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Brian lockwood Sep 2016
Stale as atic air
Vile and perceptible
Blatant table fare
Unassuming velvet hair
Guilded mouthed
Lying tongues
Glued to a screen
Spread hopes and dreams
That never come to be
Brian lockwood Dec 2015
As i come to terms
With what I've learned
I find
It's time
For which I've yearned
Time to love
And time to teach
Time to make sweet memories
Killing is easy
It's the hunt that proves deceiving
Because who can find time,
On a planet so preoccupied
Brian lockwood Oct 2015
She writes
Despite her fright
Tonight the sun and stars collide
In the dying light
She writes
To a planet that writhes
To the Earth who cries
To a world left behind
*I'll see you on the other side
Brian lockwood Oct 2015
You flew on the wings of eagles
with the dream to be oppressed by no king
But to be your own people
To let freedom ring
From all the church steeples
You took the hand of lady liberty
She showed you the high road
But a treacherous one indeed
Though the haze of battle
And the lead hail of war
you sang your ballad
Give me liberty or give me death
While many men gave their dying breath
And saw the latter
But in the final battle
You climbed the ladder to liberty
And those who mocked the calligraphy
Of your declaration in the early years
Fell on their knees
As they listened to you sing
Let freedom ring
Brian lockwood Oct 2015
So we assume the identities of vagabonds
Never giving a care to what road we're on
Never giving ear to those wondering where we've gone
The road is home to those who never had one
The road is a lover to those who have none
Brian lockwood Oct 2015
I looked into the mirror
But couldnt see my humanity
I tried to see clearer
But but was blinded by disparity
Brian lockwood Oct 2015
I bide my time
Living a lie
Till I can find
A safe place outside my mind
But its all empty words
And lines blurred
By my unsuccessful incurring
Of my lifes worth
Into anothers heart
Hoping for a new start
But the burden
Of past lovers blundered
The lighting and thunder
And mustered the spark that remained
That remains unkindled to this day
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