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 Nov 2012 Briege
Nothing will ever look the same
When you're told you're going to die
The things you took for granted
Will no longer pass you by

The flowers become more beautiful
'Cause you take the time to smell
And the things that went unnoticed
Now live to say farewell

The things you touch seem different
While marveling at the feel
You wonder why you have to die
To make things seem so real

The gentle winds that kiss your face
Now bring you to your knees
You never notice until it's too late
The joy that's in the breeze

The past becomes your future
Remembering your mistakes
You live each day to right the wrong
No matter what it takes

The hardest part is saying goodbye
To all the people you love
One more day is all you want
It's all you're thinking of

You're amazed by God's creation
While counting every breath
The world will never look the same
As you look through the eyes of death
 Nov 2012 Briege
I give you my son for protection of this land,
I give you my beloved, in His mercy's hands..
I pray for you that you stand fast and strong,
that you won't allow for your land, any evil or wrong..
that you my dear will show every one,
that you belong to a nation of the rising sun..
that the land you belong, belongs to the brave..
In dying for their country, who never hesitate..
the land of love, the land of faith,
the castle of Islam, here lived the great..
I pray my son, for you, every moment..
that you live for your country, for it you embrace death..
I wrote this poem for Pakistan army, and the mothers of those soldiers_  In war against terrorism, many soldiers sacrificed their lives, and the way their families cope with it, the way other soldiers are ready to embrace shahadat(death in Allah's way) its really inspiring..
 Nov 2012 Briege
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
 Oct 2012 Briege
Nigel Obiya
The scary thing is... well, not scary as such
But this evening, on my way home, I wanted to die so much
The loss of control, of not driving the mat*
That sped down the road, "Thump! Thump!" in my heart
I realised then, that I do not fear death
Constantly surrounded by pain and by strife
But not cowardly enough to take my own life
Disappointment and anger, a lump in my throat
A stump in the ground, a buoy that won't float
It's still scary though, that I thought of death seriously
Curiously looked at, as I stared down furiously  
The only thing that would make me not eager to die
Is not knowing my status with God... and where my soul would lie.
*Public transport vehicle

 Oct 2012 Briege
 Oct 2012 Briege

Did you never stop and think

when you used a woman

or many women

when you ******* them all

and fed them lies

or let them fall

for your disguise

and kept their strings

coiled tightly

to your fingers

and used your charm

to bewitch them into bed

did it never occur to you then

in your head

that one day I’d grow

and find men like you

because that’s what a girl

is supposed to do?

Did you never think to yourself

that one day I too

might get used

and abused

and lied to by men

and not only by


Did you have any foresight

or did you really never think

that someday I too

would become a woman

and meet men like my father

and did it never occur to you

that each woman you broke

was another man’s daughter?
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