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Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
I wear a ring of black upon my finger,
It’s always there to remind me

As the darkness descends around me,
And around you,
Time ticks by and I’m wondering,
What to do,
Without you,
And I’m all alone here waiting,
I still wait for you,
For you

I wear a ring of black on my finger,
It’s always there to remind me,
That I must always remember,
To close my eyes if I want to see

This emptiness takes hold where you should be,
With me,
Days go by and still I try to see,
You with me,
I’ll lock myself away and wait,
Wait for you,
For you

I wear a ring of black on my finger,
It’s always there to remind me,
That I must always remember,
To close my eyes if I want to see
To see but not hear your pleas,
Because I know I can do more

I will stop at nothing,
To bring you back to me,
I will stop at nothing,
I wasn’t ready for you to leave,
No, I will stop at nothing,
To bring you back to life and by my side the way it should always be

I wear a ring of black upon my finger,
It’s always there to remind me,
That I must always remember,
To close my eyes if I want to see,
To see but not hear your pleas,
Because I know I can do more,
Death is just a disease,
Every disease must have a cure
This is a tribute to The Fountain. One of my favourite films, though very confusing and layered in plot, the simple context is the love between a husband and wife. One which resonated with me.
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Losing a life I did not fully engross,
Comatose, dying and death seems so close,
But loathe, I live a lie so frankly grandiose,
Verbose and jocose in all manners morose,
Desperation froze,
No one arose to salute my muttered incantations,
To dispute my life through my imagination,
Though through my doting degradation,
I cling on frantically unto unknown exaltation,
Diving into my awaiting expiration,
Regretful inspiration,
Fictitious foundations set in neglect,
Direct forgetting of the very thing once most in need to protect,
Respecting the ideas, with which ones conscious yearns to dissect,
I wept,
Alone except with, or was I within, the dark,
Or was it with the darkness within,
No matter, therein,
It begins, I accepted in that dark,
The dark and the truth of all things,
All something’s whispered so quietly they could well be nothing’s,
Though those nothing’s more oft than not turn into something’s,
Somewhere between the two supposedly lies everything,
Everything lies to make a man,
A man hollow seeming whole,
Holes plugged until they take their toll,
A role in a life you know you stole,
But there is no one,
No one bearing in mind what I have done,
Please, someone to forgive my mistakes that make who I become,
Becoming the shadows reprobate, I cannot anymore outrun,
Become someone, known to no one and now long gone,
Long gone alone, finally where I belong,
Long gone disposed of, to where I feel destined,
Destination twisted as thoughts are infested,
Alone as questions are no longer requested,
Alone but at least not wrong in all my guessing,
Alone in the dark with the truth of all things
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
She’s picking red flowers from the garden meant for two,
Always in the dark, it’s a wonder anything ever grew,
I don’t know what to do with these medals that she leaves around,
Accolades of hate she wraps around her neck just like a noose,
Out of her lies she builds a pedestal to keep her off the ***** ground,
You’re your only competition and somehow you still always find a way to lose

Moaning out her stupid dreams into the night sky,
It’s an easy choice you just have to choose,
Doesn’t matter if he could be the one and only guy,
If he’s giving you abuse, leaving your mind all black and blue,
She knows what she must do, but cannot do

His words all start to fall from her mouth,
I fell into them all,
I can’t take it, now I think I’m going south,
You don’t have me, you don’t want me but I’ll still beg you, answer my calls

She’s picking up her clothes from the garden known by two,
In the dark there was a face that nobody knew,
They don’t know what to do with all her things lying in his room,
Surrounded by all her useless stuff that he can never use,
In misery and in weary memory he would always bloom

Growing his own garden out of broken fuses and temporary taboos,
Soil bed, blooded sheets, resting into pillows of damaged dreams,
Beer bottles, bottle caps and broken things that he still pursues,
Friendly faces and sweet something’s aren’t what they all seem,
Tear strained eyes and bite mark bruises are his biggest clues,
Leave him on his own he’ll be alright after a bit more *****,
The fact he was at the end of it all was just fun news,
Hiding behind his bars, please don’t feed the animal at the zoo

Her words all start to fall from his mouth,
He fell into them all,
He can’t take it, now he thinks he’s going south,
You don’t have him, you don’t want him, but he’ll still beg you, and you won’t answer his calls,
And you’ll just leave him in the garden where he will do what he must do,
Lying lonely, naked in the garden made by two,
He knows what he must to do,
Laying forever in the garden, forever thinking of you
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Over and over it rolls in my head,
Confetti confessions caught in the wind,
Written words spoken in a slurring slumber,
Reflect the conscience of the forgotten dead,
Crash into my soul and rescind,
My eyes are the doors to my blunders

Around and inside out I lay myself,
On a bed of regret I’m trapped by baying claws,
Darkness and shadows turn off the lights,
Reason watches from the self-aware shelf,
Wishing for wars and want away ******,
To keep me warm through the night

Up and under you want to dance,
Jokingly choke my mind of sense,
Whispering truths that echo like thunder,
Gifted your last and rotten chance,
Teetering on this suicidal fence,
How it could or should have been you can only wonder

Right and then left, left one bereft,
The one whom I was but never knew,
Who lost who he was and in turn lost the fight,
An assassin and thief with deadly deft theft,
Killed the one who begun and stole me away in two,
To keep me company through the night

Down and away I chase my thoughts,
Manmade mazes blocking my way,
I can see the end but it is only the start,
Whether I ought to be caught is not the answer I sought,
Trapped in my mind in the dark and my body by day,
You say you like me but just not this part

Out and then in it can never begin,
Cannot right the wrong that were wrong all along,
But you can read who I am by what I write,
Telling you nothing and everything,
So you can decide where I belong,
To keep me dead or alive through the night
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Thursday mornings are,
Harder to take at night,
There’s a book I’m trying to write,
For you,
I don’t know why,
I do these things I do,
This is a hill you can dig around,
Take it from me, white rabbit

My clock is ticking,
Two days behind yours,
No time to say hello, goodbye,
If I’m in trouble,
Then you are too,
What’s the point in even trying?
Take it from me it’s not worth it, white rabbit

I’m running so late

I wish we’d never met,
But still I feel you’re,
A part of me that I really like,
If and when I see you,
I’m going to lower my hat,
Although all I do is make you mad,
Take it from me, white rabbit
I’m sorry I’m so late, white rabbit
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
I came home,
I came home and you weren’t there,
I came home and you were God knows where

Sit down and have another think,
I swear it’s the last one I’ll drink,
Don’t you think it’s a waste to throw it all away?
I guess today’s just going to be another lonely day

Step in the deep end and let me sink,
Trying to find my missing link,
I’m stuck here now and I guess here’s where I’ll stay,
I guess today’s just going to be another lonely day

I think I fell down another well,
It might be the same one it’s hard to tell,
I’ll pad my path in the dark to help me guess my way,
I guess today’s just going to be another lonely day

I’ve run out of lies that I can sell,
I’ve ran out of truths that I can yell,
I’ve ran out of excuses and I guess there’s nothing I can say,
I guess today’s just going to be another lonely day

You came home and I wasn’t there,
You came home and I was God knows where,
You came home and I guess I’d gone astray,
You came home and I guess today’s just going to be another lonely day
Bryn Dawes Jul 2014
Tell me what, oh what, it is you are fighting for?
I tore down your walls, and you closed the door.
You breathed and said the truth that you bled,
Tomorrow you're dead, and continues the war.

Oh what did you do?
Can you bring me to land?
I misunderstood. I wish that I could,
But I don’t understand,
No I don’t understand.

Now what, oh what, what are you here for?
If you’re losing right now, then you're lost for sure.
Gave up and fled, the thoughts in your head,
Love sickness instead, now disease is the cure.

You live what you get,
You choose what you do,
I forget the regrets,
I regret I met you.

Oh what did you do?
I misunderstood.
Can you bring me to land?
I wish that I could,
But I don’t understand.
No I don’t understand,
But neither do you.
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