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Briana4545 Aug 2013
The thing that's holding
me together is also
tearing me apart.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
My therapist’s name is Beth.
She told me that I have
a lack of motivation,
and zero self-esteem.
She told me that I need to find
a hobby,
a pastime,
something that makes me “happy.”
She told me to focus on
my good qualities,
my strengths.
Please, Beth,
just give me some meds.
Briana4545 Aug 2013
I lied.
  I'm not a truth-oholic
    Because I'm not even that honest.
  I'm just an angry drunk
    Who tells the girl who says "I love you"
      To shut up
    And the boy who says "I want to *******"
      To go away.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
This has not been a good year,
And I fear
That it’s only getting worse.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
I’m not an alcoholic.
I’m a truth-oholic.
I like how it makes me honest,
But I suppose I ought to learn to do that
Without chemical assistance.

I should probably learn to do a lot of things
Without chemical assistance.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
Go ahead.
Take my razors.
Send me to counseling.
I’ll be impressed
If it does a **** thing.
I am my problems.
I am a problem.
I just wish you could see
How comfortable I am in my misery,
How ready I was to die,
And how even though I lied,
I truly meant the best for everyone
But myself.
So go ahead.
Do what you wish.
Just know that I’m not expecting a change.
Briana4545 Jul 2013
“I can’t read your mind,” you say,
as if it's a bad thing.
If you could read my mind,
you would no longer look at me
with those adoring eyes of yours.
You wouldn’t make me breakfast
or hold my hand
or call me beautiful.
You probably wouldn’t call me
at all.
And I wouldn’t blame you.
If you could read my mind,
you’d see the darkness,
the hatred.
My kindness,
my innocence,
my “adorable” exterior
are works of fiction.
My heart is bitter and cold.
I am not “kind,”
by any means.
I may love you,
but you’re one of few.
Just be thankful
that you can’t read my mind.
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