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For once I just want someone to tell me that it’s not true.
Why can’t you comfort me instead of tell me that I’m at fault too.
When I apologize don’t tell me, “Now you know how I feel.”
Forgive me. Love me. Tell me it’s a lie.

I feel like the world will be a better place without me.
And you just proved it.

I am so sorry that I am a terrible daughter.
I didn’t realize I was so bad.
I want to be better.
I don’t want to burden you anymore.

I just don’t know how.
I don’t know how to break my personality.
I don’t know what to do to be better.
I want to be better.

You are everything to me.
You don’t deserve to suffer a fool like me.
You are my hero and my angel.
I’m sorry if my existence hurts you.
we met on a
new york sidewalk .

how about this ..
I'll save you from yourself ,
and you give me your heart .

I look at you .
skeptical .
shaking in heavy boots .

okay .

you are reliable , and safe ,
and your eyes look like leaves on trees
and you smell like a forest .
I can't help but give you all of it .

you didn't lie ..
you saved me
from me
but we stood there , and you got bored .

I have to go .

and you dropped me heart
on the cold pavement and went away .
it was a black , disgusting mess ,
and you and I both left it there
to rot .

to die.

and I see you sometimes .
we pass each other on the sidewalk and
look into eyes
that are glazed over and haven't seen anything
worth while
in centuries .
I can't muster up a smile .
you can't muster up strength to wave .
we walk by .
silent .

I shot myself that night ,
and I left you a note .

please give me back my heart .

so you picked up my heart .
went to my funeral
dressed in all white
like the angel you are
and dropped it six feet under
along with my sealed casket .

thanks .
i love you so much          
i know that  
if anything happened              
if you told me, you no longer loved me
or you couldnt be with me                              
it would **** me                                    
i know that is pathetic
and now that i know        
if you hurt me, it'll **** me                    
and i think you know that too

is this just a                
elongated form
of suicide?            
is it enevitable that you'll fall out of love    
and **** me?
yet i don't want to do anything
about it                      
i know you could            
**** me        

but you haven't yet      
you're my suicide
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
I'm sort of sick
Of hating you
But loving you is too cliche

I'm just a bit over
Ignoring you
But talking is overrated

I'm so far past
Writing you poetry
This is the exception

I'm just a bit beyond
Trying to get you
Because I'd hate to lose you

I'm not one for valuables
As valuables are stolen
And it breaks my heart

Should I ever get you
The thief would theive
The robber would rob
The hitman would hit
The assassin, assassinate
The seductress, ******

And I would lose you
As I lose everything else
So I won't have you at all

Because I'm above liking your eyes
No matter how they shine
When you laugh so brightly

I'm not one to treat you right
Though I would hold the doors
And take the bill

I'm too good to watch you
While I memorize the words
You say in your own little way

I'm to great for your problems
But if you confided in me
I'd be your greatest ally

And I'm far too good for these tears
Because I've not lied about a single thing
Not a single thing I've written here
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
Nik Bland
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
Nik Bland
Tender words spring
From her heartstrings
Tender words whisper no
Turn around, see
On the ground she
Whispers please, don't go
Hold tears no more
No reason for
Teardrops not to flow
Heart on a string
From whence tender words spring
Never let her go
 Jul 2013 Brody Sears
I know you’re still a mess,
and sometimes you wish I’d speak less.
I’m sorry I’m not silent,
my best words are birthed in weakness.
As your lips gently glide over mine
we swap deep dark secrets
with cracked, chapped lips
we share regretful memories
our soft warm lips overlapping
when we find contentment
your tender lips hungry for mine
as I find myself yearning for you
our lustful wet starving lips
a weakening passion
tender loving embrace
a breath taking need for you
First poem Ive written in a long time...i'm still a little rusty!
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