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Aug 2018 · 266
Bryan E StJohn Aug 2018
This one is for discrimination and unsafe copulation and This one is for the corruption of several generations and THIS one is for sitting when you should be standing TALL This one is for instant gratification ( the one I like most of all) This one is for the Blues on a beautiful DAY and This one is for all the words you say This one is for insecurity and fear of change This one is for all your sorrow and your pain. This one is for extra credit if you learn the task.And this one is just for you may you kiss my Irish ***!
Inspired by Prince Lady Cab Driver
May 2018 · 406
Fukka Fergi
Bryan E StJohn May 2018
A sad specimen is she
who dainty and small Used to be
pretty as the sun shining in
Now we dont know where her legs end
and her ****** belly begins
round and round round she go
she hit her forehead trying to reach her toes
Lies and stories she made up so crude

But at least in this post she didnt mention FOOD

walkin past us in court all single file
it was she left potholes in the floors tile

Hateful and mean lies she must pass

prolly why hubby all up in the neighbors ***

Saw Baby daddy Number one outside of the jail

Told us crotch ROTTEN so he had to bail

Once so pretty the cream of the CROP

Now Miss Piggy just waiting for some SLOP

Little pig little pig LET me IN

*** Mommy I wish i was THIN

Thoughts of thinner days do begin to LINGER

she wasnt payin attention and chewed off her finger!

Megan is Ragin the worst of the "ANtis"

Also the one wearin the biggest ******* *******

About a fat girl who used to be skinny who is now angry at the world
Bryan E StJohn Jan 2018
A fire came and set beside me and I kept it warm as it read a book of shadows to a tree
The wind suggested it could take me anywhere but it blew on by before I could catch a ride and Im stuck here with a dollar and a song with playback on a vinyl 78
The dogma looked at me and smiled and threw me the SUN.. I missed it and it went on bye..and the fire beside me got up and went south..I laughed and cried and my soul inside died for a moment..I took mouth to mouth from a succubus she giggled as she flew on bye..everything flew on bye
Inside everyone hates..we all drown in the marsh of ugliness and we strive to hide in our pockets that thing for no one to see
SHHHHHHHHHH in the corner and stacked upon high my spirit lifted up and it flew on bye..the wayside beside the back of my soul..somewhere the fire keeps me warm
Jan 2018 · 253
That moment when you erupt
Bryan E StJohn Jan 2018
Followed By a Bundle of YUTZ!!
The Buck Stops Here!

Beheading the Primary Misanthropist

Welcoming the din above the gnashing

Finding their page jejune and complete hyperbole!

Though they gallivant aimlessly

The pits of suffrage well up and bed

in my soul!
Aug 2017 · 375
A poem for my Bissshes
Bryan E StJohn Aug 2017
The Bleachers of my Life OR
All My Cheerleaders are Fat and Ugly!
This goes out to those who sit on the bleachers of MY Life
With a mask on making funny jokes about me My family my wife.
Hiding behind anonymity every post I make YOU LOG
When material runs low you take to insulting my DOG!
What a life you must lead to cast your opinions so Smugly
Yet Im so sad because my Cheerleaders are all Fat and UGLY
I guess your days of joy and Happiness are long far Gone
so to appease your lonely life you created Lyin Saint Yawn.
You stay up late and hope and pray
That I leave a post then YOU are on your WAY
To ****** up my crumbs and like a rat and run to evaluate it all
I wonder if you would repost it If i posted a pic of my *****?
Like the wicked stepmother lips shaped in to a frown...
I bet if i ****** on this page you would gladly drink it down.
So you sit on the bleachers of my life because you have no life of your own
Lonely hateful and dumb your discontent is clearly shown..
Your low self esteem isn't just a dream it shows when you hide your face
Nothing to do no one for you SO you spit your discord all over the place
What a lonely fat slob of a cat lady Alli oops Must really BE
And her center of attention is Lil OL ME!
She sits around her puter getting fatter and fatter
Loser Social justice warrior Screaming some ******* about Black Lives Matter
Just a tad upset about Ferguson and the **** that got shot down
Lets face it lady I am Darren Wilson and You are Micheal Brown
Left to lay in the street for every wanna be **** to see
Hands up dont shoot lady are you kidding me PLEASE!
He was a bully like you and he took one in the eye
And not a one of us round here give a **** that he died.
Feminism is ******* and so is Black Lives Matter
And no one really gives a **** about your useless Chatter.
Alli Smith drinks a fifth right before she logs on
Drunk and weary she cant think clearly but she remains on line till dawn
And Kricket Robinson do i have to listen to you sob again why dont you just shut the **** up Bissh you should have peed in that Cup
Cathleen Dean just why are you so mean I mean most of your post really ******!
Maybe you would cure that itch to be a salty ***** if only you would go out and get ******. you make me sick go *******.
Kristy Probst I give you props You are Keen unlike Cathleen but your hairdo looks like a MOP You might think you are slick but im hip to your tricks so will you please jump offa my ****.
The bleachers of my life are filled with ****** and ***** who sit on the sidelines and read on this rhyme with their fingers in their know you gotta read it then try to impeded it but you just cannot resist like a vaginal itch you you are ON IT.
Im your muse cuz whatever I do y'all copy that **** and run with IT have you no lives arent you wives? do you have kids to tend to what kind of pain have you been through.Does your husband beat you Your boss mistreat you what has gone wrong in your lives?
I bet you are even Bitter when you sit on the ******* oozing some **** out your ***. With a grunt then a **** you think youre real smart and when the brown plops down... I can tell .... that you love to sit and savor in your own smell.
Old lonely *** bisshes just what can we do? lets make up a page and write up things about YOU! I bet you add a lot of sugar to your juicy boogers before you chomp them down.To have a clean smell is your only wish while you are walking around smelling like fish.
The Bleachers of my life OR the peanut gallery, your polluted Haze ***** with my allergies.
Allli smith its OK It alright keep spewing your ***** But deep down inside I must confide you'll always be a *** *** BISHH
My Cheerleaders are all Fat and Ugly!
Feb 2017 · 450
President Trump
Bryan E StJohn Feb 2017
: The Donald!
Stumped by Trump Crooked Hillary Clinton is Smitten!
teeth marks on her *** right where she was Bitten,
She tried to lie she tried some cheatin' She must have been high to not see the beatin"
From Queens our New President Hails,He knocked the Clinton Train Right off its rails!
Jill Stein In Mind to recount this Election,Hillary too drunk to give a concession,supporters report her angry in a RAGE,half her staff she violently berated,In the end Hillary was sedated!
In tears her fears all came to light,Trump congratulates her for one hell of a fight,on Election night America was made Right to the left,an end to the theft of all our security Immaturity!! Soon to be jailed for her perjury Dr Trump conducts a much needed surgery.
A fair Election with no deception Trump Chumped them all and now we watch as they fall,In the streets snowflakes Protest UNREST I detest the Nest That Soros Built with no guilt of the effect..America Wrecked for a Dollar people Shout and Holler NOT MY President The scent of RAGE running through their veins A shame in our streets Not Accepting her defeat!
Trump hooks up a pump and does not refrain to Dems disdain he flips ON the switch and begins to Drain this *****.In a ditch without a hitch WE can all see her itch and twitch with so much Hate.Worse then her pivots in the Debates. IRATE!!! Right off her Plate Trump sat down and ATE!
He took down Hillary! Like a Killer he slapped off that pilary on her face DISGRACED! Maced in the face Burns to the Taste!She is cold and she Might be Bitter.Trump doesn't care he Continues to TWITTER!
Gowdy is still Rowdy and I dont think he will fail on his quest to put Hillary in jail.Trump says theres other things to do but thanks for your Blessins' and then he hired Jeff Sessions.No cards on the table no one is able to see What the Donald will do.Up his sleeve he wont leave it alone Shes ******! You can believe it its TRUE!
Nov 2016 · 486
: The Donald!
Bryan E StJohn Nov 2016
Stumped by Trump Crooked Hillary Clinton is Smitten!
teeth marks on her *** right where she was Bitten,

She tried to lie she tried  some  cheatin' She must have been high to not see the beatin"

From Queens our New President Hails,He knocked the Clinton Train Right off its rails!

Jill Stein In Mind to  recount this Election,Hillary too drunk to  give a concession,supporters report her angry in a RAGE,half her staff she violently berated,In the end Hillary was sedated!

In tears her fears all came to light,Trump congratulates her for one hell of a fight,on Election night America was made Right to  the left,an end to the theft of all our security Immaturity!! Soon to be jailed for her  perjury Dr Trump conducts a much needed surgery.

A fair Election with no deception Trump Chumped them all and now we watch as they fall,In the streets snowflakes Protest UNREST I detest the Nest That Soros Built with no guilt of the effect..America Wrecked for a Dollar people Shout and Holler NOT MY President The scent of RAGE running through their veins A shame in our streets Not Accepting her defeat!

Trump hooks up  a pump and does not refrain to Dems disdain he flips ON the switch and begins to Drain this *****.In a ditch without a hitch WE can all see her itch and twitch  with so much Hate.Worse then her pivots in the Debates. IRATE!!! Right off her Plate Trump sat down and ATE!

He took down Hillary! Like a Killer he slapped off that pilary on her face  DISGRACED! Maced in the face Burns to the Taste!She is cold and she Might be Bitter.Trump doesn't care he Continues to TWITTER!

Gowdy is still Rowdy and I dont think he will fail on his quest to put Hillary in jail.Trump says theres other things to do  but thanks for your Blessins' and then  he hired Jeff Sessions.No cards on the table no one is able to see What the Donald will do.Up his sleeve he wont leave it alone  Shes ******! You can believe it its TRUE!
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
Creepy Crawlers 1969
Bryan E StJohn Apr 2016
Cielo  drive up from the bottom they go back to the top of the slide

Reflecting back in time to the night that these five died

Charlie said Leave something witchy and they rode away into the night

Tex was perplexed as he cut that phone wire

Parent was transparent  blood on his attire

Sharon and Jay sat on her bed

In just a few moments they both would be dead

Days before Charlie  duplicated the crucifixion out on the ranch

All the boys and girls caught up in his trance

They took hundreds of trips together and laid in his bed

A Master of word he got in their heads

Hundreds of people Manson wanted DEAD

Krenwinkle  was told to get up out of bed

Go with Tex now and do what he says

**** Sadie was high as hell on  her  life

She got in the car in her pocket a knife

Who are you Jay said  And what IS this?

Tex said "Im the Devil and Im here to do the Devils Business"

( To Be  Continued while i listen to the White Album)
Oct 2015 · 578
The sin within
Bryan E StJohn Oct 2015
A young boy grows slowly into a man, and he notices his manhood quick.
Around  thirteen a new member on scene he notices he has a ****!
Checking it out pulling it about sometimes until it HURTS
Then one day while pulling away a tingle then a SQUIRT!
OH  what the HELL!! I hope Mother cant tell, hes tugging ALL the time!
Why should he cower when taking a shower this **** is feeling fine!

Standing Tall and proud and red as fire he thinks of a name for his ****!
At night in his bed,rubbing his head he sticks his Krull in a sock
  Friction and burning twisting and turning he comes in sheer delight.

This young man has got to take a stand hes stroking it every NIGHT!

Pleasure without measure but now he is snoring for this is getting boring, he needs to put it someplace just RIGHT.

Kissing his Missy  never once before he let his  hands be blunt
He let them go down and feel all around touching her  hot pink ****.
He did not tell her he just wanted to smell her and feel her moist surprise.
She did not mind  and thought it was kind and his KRULL began to rise.
He rubbed on her faster  the ***** little *******,she responded with  sweet little chants.
But it was over he could not show her because he  just came inside his PANTS!!
Bryan E StJohn Aug 2015
I gave a sixpence to a hungry vagabond and walked along my way
                        The Sky Was Smiling and Lit up My Path
A song in my head silenced the din of the day and moved me to  grin
                                    "How to Save a Life"
A young girl  who smelled like bubblegum walked close to her father
                                   LOOK daddy!!! A rainbow!
The morning rain created a beautiful sight and the young one  was blessed by it.
                                      A rainbow.....
Further along the  city street I  moved on, smells of the eatery's near aroused my pallet.
                                        Wine and Pasta....
No One stopped to chat noticed me not but STILL I am Blessed by them
                                         A Fly on the wall
The Park was green and a couple sat kissing and laughing on a bench
                                          True Love forever!
I  sat at the edge of a pond  took off my shoes and put my feet in the water
                                          I can Breathe!
My soul slipped out of me and went back to heaven
                                          Angels Carried me  back home
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
Destiny said to me
Bryan E StJohn Jul 2015
Destiny said to me..come Follow me, I resisted, feeling safer at home

But she dragged me along anyway.

I sit in wait for the curtain call, destiny my ball and chain
I submit to things  not know,my destiny  shall remain
never looking back I play the hand that's dealt
If I slip just one bit my destiny will melt

Inhale the days flavors,soot right to my GUT
Not my life not my lie my destiny's AMUCK

Pull me by my hair right too a bitter end
Rebirth me coerce me its my destiny AGAIN

I did not choose to  travel here to this place I do not know
Tossed right in again and again the silence never broken
drag me on knees to ground my destiny has SPOKEN

                      Destiny runs the SHOW!
The end   Morrison
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Laminated in gold
Bryan E StJohn Jul 2015
I exist out of force and because I can

I rule me KNOWING the end result

                  Defiance at all costs!

I struggle with a growl
                                     Reality never sidesteps my graces

    RAGE is too much like WORK

                                                        Crucify me while I take quiet revenge

Self satisfaction with a a touch of JOY

                                     YOU only wound me

Bittersweet Symphony on at HIGH volume

                                         NO TREBLE!!!

I laugh at your mortality

                                                                 And live rent FREE

                   In your head!
The Verve

— The End —