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Briana4545 Feb 2014
You are the only reason I have
To even try
To stay alive.

Because lately,
I haven't been doing so well.

My mind
Is playing games with me,
And I don't know the rules,
Nevermind how to win.

You may not know
How these games work,
But you certainly make playing
A little bit easier.
Briana4545 Jan 2014
My hands are dry and cracked,
And my breath smells like ***** and cigarettes.
My throat hurts,
But I’m not sick,
Although that’s what I’m going to tell my professor tomorrow
When I don’t show up for class.
***** feminist theory.
I thought it was a worthy cause
Before it was violently shoved down my throat,
Just like my fingers tonight after dinner.
I’m getting really good at this.
Everyone is suspicious, though,
And I don’t know
If I really care.
So I’ll just keep smoking my Marlboro Blacks
And dashing to the bathroom after every meal
And wondering if I’ll ever look in the mirror
And not hate the girl I see
Staring back.
Briana4545 Jan 2014
It would be so much easier to blame
the boy who broke my heart,
the friends who left when they promised to stay,
the teacher who told me I talked too much,
the red-haired girl who bullied me in preschool,
my mother,
my father,
anyone except myself.
But I'm an adult now, and I have to take responsibility
for ******* up my own life.
Briana4545 Jan 2014
Most people
are scared of spiders
or heights
or being alone.
My biggest fear
is gaining weight.
Everytime my jeans feel a little tighter
or my thumb and my pointer finger
can't quite fit around my wrist,
I. Panic.
So then I skip a meal
or two
or three,
and the next thing I know,
I've gone days
with barely a thing to eat
and the very thought of food makes me feel ill.
People will tell me to eat,
beg me,
make me feel guilty for willfully starving
when the chlildren in Africa would ****
for my mediocre college meal plan.
So then I cave.
I eat
and eat
and eat
until they are satisfied,
until they say I've
"had enough,"
until I feel so sick
that all I can do
is make up an excuse about homework
and dash to the bathroom.
It turns out that my pointer finger
is good for something else, too.
Briana4545 Jan 2014
Some people are cuter in person.
I'm not.
I know how to hold the camera
so that my skin
looks flawless
and poreless,
and my body
looks thin
and lean,
but not too lean
(we don't want people asking questions).
I know the right angles use,
the right filters to disguise
the devastatingly average face
that God gave me.
I'm no model,
but I could certianly be a
Briana4545 Dec 2013
No, no, no, no, no.
Get me out of here.
Stop asking me where I'm going
And when I'll be back
And what I'm doing
And how I'm feeling.
I miss my campus,
My freedom.
This is not home.
Briana4545 Dec 2013
I hate the fact
that I let you control me.
I obeyed your every command
without thinking,
did whatever you asked
without blinking.
I said I was fine when I was not,
and I conveniently "forgot"
about every promise that you broke
because, for whatever reason, I still had hope
that we could somehow make it work,
even though it ******* hurt.

I hate the fact
that I let you destroy me.
You told me you didn't love me
without blinking.
I fought back tears,
my heart sinking.
I cut my wrists until they bled
and watched as the bathwater turned red.
I kept pills in my desk drawer
because I had no chance of winning this war,
and even though I begged you to stay,
I blamed myself for pushing you away.

I hate myself
for being so weak,
for accepting defeat,
for the cutting, the drinking.
I don’t know what I was thinking.
Pink and white scars cover my skin
because I was dumb enough to let you in.
I learned my lesson, but at a cost.
You can’t hold on to what is lost.
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