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Briana4545 Sep 2013
  I will not meet you outside
    In the middle of a rainstorm
      Just to **** that ***** **** of yours
        And make you feel good.

      I will not sneak you into my house
    When my parents are asleep
  So that you can **** me senseless
And make me feel something.

  We are not “doing it” tonight
    Or any other night.
      You’re a desperate little ****,
        And I can’t ******* stand you.
I wrote this one a while ago but never posted it.
Briana4545 Sep 2013
I don't have trust issues,
And I still advise you all:
Don’t get too attached to people,
For we are like water.
We can be calm,
But we can also be wild, chaotic,
Like a wave during a storm.
We are beautiful
But tragic and unpredictable,
And when you are least expecting it,
We might just disappear.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
I'm not cured,
I know that.
But something has changed.
I don't know if it's the new environment,
Or the people,
Or the lack of people,
But I'm not the same girl I was
Six days ago.
I'm no longer the teenage basket case
Who drinks alone
And pierces her own flesh
With a polka dot blade.
I haven't felt the need to starve
Or restrict
Or touch my collarbones
And my hips
Just to make sure they're still there.
I haven't looked at the mirror
In utter disgust
Or cried about the college boy
Who broke my heart.
Now I'm a college girl,
And I can be the heart breaker.
I can walk with my purple head held high
And smile because I know that I have finally
Briana4545 Aug 2013
I’ll never be enough for me
Until I’m enough for you.
And we both know that will never,
Briana4545 Aug 2013
I want to be in love.
I want my palms to sweat
And my heart to race
And my thoughts to be so tangled in love-struck confusion
That I can’t sleep
Or eat
Or think about anything else.
I want to throw away my inhibitions
And let raw emotion take over.
I want to **** with passion.
I want to scream.
I want to cry.
I want to laugh until my stomach hurts
And I can barely breathe.
I want moments that take my breath away.
I want to make memories.
I want to stay up until dawn just to watch the sunrise.
I want everything, but most of all,
I just want to feel.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
You can put all of yourself into someone or
But that doesn’t mean it will ever amount to
In the end, you’ll just be miserable and
Briana4545 Aug 2013
Yeah, you said it,
And maybe you meant it.
I’m sorry I can’t forget it,
But do you even regret it?
I sincerely doubt it,
Although I’m not mad about it.
I’m trying to move past it.
I just want to move past it.
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