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Apr 2020 · 120
wolflet Apr 2020
Oh.... My.... God
its trending
Apr 2020 · 127
To the girl
wolflet Apr 2020
To the girl with sky painted across her room
Filling the space with light fluffy clouds
Clouds dancing across her brain
Filling her with new thoughts
Remember those joyful thoughts

To the girl who has two people
Two of her people
They are the people she goes to
When she needs it the most
Hang on to them
Two of YOUR people is better than a hundred people

To the girl who’s family doesn’t talk
They don’t talk about the hard things
Not because they don’t matter
But they don’t want you to worry
Little did they know
Now you can’t talk when you need to

To the girl who’s grandmother is dying
You have prepared
You have always known how this will end
You have convinced yourself that you have dealt with it
But you are still terrified of the missing space
She will leave behind once she is truly gone

To the girl crying as she reads this
Let it out
Let in all the fluffy white clouds
They will be your salvation
Storm clouds will only be around for as long as they roll by
Storms end

To the girl that needs to hear this
It’s okay to not always be strong
Let down your walls when your ready
But living without anyone really knowing you
Leaves you even more vulnerable
Learn to lean on others
And get up when the ones who didn’t work out drop you

To the girl that is me
Just keep breathing
Keep relying on them
Keep distracting yourself
But live and love like the world is crumbling around you
Take risks
Nov 2019 · 179
wolflet Nov 2019
We sit opposite of one another
Across a crowded room
You stare at my eyes
Hoping to hold my gaze
I avoid this action
As well as I can
We are in a crowded room
yet it feels like only me and you
We never speak
Not with words
But our actions are just as confusing
We dare not break our silence
Because the silence is deafening
But speaking is fatal
We can never recover from either
And we were doomed the day we met
Sep 2019 · 164
House of cards
wolflet Sep 2019
I have built a life
I have fought for it
I have fought to be a part of it
I have built a house of cards
and I realized I want to knock it down
Sep 2019 · 195
Holy shit
wolflet Sep 2019
******* I hate myself
I have worked for years trying to be a good person
To now realize I have failed

******* I hate who I have become
I have allowed myself to be exactly what I despise
A close minded inconsiderate person

******* I hate who I am when I am with you
Where do I go from here
I have so much work to do to regain the person I was

******* I am rebuilding myself from ground up
This time it won't be a house of cards
Aug 2019 · 180
Opposites attract
wolflet Aug 2019
Someone  said it once
Now I live by it

I push everyone away
When all I want
is for someone to pull me close
Jul 2019 · 182
Cursed to drafts
wolflet Jul 2019
I have decided
Maybe out of self pity
Maybe out of loneliness
I am cursed to only every write drafts
Never to address the ****** letters
Never to let the man I love truely know how I feel
For I am fearful and sure of the facts
And one of those abominable facts is that he does not love me
And he never will
Maybe one day I can break this curse
But that day is not today
Jun 2019 · 220
Only a smile
wolflet Jun 2019
You only have to smile at me
And the crinkles around your eyes
Make me fall
Your light is infectious
And I am disease riden
I am weightless in your presence
You are my disease and cure
you only have to smile
For my soul to be saved
Jun 2019 · 114
Self loathing
wolflet Jun 2019
My curse is falling for those
Who could never love me

A cycle of destruction
Of self loathing

To remind myself that
he will never love you

For he still loves her
May 2019 · 149
once again
wolflet May 2019
I think I fell again
It's never on purpose I swear
my heart is insane
Once again I am starting to tear

I have to sit by and watch
As time flys by and you move on
I will be staring at my wristwatch
Once again I will slowly become more withdrawn

This time will be worse
I know how I feel and what will occur
I can't help feeling like I'm cursed
because we all know who you prefer

Once again she is not me
I am not her
I will not be picked, on that I think we can agree
So I will work as my own silencer

Once again I will stand in the background
Supporting you as much as I can
with my heart drowned
wishing my heart had stuck to the plan

Once again its too late
I am left standing alone
feeling as if its fate
I just wish I had known

That you like him too
but you didn't even know
So once again I will try not to be blue
I try to turn it into the sunshine glow
May 2019 · 136
wolflet May 2019
I find myself here
escaping my world
venting my stress
putting my raw emotions
onto the pages on this site

yet the poems
that mean the most
are private
Its just another excuse
to not be vulnerable
to anyone, even strangers

while away from my screen
I am angered by the endless
reasons why people are not honest
loving or

how am I any better
I am just as a afraid
but better at hiding it
I guess thats just another excuse
Apr 2019 · 253
Insuring change
wolflet Apr 2019
It's in my hands now
For years I have sat back
Watched other fumble and fall
I have learned and grown
Yet I am still the only one
Who sees the blatant errors
In front of our faces
They are not being fixed
but danced around
Like tiptoeing to a problem won't
Stop it from radicalizing
these issues have been lelt to fester there is no other option
Other than to radicalize ourselves in protest
To insure the change will happen
To insure the future will be better
Mar 2019 · 215
wolflet Mar 2019
I can finally see the pieces of myself scattered on the floor
I understand why I can give perfect advice but never follow it myself
I understand why I can't breather half the time
why I don't allow myself to love anyone
why I can never be vulnerable infront of anyone
why I am lost waiting for a someday that will never happen
Because I finally realize that I am broken
and I need help
but I will never admit it
until someday comes
Feb 2019 · 207
wolflet Feb 2019
Word ***** in my brain
The constant free flowing river of thoughts
Never landing on one solid idea
But always having at least one person
Rowing down in a cute little row boat
Cutting through the rushing water
Appearing vividly clear

Then I realize I'm blushing
And can't stop
Feb 2019 · 70
wolflet Feb 2019
I write when my depression hits
from functional to hollow
with in minutes
They say an artist
becomes an artist
when they suffer
so there is never a better time
to write and gain respect from others
when you don't even respect yourself
So I write my best work
when I am the most numb
Feb 2019 · 108
Just a tap
wolflet Feb 2019
It is scary how much a tap on the shoulder can mean to someone
The different feelings that can rush through someone's body after
just a tap
It can be reassurance that someone is there for you
It can mean the ever gloomy
We need to talk
And it can be a symbol
For young love
A tap on the shoulder  
Can mean the difference between a life long connection
Or someone you used to know
Feb 2019 · 125
wolflet Feb 2019
Underneath the stary sky with all its infinity and unknowns
makes me feel at home

The darkness that hides all the monsters and wraps around the world
feels like a blanket to me

but you avoid my eyes and walk quickly past me
and I still think you care

I live in a world of oxymorons and contradictions
which I usually greet with open arms

But when you are in view
the lack of emotion in your blue eyes
makes me feel loved

I love and hate oxymorons
because of you
Feb 2019 · 350
Waiting to run
wolflet Feb 2019
I want to be inspired
I want to be moved
I want to be swept off my feet

But for now I'll wait

I am not waiting for a man to find me
I am waiting for an opportunity to run
to explore
and to search

for an inspiration
for a movement
and for a man
a man who is willing to let me sweep him off his feet
only then will I be content

So I will wait to run
Then run into my happiness along the way
Knowing me it will be an accident
Jan 2019 · 233
A Dream not long Forgotten
wolflet Jan 2019
I had a dream last night.
I dreamed of you
It has been so long since I had a dream
even longer since I dreamed of you
though I still think of you often
your eyes haven't invaded my dreams in a while

I used to dream you were walking next to me
to dream you smiled at me in the hall
to dream you tapped me on the shoulder
Like you used to do to tell me that you would be there for me when needed
That simple tap was our always
I used to dream of you to hold on to what I lost
and remember
how safe I felt

But last night I dreamed that you still loved me
That you still tapped me on the shoulder as you passed
I fell all over again
Then my eyes opened
I remembered and let go
because it hurt even more than before
Dec 2018 · 100
what you may miss
wolflet Dec 2018
You might never get to hold my kin
Maybe I will be like you and carry twins
You might never meet the man standing opposite me down the aisle
And I might never get to see you two share a smile
You might miss my graduation
For all these selfish thoughts I await damnantion

Though I can control this clever rhyme
I believe I'm running out of time
because there is one thing I can't manipulate
which seems to be your expiration date
I don't know the exact time or day
but I will be here until doomsday
Dec 2018 · 669
The Modern Ark
wolflet Dec 2018
If I had a friend with an earnest heart,
They would only desire for redemption;
Redemption from sins they hath never committed.
They would dream of touching heaven.
I would never wish on them the tears and pains
from the world of sighs in which we have grown.

Yet year to year they would face most disastrous chances,
The innocent will still be challenged by another insolent foe,
riddled with the dangers of a double edged tongue.
Tis the world we hath created.
Where the pure of heart are still question’d,
After the greedy invades their lives and corrupts.
Leaving their heart as if it were charcoal.

They will say ‘Twas strange’, ‘T’was pitiful’,
Their prayers will be said but not understood,
For they are said to often.
This deadly breach of sincerity,
Will let forth a purifying flood.
and I don’t expect many survivors.
Oct 2018 · 178
wolflet Oct 2018
Destined to find one another ever so rarely
Hurtling away
hurtiling towards
running away
running towards
it is by choice
Or is it just the gavitaional pull of the universe
forever orbiting
waiting for the day
when the orbits become too close
and we carsh
or when the exploding star dies
and we can finally orbit each other
Oct 2018 · 1.0k
The Embodiment of My Demons
wolflet Oct 2018
The embodiment of my demons is a boy
A boy not much older than I
But he holds all my demons in his eyes
Not without the deep dark abyss starting right back at me
An Abyss that swallows my words
and gives no response
I devours my sanity slowly
Every time I see them I remember
I am flooded with my demonic memories
once hopeful and happy
but corrupted by those eyes
Those eyes
That haunt me still
Even when I dont see them
I see them
Oct 2018 · 315
Who I Don't Want to Be
wolflet Oct 2018
Well where do I start

From the mean girl settings
that are ingrained into every high school girl's brain
that spews out in a constant fountain of negativity
unable to reconise their fatal flaws
and just how toxic they are
ingornant to the painful words that they spit at people behind their backs

To the brainless children who are waiting to be told what to think
snorting themselves half brain dead
empty and indifferent
to what will happen to their worlds
as the world decays
along with their brain cells
unable to care about the life they are wasting

from the overly nice fake smiling girls
who think it is important to be liked by everyone
forgetting the most important person's approval
is their own
working their whole life towards
an impossible goal
left with a fake smile and hundreds of people they barely knew standing over their coffin
but nobody crying

to the sad tear drunk teens
with nothing to do but to wallow
with no other way to express themselves
than the scares that cover their arms and legs
and as they slowly engulf their bodies
it will become an armor
something to hide behind
instead of living

What I am trying to say is
I don't want to be you
so stop trying to morph me into
the sick twisted barely human thing
that the world made you into
Oct 2018 · 240
What's Wrong
wolflet Oct 2018
what's wrong with the phrase "what's wrong"
don't ask me that question
unless you want a truthful answer
but I know you don't
so don't ask
Jul 2018 · 220
Jun 2018 · 314
Beautiful humanity
wolflet Jun 2018
I can easily string words together
and a smile forms across your lips
the perfect image or feeling
appears in front of you

I can create an idealistic image
of people and choose to show those
glass half full point of views
but I do not believe in them

I struggle to see the beauty in humanity
when all I see around me
Is glass half empty people
with black spots on their hearts

That was my reality until
you lifted my heart
and filled my head with hopes
for what the world could be

So now I am trying
to see the black spots
and the blindingly golden ones
side by side
Because you make me believe
that humanity can be beautiful
if you let it
May 2018 · 242
wolflet May 2018
Swing sets and sunsets
both leave a bittersweet taste in my mouth
yet I still go running back to them
those rusty chains that hold up my world
and the pastel hews that surround a glass memory
both could come crashing down at any moment
but here I am again
running with a hope-filled heart
That one day I will be able to feel
like I did on that swing
with the yellow fading into orange
fading into pink clouds
fading into two blue eyes
fading into my soul

I will continue to run
until that swing set falls
and the sunset fades away
into the empty darkness
of an endless night
May 2018 · 229
Making the jump
wolflet May 2018
I failed to make one of the most important jumps
and now all I can do is fall
and I am about to hit the cold hard ground
but maybe when I do I can pick myself back up
or maybe I will shatter into a million pieces
or maybe someone will catch me
but right now all I can do is fall
and hope that I don't get the wind knocked out of me
May 2018 · 631
Her Walls
wolflet May 2018
She is clumsy
but on the outside
she is elegant

She is wise beyond her years
but on the outside,
She trips over her words

She has troubled thoughts
but on the outside,
She smiles

She is in love
but on the outside,
She cannot meet his gaze

She cries during any movie with emotion
but on the outside,
She is untouchable and cold-hearted

She is a hopeless romantic
but on the outside,
She is a lonely pessimist

She is a vulnerable girl
but on the outside,
all you can see is her walls
May 2018 · 242
With in the world
wolflet May 2018
There are people
within the world
that I am learning to identify

someone who feels at home
while breathing in the air
of a thunderstorm
as the flashes of light
absorb into their skin
and the rain poures onto their hearts
they feel at peace

Someone who watches the fog
slowly roling in
and waits for the right moment
when everything is engulf
by the cold mist
with no ominous feeling
only the feeling of tranquitily
that was there from the begining

someone who lays in the spring grass
and is not afraid to role down a few hills
even though
they are allergic to spring grass
they admire the blooming flowers
as their heads spin
and the rest of their body increases speed
down a steep hill
until they crash and laugh away every care

There are poeple
with in this world
I am learning to hold onto
May 2018 · 234
Standing on the town line
wolflet May 2018
one step away from insanity
they say
one step away from sensibility
they say
my dreams are too far away
they say
I say
they are staring me in the face
I say
I am one step away
from being stuck
in grey box
I say
I am one step away
from new possibilities
they can't even imagine
in their grey boxes
they say
I say
while standing on the town line
May 2018 · 387
Three Words
wolflet May 2018
What makes life worth living?
Love that consumes everything it touches
Love that devours your soul
The look of love
That is plastered across the face
Of a groom as his bride walks down the aisle
The look of love that is returned to him
A look of unconditional love
The love that reminds you
you are worth loving

What makes life worth living?
Fear of being ripped away from your loved ones
Fear of sadness itself
The fear that darkens a heart
The fear that hinders you breath
As you face the all-encompassing
terror of the world
The fear that pulls you forward
And pushes you backward
The fear that reminds you
your heart is still beating

What makes life worth living?
Pain of being forgotten
Pain of solitude and not being able to fix it
The pain of teen heartbreak
Because it is always true love
The pain of knowing you have hurt someone
And nothing you say will change it
Pain that scars your skin
Pain that scars your heart
The pain that reminds you
you are capable of hurting
Because you are capable of being happy

What makes life worth living?


Three words
Twelve letters
Infinity of reasons
And memories why
Life is worth living
May 2018 · 210
One wish
wolflet May 2018
I have only ever
wish for one thing.
every time I wish upon
shooting stars,
birthday candles,
I wish for love

What do I wish for now?
May 2018 · 184
Wish upon
wolflet May 2018
the smoke
like smog
that rises into the air
in a dimly light room
after someone blows out their birthday candles
that is what I wish upon

the breeze
that carries
the dandelion seeds
to their new homes in the ground
that is what I wish upon

every star
that is not flying
across time and space
across my bedroom window
that is what I wish upon

the beautiful eyes
of every wonderful person
I have ever pasted on a crowded street
with a smile in their eyes and an open hand
that is what I wish upon

the smaller side of a wishbone
every other minute in the day
besides eleven eleven.
that is what I wish upon
May 2018 · 240
Emotional Waves
wolflet May 2018
They come in waves
Riding along the currents
of my emotions
Waves of happiness
Waves of despair
Waves of being tired of being lonely
Waves of questioning my existence and impact on the world
Waves of tears
Waves of numbness
My emotions
come in waves
And their is no way to fight them
No trick to escape this riptide
These waves just take me farther and farther away
From who I want to be
They make me isolated
They make me flawed
They make me human
Apr 2018 · 289
My sun
wolflet Apr 2018
They say
you can't fly to the sun
but I have
flown past many suns
they may
not be the sun
of this world
but they were someone's sun
they say
you cannot meet the sun
face to face
because it will melt your wings
but I have
met many suns
and my wings
have not been clipped
but when I meet my sun
I think my heart will melt
Apr 2018 · 268
The apparition
wolflet Apr 2018
You are the apparition
I see
As I walk the empty halls
Of my mind
An apparition
Of a long forgotten hope
That has etched itself
Onto my long forgotten dreams
You walk alongside a regal black cat with white paws
But sometimes its a small dog still learning to grow
You are the apparition
That appears when I am lonely
When I have no where else to go
But to dwell in the parts of my brain
I usually choose to avoid
Like a bolted door that falls open sometimes
Even though it's bolted for a reason
You are the apparition
That haunts my daydreams
Drowning in sunlight
Doused in gasoline
One match away from being gone forever
You are the apperition
Of an arkangel
I could never love
But loved anyways
Apr 2018 · 225
For the Heartless
wolflet Apr 2018
For the heartless
You were once head over heels
And maybe they loved you too
But they clipped your wings
And charred your heart
So now you reside
In the dark parts of a crowded room
With eyes glazed over
a movie replaying in your mind
Of a memory
you wish you could forget
But if you wait
You will find someone
With a movie
The frost behind your eyes will thaw
And new growth will emerge
From the volcanic ash that is your heart
As they restore you halo
This is a message
A warning
A public safety announcement
For the heartless
Apr 2018 · 212
Over thinking
wolflet Apr 2018
I have been over thinking
I have been over-analyzing
about if a glance is just a glance
or if it is a ten-minute stare
that I happened to notice
the last awkward seconds of
or just you staring off into space
nowhere in particle
on one in particle
was it a strategic move
made by the boy across the classroom
or was it an instance
that you looked in my general direction
and made unwanted eye contact
does that smile mean anything
was it you being polite
after this weird encounter
or was it a friendly invitation
to talk to you
someone who has been unattainable
for so long
you have not smiled at me
in three years
so what does this smile mean
I have been over thinking
I have been over-analyzing
about the moments
that we share and shared
out past and present
though there was not much of either
they replay in my mind
and the ability to shut off my brain disappears
what can I say you make me over think
you make me over-analyze
you make my mind go haywire
Apr 2018 · 225
wolflet Apr 2018
I fall a lot
sometimes people laugh
sometimes people help me up
but I tie my shoes every day
but it has never stopped me from falling
wolflet Apr 2018
Cool humidity
Clouds holding high expectations
and high volumes of water
the smell of nothing
laced with everything
the tension builds as the sky grows darker
it finally breaks when the first drop of cool water falls onto your face
Within minutes you are chasing the rain
and running from it at the same time
you are dancing the tango with the long-anticipated rain
and your emotions melt into placid tranquility
Apr 2018 · 228
Flashes of People
wolflet Apr 2018
Flashes of people
random people
I do not know them
A top hat
A tight bun
A woman in red
Neckties surrounding me
People get on carriages
as people get off
A crowded road
And one person watching
With nowhere to go
As the top hats rush to work
the tight bun stays firmly in place
as the owner moves quickly to her destination
The woman in red talks to a man and waits
People get on the carriages
as people get off
And I stand and watch
Not fitting in
Not standing out
Just existing
Place Clichy is the title of the painting this is inspired by
Apr 2018 · 214
The Landscape of Wargemont
wolflet Apr 2018
Autumn leaves
roads leading somewhere new
pine trees lining the path
the glistening water of a lake
brush strokes
that part the clouds
so that the sunshine can guide me
the title of the painting is the title of the poem if you would like to look it up
Apr 2018 · 432
An uninterested adventure
wolflet Apr 2018
To describe how I felt

I will use one word


As we trudged through the words

He was so very excited

Wearing his red-rimmed bucket hat and fancy shoes

I was completely unprepared

with my fancy shows and long dress

we walked in the mud

I was uninterested

but it was an adventure

never the less
Another poem inspired by a painting look it up for a better understanding
The promenade by Renoir
Apr 2018 · 206
wolflet Apr 2018
A spotlight was on us

the sun dimmed and only shined on us

Her white dress popped with accents of orange

The people in the background fall way

And I was no longer looking through my own eyes

I was watching us dance

My navy suit pulled close her dress

She avoids my stare

She is beautiful

She is so focused on the dance

The imaginary spotlight faded

with the imaginary music

but we didn't stop dancing

And we never will
This was inspired by a painting called the Dance at Bougival
Apr 2018 · 190
We are only...
wolflet Apr 2018
we are only human
we are only imperfect
we are only our ambitions
we are only our fears
we are only labels
we are only defined by people who don't know us
we are only different minds that form one
we are only unique counterparts
we are only wonderful
we are only intelligent
we are only who we are
wolflet Apr 2018
They are the stardust they walk upon
They are the stardust that we praise so much
Light almost dwindling
But vibrant, beautiful and unpredictable all at the same time
They work in mysterious ways that we cannot comprehend just yet
They may not seem to be there, as their mind charts forgotten stars
But their presence is remembered long after they have left, like the sun
If not in an image, in a feeling
The feeling of stardust sparkling in your eyes
and the need to wonder in the remnants of the stars in the sky
Apr 2018 · 196
In My Reality
wolflet Apr 2018
In my dreams,
Barefeet are a common occurrence
as hopeful grown children dance, smiles like sunbeams

In my nightmares,
I hide from all that I hide from the world
running from it all I refuse to shed any tears

In my dreams,
I let my mind drift into my wildest delusions
delusions of flawless moments with blue eyes and swing sets, it seems

In my nightmares,
I am left alone in a dark room
abandoned after people pick pieces of me that they believe is theirs

In my dreams,
reality is a word defined by the mind that controls it
Wonder fills the eyes of everyone like moonbeams

In my world,
there is a line in which I walk shakily
a line which separates complete darkness and an awe-filled dreamworld

In my reality,
I dance in the moonlight that shines through my kitchen windows
blue eyes smile at my red-rimmed glasses and new haircuts
In my reality, I wouldn't trade anything for even the best dreams
Apr 2018 · 197
The look
wolflet Apr 2018
a look that warmed the heart of the other
a smile that assures everything will be alright
eyes filled with wonder
a look that can be easily misunderstood
but not easily forgotten
the look of someone falling
falling so hard
that the rest of the world fades
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