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Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
I won’t lose you like I did with the countless others,
The truth moves in a way much akin to lies,
Before, in the days when lightning and thunder went to war,
And after light had left and the mountains all ran and fled to the shore

Losing teeth and carrying them with everything else inside,
Breaking legs are buckling under encumbrance long denied,
Sifting through the mist of an anarchic mind,
Reaching the sea, dive into the depths and see what I can find

The curtain falls around the amphitheater again,
The crowd boo and scream for more,
They don’t want it to end

Paintings flash and crash into my eyes,
I can’t help but to imprint my own strokes and to analyse,
Trapped in my own maze of rain soaked walls,
I think I’ve found the end and then the curtain calls

The curtain falls around the amphitheater again,
The crowd boo and scream for more,
The curtain falls around the amphitheater again,
They don’t want it to end
The curtain calls and so we start again
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Things in your head can’t be said in words,
You try and write them all down; it’s only making it worse,
Got to run away from you because you’re only making me hurt,
Every moment we’re close I always just end up on my knees in the dirt,
Now you,
Are the best,
That I,
Can do

Focus on the thought,
That I am here and not lost,
It takes a lot to make yourself a ghost and yet forgot,
Say things I don’t want, do things I can’t stop,
Make you hate who I am and become who I’m not,
Now you,
Are the test,
That I just,
Can’t do

Now the test is whether or not that you want it enough,
The boat isn’t sturdy and the seas can be rough,
Time to raise all the stakes and read all the bluffs,
This is the race that you run to try and fall in love,
Now you,
Are the best,
That I,
Can do

Now I think love this girl but she’s already left,
Just a bottle of ***** on the floor and her smell in my bed,
There’s something in my mind now I’m all at a loss,
Just I miss her in my head and a fissure in my heart,
Pain and pleasure both at once and I can’t tell them apart,
Now what,
Am I,
To do?

Now I’m looking half dead and you better believe,
That the words that you read are only meant to deceive,
I’m not who I am and that’s a hell of a relief,
Lost in a maze of dead ends and these ideas that I weave
Now you,
Are the best,
That I,
Can do,
And I,
Don’t know how,
To make you,
Love me,
Like I,
Love you
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Holds her hand on his head,
Strokes the scar made by pencil lead,
She rubs it out with her eraser lips,
Plugging holes in a sinking ship,
Why’d you let me go?
Thinking I am, your first mistake,
Accepting that, was the second that you made

I am broken, always have been,
You can't miss something you have never seen,
If you accept that you are already dead,
Then you can live a life without regrets,
Then you’ll reach the end alone in your bed,
With only your life you can’t wait to forget,
Why’d I let you go?
Thinking I am, your first mistake,
Accepting that, is one of many that I have made
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
He doesn’t play guitar,
He’s been told he cannot sing,
He doesn’t study art,
He wouldn’t know where to begin,
He doesn’t like reading much,
He don’t think the good guy should always win,
He doesn’t like playing judge,
He thinks no one’s guiltier than him,
He doesn’t believe in God,
He can’t think he’d be forgiven,
He doesn’t know what religion’s for,
He can’t even bare to read the hymns,
He doesn’t like how he talks,
He knows that they will not listen,
He doesn’t always speak his thoughts,
He tries not to have an opinion,
He doesn’t remember where he was,
He doesn’t remember where he has ever been,
He doesn’t miss you just because,
He doesn’t know that you are missing
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Oh dear,
We got another Mr Never-Here
Not another Mr Non-Existent-Never=Here

OK son,
Quit your tears,
It’s not living,
To live in fear,
And now did you hear what I just said to you?
Someday comes,
And you just disappear,
And no one’s missing,
Mr Never-Here,
If I wasn’t clear, you’re dead to me and there’s nothing more to do,
And nothing more to say,
Just run,
Just run away

OK son,
I’m so near,
But just so distant,
Insist it isn’t tears,
And now I’m not all ears and red is all I see,
Say you’re done,
Abandoned all these years,
In this instant,
Mr Non-Existent,
Think you’ve made yourself clear, I’m dead to you, just like my father was to me,
And I’ve nothing more to say,
I guess I’ll just run,
Just run away

Would you rather that I was never born?
And all your deeds undone?
Then all the pain could stop,
I’m just cut from the ***** cloth that I was torn,
Like father, sadly like the son
And so on spreads the rot
Oh dear,
We got another Mr Never Here
Another Mr Non-Existent-Never-Here,
Not another Mr Non-Existent-Never-Here
This is based on the idea that once you have one bad father that runs away from his patriarchal duty, then he is creating the potential for his son to continue that trend. My own relationship with my father is very good, I am one of the lucky ones.
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Cry upon my shoulder,
Whisper secrets in my ear

People talk about moving on,
Everyone wants to grow up fast,
Never look around at where it’s gone,
Forget about their past,
History is misery,
But misery don’t like company,
Misery’s just meant for me,
But that’s enough of that

I know that I can hold her,
Above the deepest of her fears

She talks about moving on,
She wants to move on fast,
Never looks around to see where I’ve gone,
Just an echo of her past,
Her history is misery,
And misery loves her company,
Her misery’s not meant for me,
And that is that

Cry upon my shoulder,
Whisper secrets in my ear,
I know that I can hold her,
Above the deepest of her fears,
But she don’t think I have the nerve,
After all, you accept the love that you think you deserve
I don’t think I have the nerve,
After all, you accept the love that you think you deserve
And you don’t deserve that misery
Inspired from watching The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Now what is it that you wanted to say?
You came all this way and, what, nothing at all?
Oh come on I really need a word or two,
A yes or no will surely do,
Nothing, nothing give me something please,
Now what is wrong with you?
I don’t want to fix you too,
Bricks build up a broken wall,
Smoke and tricks, push it and it’ll fall,
The old man’s throwing all his money,
At all the stupid issues,
No one sees he’s not all that funny,
No one frees his lovers,
No one’s looking at you brother
Take a look at your brother

Drinking, thinking and now,
What’s that stinking coming out his mouth?
I’ll say what you want to hear,
Here with me, now what is it dear?
And how much do I have to pay?
Something, something give me nothing you tease,
Take it now, make it all alright again,
My friend show me how to turn the light,
Back on inside my mind so I can see the way,
Around and find the memories of how I tried,
And failed time and time again,
Is this is the end?
No one hears the tears he sends down the line,
No one thinks he’s fine; he’s just like the others,
No one’s looking at you brother,
Everyone take a look at your brother,
Bet you’d wished you’d have bothered
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