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Briana4545 Oct 2013
Stop interfering.
Stop trying to solve a non-existent problem.
Stop making my life out to be worse
So that yours can seem better.
Yes, I am a **** up,
But so are you.
We are both damaged.
We are both in need of repair.
But until you start to fix yourself,
Stop trying to fix me.
Briana4545 Oct 2013
The day you left, I broke into a million tiny pieces.
I had to put myself back together with a bottle of Elmer’s glue
And a roll of scotch tape.
Some of the pieces were put back in the wrong place,
While others were lost among the wreckage,
Either never to be seen again
Or still waiting to be found.
The tape sometimes loses its stick,
And the glue doesn’t always hold,
So repairs are necessary.
Crafts have never been my forte, but I’m getting there.
You see, with each repair, the pieces fit better,
And I stand a little taller
And a little less broken.
Briana4545 Oct 2013
If you want to impress me,
You have to surprise me.
You have to do
That last thing that I would ever expect you to do
And then keep doing that
You have to go against the norm.
You have to catch me off guard
And make me question everything I ever thought
To be true.
Yes, I might hate you for it,
But rest assured that I will be enthralled.
Hate and love are interchangeable,
Briana4545 Sep 2013
My life is a joke,
so I might as well laugh,
Well, I’m not laughing.
This isn’t funny anymore,
and I don't know
if it ever really was.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
You’re drowning, but I can’t save you,
And, honestly, I don’t want to.
You’ve become so accustomed to burying your nose in books
That you didn’t even take the time to look,
To see that I’ve been drowning right beside you.
You’re miserable on a good day
Because you never had the courage to say
What was really on your mind.
I’ve tried so hard to be kind,
But there’s not much more that I can do.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
I have a slight guilt complex.
Half the time, I feel bad just for being alive.
Imagine how I feel when I actually ***** up.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
I try not to think about the future
Because, to be honest, it terrifies me.
It’s scary to think that
In a few short months,
You’ll just be a memory.
It’s even scarier to think that
In a few short years,
I might forget you entirely.
It’s probably the scariest to think that
All of the crap we’ve been through,
Or bad
Or somewhere in between,
Will soon amount to nothing,
Even though to me, it meant everything.
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