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 May 2010 Brittany
 May 2010 Brittany
one second off
    two steps behind
         we stand in each shadows
                                 never aligned

                                 the timing is off
          yet the destination is right
    so grab my hand boy
pull me in tight

under the Eiffel you stood in the winter
under the Eiffel I stood in the spring
as we waited for another
in crowd and mid-day sun
waited for our shadows to see

                                       still we're
                         one second off
                two steps behind
   standing in each shadows
never aligned
each kiss is unique like a persons signature on your heart. the first kiss writes it down and it says to you don't forget me don't let me leave your heart. each kiss after reignites it like a hot flame and then when she leaves you it becomes like a burn it scabs over and blisters and the more you think about it the more you pick at it and reopen the wound but in the end its just a kiss isn't it?
your name scared upon my heart
will never burn again
the flame that had been burning inside
will die and leave no evidence behind
the scar will fade
your memory in its wake
i will shed no tear
i refuse to cry
you were my strongest scar
the one that had cut me deepest
i was never gonna let you fade
but you gave me no choice
your scar is no longer worth the pain
i will carry you no longer
your scar will fade
and so will your memory
 May 2010 Brittany
Adeola A
We’re caught in this silly game
of cat and mouse
you, the cat
and me, the mouse

It would be so easy
to be caught by you
to just give in
to what we feel

But the people we would hurt
make this game
not worth the heartache
or the pain

What if you’re just playing me
the way you play the game
so well, yet in the end
it’s just a game

Who would be hurt more
by the results
if reasoning and logic
gave way to basic animalistic instincts

Me, my breath caught
You, with those smoldering eyes

How we love this game
that I started for us
then you joined in
and the damage began

For how long we’ve played
I doubt I could stop now
but maybe just maybe
you’re just as caught as I am

Whatever the outcome
we’ll always have our sport.
I can’t get to sleep at night for fear of what I see,
There is definitely something strange happening to me.
I see Demons in my bedroom dancing round my bed-
Devils on my inner lids poisoning my head.
Beelzebub is running riot driving me insane,
Demons just won’t let me rest-they’re causing grief and pain.

I’ve tried taking tablets; I’ve tried counting sheep
But nothing ever seems to work I still can’t get to sleep.
‘Cause there’s Demons in my bedroom, screaming and a prancing.
Every time I close my eyes I see the Devil dancing.

Weir wolfs howling all night through, Old Nick running riot.
Perhaps it is the food I eat, I’ll have to change my diet.
Sometimes I sneak to bed real late and try to be unheard
But in the cupboards they must wait, I know it sounds absurd.
As soon as I turn off the light and snuggle down to sleep
I get the most enormous fright when out they start to creep.

They just won’t keep from out my head-
Moonlight wakes the living dead.
Demons dance and weir wolf’s scream;
I know that it’s not just a dream,
‘Cause I can’t get to sleep at all
Sometimes it drives me up the wall.
I toss and turn and scream and shout,
The neighbours ask what it’s about.

But I’m afraid to ever say
They’ll think I’m mental straight away,
What normal person sees this sight?
When off to bed they go at night?
I don’t know, I can’t explain,
I know it’s driving me insane.
I’ll ask the vicar round for tea,
Then ask him if he’ll stay with me
To exorcise these hellish visions;
He’s sure to make the right decisions.
He shouldn’t ask or be judgemental
Even if he thinks I’m mental.
Surely there must be some hope,
If there’s not I just can’t cope.
I ask, could you sleep safe and sound
To know your bed has Demons round?
Answers truthfully, please don’t lie.
No You Couldn’t!  Nor can I.

— The End —