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Jul 2013 · 1.3k
No heart
Frozen in time
By the coldness of me
I was trying to make you see..
Theres to many things wrong with me.
Sure I'm a person.
But I have no heart
And I'm about to f
A p a  r t.
Jul 2013 · 1.7k
Silent screams
Everyday feels like a constant s t r u g g l e
A little girl washed out in the w
     ­                                                     e
          ­                                                    s
And everyday she tries to keep her head up
She gets pulled deeper to her grave
Her silent screams can't be heard
She is a slave of the sea
And maybe when she drowns
Everyone can see what is wrong with me.
Jun 2013 · 1.8k
I thought you loved me.
I thought someone cared.
You lied to me.
You said you just wanted a break.
But you didn't want me around.
You could have just said so.
Said it right to my face..
Told me that I'm not worth it.
That I mean nothing to you.
That you wouldn't care if I left.
Do you know how worthless you have made me feel?
Do you have any idea how ****** up I am?
Whats your reason, for doing this?
You told me I was your treasure that I mean't something, that I was beautiful.
Were those words just lies too?
I thought we could tell each other things.
Confide in each other.
I thought there were no secrets in our relationship.
I thought you were trying, I thought we were helping each other.
I thought wrong
Everything you told me were lies.
Everything I said was vague, but maybe its better to be like this, then to be like you.
"Curiosity killed the cat"
Your secrets killed me.
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I use these words to much
I hurt you
You hurt me
Why can't we live in harmony
I know you don't know what you did
But maybe it's because you did nothing
And I'm just confusing my words with my cussing
See I'm really confused and I'm sorry I did this
But are friendship I don't want to miss
See your a great person
And I'm sorry I'm like this
But maybe without me you can finally have bliss
I want to be your friend,
But I'm too messed up to be
And I know I just can't let you see the real ugly me.
I'm sorry
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Love is love
I care about y o u
Y o u
I don't want you to feel sick, or tired, or scared
I want to take the pain away from you
Because I care about you
Y o u
And I can't take it when you cry
Smudge your mascara lines
Your tears will surely make me die
Because your not the only one that crys
Deep down inside
I shouldn't care this much
About amazing
Y o u
But love is love, and what are you gonna do?
Jun 2013 · 2.5k
Broken Apologies
There is no need to be sorry anymore
No need to make me laugh
You were never there for me when I needed you but yet I have to take all the blame
When really I've done more for you there you can ever comprehend
And no matter how much I hate you, I'll still love you to the end
I can't stifle this any longer
And I need you to understand
That not every direction in life you will get a helping hand
You gotta use your little hands to rebuild what you have broken
And maybe then the dormant love you have for me can finally be awoken
See your broken "Apologies"
Mean nothing
And it shouldn't matter anymore
When you tell me to hold you up
But won't let me threw your door
Honestly could I not try to give you anymore?
You say that I'm too vauge
That I could never understand
But honestly I'm way too outmanned
Not like It's anything that you can withstand
Your confusing and your lost
You were never there for me
And all the fake smiles, and times I **** it up is all you'll ever see.
Jun 2013 · 2.8k
Broken mirror
I take this pill every night
To fool  you into thinking everything is alright
To hide this B r o k e n  heart
From the very likes of you
And shrink my feelings down so no one knows whats true
I act like it's okay
Like everythings alright
But after everything has anyone seen the knife
Does anyone see the blood or the tears that I have shed
Or is my life a ******* broken mirror forever to be dead
I shatter like I'm glass
I break just like a bone
And I won't let anyone in because I'm destinted to be alone
I shiver like I'm cold
When all I need is you
Somthing to hold on to too help me sleep at night
Using people like this will I ever be alright?
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Rain is f a l l i n g on my window paine, darkness is taking away the light
I can't go to sleep I have to fight
These memories of you
From hiding under my bed any longer
Because I know if I keep you in my heart they will just grow stronger
What do I have to do to scare these monsters out from under my bed
These monsters are feasting on my soul and sooner or later I'll be dead
I can't hide under my covers and pretend they were never there
Because when it comes to these monsters, there is never ending memories of you to share.
I can't turn on my light
My nightmeres are taking flight
I can't stop them
My fate they'll condemn
I wish they would just go a w a y
These monsters will lead me a s t r a y
I am a b r o k e n body forever ment to d e c a y.
Jun 2013 · 864
Little baby
Little baby* ohh so small.
You're such a little baby.
You c r y all day, and c r y all night if nothing ever works out right.
You **** on the world, whenever you feel, because since your a little baby you can't tell whats real.
Laughs can't take away the t e a r s, because when you grew older you struck everyones hearts with fear
You decided to walk away from everything that was i m p o r t a n t to you one day, and found darkness and took comfort in it's stay, I tryed to help you out of this dark abyss you got yourself into, but you decided to pull everyone down, including, my l i t t l e  b a b y you.
Jun 2013 · 933
I can't believe I love you
I miss the days when no one knew
When everyone asked me, what was wrong, and I  s m i l e d, and l i e d, and d i e d, and said nothing.
When It all was a secret
When I was strong.
When I could hide everything.
The pain, the blood, the cuts.
When I wore long sleeved shirts everyday to cover up the scars, that y o u caused.
I did it for
y o u
Even though you walked away, the scars you left were here to stay.
I'm sorry that you b   r  o  k  e my heart, and tore me apart.
If I could love someone else as much as I love you I would.
Because you don't deserve my love, or anyones, you don't deserve the tears, or the blood I've spilt
trying to get you to give two *****, about me, or about anyone else expect yourself.
You don't even deserve this, This morsel of respect, and love and tenderness, and forgiveness, I won't even try anymore, I've given up, you love someone else, and I have to face the facts, you can't love me, this mess of a girl, and I can't believe I'm saying this, after every little thing , but I still *l o v e   y o u
Jun 2013 · 828
I miss the days when no one knew
When everyone asked me, what was wrong, and I  s m i l e d, and l i e d, and d i e d, and said nothing.
When It all was a secret
When I was strong.
When I could hide everything.
The pain, the blood, the cuts.
When I wore long sleeved shirts everyday to cover up the scars, that y o u caused.
I did it for
y o u
Even though you walked away, the scars you left were here to stay.
I'm sorry that you b   r  o  k  e my heart, and tore me apart.
If I could love someone else as much as I love you I would.
Because you don't deserve my love, or anyones, you don't deserve the tears, or the blood I've spilt
trying to get you to give two *****, about me, or about anyone else expect yourself.
You don't even deserve this, This morsel of respect, and love and tenderness, and forgiveness, I won't even try anymore, I've given up, you love someone else, and I have to face the facts, you can't love me, this mess of a girl, and I can't believe I'm saying this but I still *l o v e   y o u
Jun 2013 · 742
Your love
Not a word, you refuse to speak, you look into my eyes and my heart plunges way to the deep
Not a kiss, nor a smile, no notion you will stay awhile
Do the words "I love you" not say enough
Or were you maybe just to tough
Not saying anything to me
Doesn't change a single thing
Because when I look at you, I can't stop the  s t i n g
You can't stop my love for you
It's like a thousand pound frieght train
Does this thing we had, have to go down in vain
Or should I just let it rain
Let the tears
And not answer any calls and maybe just disapear
What does it take to get your love.
Jun 2013 · 716
Little more
Go ahead
Do it
Be mad at me for caring
But your anger is usless
I can't stop
C a r i n g
For you
I mean how could I
What kind of sister would I be
What kind of a person
I'm sorry I don't want you to end up      b   r  o  k  e  n
Like me, like this mess of a girl
I'm sorry you don't know or can even begin to understand what goes on behind closed doors
Closed memories
     Closed people
I'm sorry that you don't know or can even begin to understand how It feels for me or for anyone else outside of yourself
But most of all I'm sorry I couldn't have cared just a little more to protect you from what you are becoming.
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Just give me a reason
t w i r l i n g              
w r a p p i n g
around my
            i n s a n i t y
Why did you have to leave me
Why couldn't you give this a try
Why do I still care, cause I certainly shouldn't
After all you have done
After all the tears Ive cryed
Why do I still love you, the one person in this world that continues to hurt me, starve me, abuse me, use me
Just give me a reason
A glimmer of hope
But the question lies in the answer
and my thoughts continue to lie in the word
Little thing we ever were    
Should I still love you.

— The End —