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 Apr 2013 Brian Ross
Tyler Brooks
If hell is engulfed in fire
as bright as the sun,
And heaven is lit
by a divine light,
Then I shall die with sunglasses.
You gave me pictures of winter,
to explain your cold heart.

I painted a styrofoam ball
the color of the sun,
thinking I could warm you up.

But storms of ink and tears
plague the places our hearts live.
It's my fault for thinking that happy endings
actually do exist.
My skin has been itching for three months
I’m not sure why this is addicting

I’ve crashed a car in my head 3 times today
My mental awareness consistently letting go of the wheel
The Anterior teeth of my mouth have started to yellow in disapproval
I’m not sure why this is satisfying

I’ve been taking toxic psychotropics in light doses more than twice a day
It’s warmth is comforting as the jittering and hyperactivity become null
Bags have formed under my eyes
If you were to open them, their roasted smell would overpower you with stimulation
Constantly on my toes for risk of Insomnia and Narcolepsy
I’m not sure why this is outstanding

Adrenaline is being forcefully factored into my body
If this is the bullet, I’m biting it after an appliance pulls the trigger
As the high passes, it ripples through my mind
An otherwise calm sea, tidal waves pound the shores of my subconsciousness
Vacuum sealed can are filled with awareness
Sleep has become a rare odyssey
Warm comforters are replaced with long trachea trips of boiling beans
I’m not sure why this is alarming

Double trips become tripled and troubling to my mother
Arguments over the hours I shall harvest from the night are increasingly frequent
Slow to roll out of bed in the morning
I don’t hit my carpet, I splash into sugared preparedness
In my backpack hides a cup full of GI Joes
I’m not sure why this is troubling

If anything, I’m drinking a medicine that prevents death by 10-15% for 13 years
The New England Journal of Medicine was happy to acknowledge my existence
Till they announce anything different, you’ll find me taking a mud bath
I’m not sure why this is disgusting

Tell me everything that’s wrong with it
Because from where I’m standing
There is nothing wrong with
I am here.  You stand there.
we are two, and yet we're one.
our bodies separate, minds together.
We're growing close. Our voices
enchanted breaths of hopefullness
throw your fears aside.
 Nov 2012 Brian Ross
Don't write
poetry on spare leaflet
papers. or napkins,
or your palm, a desk, any wall,
not in the solid-blue
that you bought last week.

Don't write
poetry at night, in the morning,
or at any time
in the afternoon.

Don't write poetry about
life, your grandparents, your dead dog,
or the revelations that creep out
from the pores of your skin
late at night.

If you want to be famous,
don't write poetry,
swallow it.

put your efforts into
the shadows beneath your eyes
the tone of your muscle
the sound of your voice
and how you look
as unprofessional as it is to put first-draft work in view of the public eye, here it is.
When you're around, my heart beats fast like a jackrabbit.
I can't stop smiling.
I chew on my nails.
I can't take my eyes off you.

When you touch me, my whole body tingles, like there are worms in me.
I get butterflies in my stomach, just like how I feel when I go on a roller coaster.
My toes curl.
All the hairs on my body stand up.
I giggle like a little girl.

When you kiss me, I'm in a whole different world.
I feel like a magnet, my lips can't resist yours.
It makes me so happy that I have you.
I want you to hold me forever.
I never want it to end.
 Nov 2012 Brian Ross
Kathryn H
 Nov 2012 Brian Ross
Kathryn H
Love sets the Soul free
It does not with to hold back
There is no *******
Dear boy with the STL tattoo,

I still see your face in the people I meet.
I hear your voice in comedians on tv.
My heart breaks at Eminem.
And let me say, you're much much better than him.

Dear boy with the broken heart,

I never meant to make you cry.
I never saw this coming.
It was just a meeting of chance and time.
I still love you with my whole heart,
I wish you'd understand. Just because
we're not in love, doesn't mean you're
not my best friend.

Dear boy who is my best friend,

Even though we may not be near,
or talking, or laughing, or sharing our tears.
Even though you scratch at me,
I'll always be here for your tired eyes.
Even though I make mistakes,
I beg that you will do the same.

Dear boy with the world in his hands,

Don't you see what you can be?
There is so much locked inside of you
that I don't even see how you can
manage to breathe.

Dear boy who I know I'm losing,

Please remember to be safe.
Remember when the world gets dark,
that a match can like your way.
Please try to quit smoking, and be careful
with the drugs. I only worry because
I care. I'm sorry that's not enough.
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