it beautiful,
It is not the kiss met with warm soft lips,
But lips of cold clay as the casket door is closed forevermore,
Not the perfumed hair that catches your face in the wind,
But that of your locks that persist to hide in our bed,
It is the thunderous pound of your heart fighting time and fate,
The gentle touch of your fingers until they finally unclasp mine,
You being mine and knowing you are taken from me again,
I being yours and you knowing you were stolen from me,
We being one another’s and knowing we will be whole once more,
That is love, my love
That is love

But I don’t know what that is,
Not yet
Bryn Dawes Apr 2015
As I stood there,
Full of thoughts so thoughtlessly thinking,
Drinking deep with an inclination that I do not think was ever there before,
Though never there but seeming very real in my despair,
Unwittingly I stood there,
Sinking still forevermore

Wherever from I do not know,
Forlorn for far too long, long ago,
Labouring lonely on my own,
Finally finding some sort of sedate sedition,
At last some affinity with forever’s finite infinity

And, I do recognise the conflictions and oxymoronic oppositions,
But as such it is a necessary dereliction of definitive definitions,
And yet it all still makes so much sense to me,
Profanity in profound insanity,
What gravity

What gravity the vulgarity of these verbalising vultures voicing victorious vitality,
Before banality and such boring finalities,
Then suddenly one’s head grew heavy, hence and thus, dropped into dust,
Deep into the darkness ****** to which only few have ever been privy,
There lay the bust of Miss McHale

Though long pale and so frail in death’s derail of life’s long trail,
Beauty somehow still prevailed in such a sorry sickening tale,
In time long lost to those foreign and some still long mine,
Destined besotted are entwined,
In life and death we tumble and take turns to stumble into things we cannot perfectly define

Love, love was inclined to go through,
Adversities, I had to climb to try and find the only word for you,
A word that can only be mine and said once and really meant for you, that one time
To us that word will confine, but I cannot find,
Nor conform or confide in any known way to accurately represent my mind

Though sometimes that can be just fine,
That word can escape me, but you will still be mine,
And along with finite infinities,
There is the very possibility that we are something that just cannot be defined,
Although I do not understand it, you will still be mine

And yet you crave to climb that rail,
Atop a limousine after your tumble through an Empire’s gale,
States of life try to live on in death but always fail,
As blood runs still and last breathe exhales,
Though immortalised now evermore prevailed,
In beauty and brutality ultimately availed,
The immortal end of the ever humble Miss McHale
Bryn Dawes Apr 2015
I have seen the boy tear at the stitches his shadow sowed,
You are an old man who I have neither a need, nor a want of anything,
I have seen lungs gasp for air while the stupid ******* drowned you,
Hidden in the Old Mill, left to drink Complan and ***** nightmares,
I have seen your mother dying whilst she was making the children sandwiches from her bed,
The Lost Boys forgot, grew old and had Lost Boys of their own,
I have seen you try to fly from the world which is now on your shoulders, whilst the eagle circles in the sky you dreamt of,
The storm of madness continually crashes against our walls of concrete and imagination,
I have seen failure after successive failure wave to me from those eyes,
A father and a husband locks himself alone when the sentiment kicks his guts,
I have seen a head wrenched back to the barrage of pills and pain by wretched Ephialtes and his like,
Running from the hospital because they want more blood,
I have seen you scared, naked and drinking toilet water,
Everything went blue and time slowed down in riotous Belfast,
I have seen ****** and *****

We nursed our bruised bodies and mutinous minds from themselves,
I have seen late night talks of tears but freeing none whilst brooding on Dundee benches,
You misunderstand my intentions but I do not blame you,
I have seen petrified thoughts begging for company, abandoned to fight the lonely nights,
In dark rooms full of empty Coke cans and never-to-be-used condoms,
I have seen the miscarried baby and the aborted foetus and I have wept in secret over dreams of their lamented birthdays,
Prodigies of stardust and walking infinity,
I have seen a baby boy born into dyslexia, depression and death,
Reflections meander on the television with maddened eyes and religious fists,
I have seen the bite marks on my own arms as Fenrir knaws at his chains,
Graveyard whispers cry of Elliott Smith and James Dean,
I have seen the suicide note torn into pieces, but put aside ready to be glued back,
My brothers Icarus, Atlas and Prometheus all shake their heads in dismay,

I have seen friends and strangers and imagined all lives unlived,
Felt every tear I have not cried, cried every tear I have not felt,
I have seen the life that will never be and thereby choose not to live,
Sing a requiem for futures lived,
In the present now passed into the past,
I have seen prison bars,
I have seen closing doors without handles, hinges or keyholes,
I have seen the invisible voice,
I have seen beaten tracks leading nowhere,
I have seen blue eyes stare back from the abyss,
As soon as see me, gone,
I have seen forests of my mind burning,
I have seen the scorched mattress,
I have seen a lifeline on your wrist dying to live,
I have seen Ragnarok,
I have seen too much and felt not enough,
Though I could bear no more

Holy Trinity of death, divorce and debt,
Haunt the adult-minded children,
Manifest the shroud of sorrow around you,
As if a shield of darkness unto all light,
My legs are not yet buckled but do sink with every blinded step,
I have seen words upon pages but not felt the anguished breath slap me as you scream them in my face,
I have seen everything and nothing, that which has and has not,
I have seen things never to have been, be,
I have seen things never to have happened, happen,
I have seen a woman **** for feelings that never come,
I have seen her undress me with her stare and then blink,
I have seen a forgotten man escape his crazed mind by losing it,
I have seen him in love with ghosts that are not dead,
I have seen children fading from photographs that do not exist,
I have seen them lost in a Neverland that never was,
I have seen; now please let me see no more, not ever,
Now I am lost,
Now I have seen enough,
Please no more, not ever,
I have seen enough.
I have seen enough.
Bryn Dawes Nov 2014
The whispered cry of a lonely man
Reverberating eyes with stars around the walls stare at unknown clutching hands
Through these desperate nights of violent quiet
Nothing to the left in me is left of me but at least it’s now silent
To feel a thing of mine so perfect become someone else’s is to not want to feel at all
I found a house of possibilities and all you did was put up all these walls
To the right of me is a girl that seems more nothing than the nothing itself
In the darkness of daylight the glancing blows of affable screams demand that you show yourself
In a place with a face I hate to love, mother emits tender screams whilst we sleep
I am not here even when she is because she was never mine to keep

A perfect painting ruined by maddened men with their selfish brushings
I saw the first strokes and have had to watch her become tarnished with childish rubbings
Though beautiful some may call it, its layers peel after time
It is not what I knew it to be and therefore it is no longer mine
To see a thing of mine so perfect become vandalized is to not want to see at all
The incessant shadows and lowly intellectuals insist she always crawls
This darkness and aged ******* take pieces and replace them with ***** of their sodden pages in her hair
You lie next to me but we are both blinded by your mirror you insist was never there
There is medicine for our disease but you will not take it without a guilty kiss,
I will give you what is left of my working pieces to try and fix you from all of this

To believe you are dying in your life when you are living your own death is not an existence
Reason gives reasons and I hear them but I know no sense in sense
So I will lay here with my perfect nothing
Give to you all the things you were supposed to have been
To hear a thing of mine once so true now fall apart is to not want to hear at all
With my tools you can keep my stars in your eyes but close them so that they shall never fall
I will become the nothing, the living death I had to take from you and start the end to begin
You can have the sounds of songbirds from my ears so in your darkest winters you can hear them sing of coming spring
Now the sound of your breathing I don’t recall and your face is nothing but that of a stranger
I roll over to my left and stare into a mirror you have put there that shows me a perfect painting I now can’t remember.
Bryn Dawes Oct 2014
What’s your constitution mean in everything that you do?
I don’t know what it’s for or even if it’s true,
All you want is some restitution from institutions, but for whom?
Our thoughts become diluted when our language is all computed,
The echoes of an alien keyboard pounding don’t sound like music,
To me it is convoluted, your focus on who did or did not do it,
Now I’m not eating,
And I’m not sleeping,
And I’m not even thinking this all through,
All my everything’s are forever gravitating to and around you,
Breaking what’s already broken,
Fixing frozen feelings with a glue gun,
It won’t stick forever but open on up and see what you've become,
She needs you when she needs but when you need her she’s always gone,
It’s better being on your own,
It is better being,
It is better,
It is,
It is wrong
Bryn Dawes Aug 2014
You say that you bleed like the rest of us,
But I don’t need to hear you spill your guts,
To the voice on my answer machine,
I don’t know where to begin,
It’s the only thing you trust,
And I’ll delete every word but I still heard everything

Tell me everything,
Tell me everything that I despise,
Escalating problems you’re making,
Solving nothing just continually creating,
Destroying, defaming, disturbed and derailing,
Rain from sunny skies,
Lies upon lies,
The pain so quiet behind my dying, lying eyes

Forget everything,
Forget everything that I don’t want to hear,
I’m not listening,
I’m not anything to you my dear,
Stop ringing my phone,
I won’t answer, leave a message at the tone,
I’ll just delete it later,
I don’t want to hate her,
I just want to be alone

Tell me nothing,
Tell me nothing that I don’t want to know,
I have the answer you've forgotten,
Blurs, the slurs, the liquor, the strangers, all of it done for her,
Can’t rearrange or go back to how we were,
Always fallen leaves in this haunting autumn,
She says, “I have the answer to all your problems”,
I say “You don’t realize that you are all of them.”
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