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 Aug 2013 Britt
Infamous one
 Aug 2013 Britt
Infamous one
My day off feeling goid relaxing listening to music
Doing what feels right and what makes me happy
Work always frustrates me trying to make money
Do my time hoping to move up instead staying stuck
Over feeling used and taken for granted
I say the cream rises to the top
I've always been honest and *** heat for it
I spoke the truth and got excluded forgotten
Its hard to forget now I'm on the level
Its not where I want to be
on a level of my own feels right
Where I belong it feels right
I don't care who you know
Or what your last name is
I told my coworker id be associate of the month
I see that for myself others bs and should take pride in themself
 Aug 2013 Britt
Infamous one
Sleep deprived feel alive
Seen a live band saving others
The chosen one selected to be the DD
Up late work early finding balance
Over things bein imbalanced
Responsible always working
Making time to do it all
Waiting for the call hoping
Things change for the better

— The End —