For him, it's his eyes,
he peers through me,
Not in the sense of invisibility,
but rather the opposite.
Blue eyes prominent.
Dissecting my every microexpression,
each new sentiment doesn't happen without being perceived.
Who am I when he isn't looking?
I know he knows.
I don't try to hide anything.
His icy eyes will break my lies
each and every time.
But for you, it's your touch.
You caress my back - my spine quivers,
a kiss is thrilling,
holding hands, a promise.
Your fingers touch my cheek
it makes me freeze.
The very thought of your skin against mine
sends me spiraling,
a slave to my own deadly sin.
the gravity of addiction is stronger than I.
Don't let me get too close.
I haven't dropped an addiction yet,
you will not mark the first.