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Brian Clampet Jan 2012
She always cold, so I have to stand so close
Trying to warm her with my breath
She rests her head on my chest, and clears her throat
Saying something like I don't love her enough
Some people she knows say I don't hug her enough
That I'm rough
You know I'd never lay a hand
But my words are sharp
They may not leave marks
But they make her see stars
So I want to raise the bar
Trying to come up with something from the heart
But I don't know where to start
Let me try my hand at this poetry ****
Playing with words maybe it'll go like this:

The way you step
Weaves tapestries of brighter days
Smoothing life's wrinkles on my mind with soft hands
Leaving sugar feathers on my tongue

...But that doesn't sound right, dies it?
I know it's kinda cheesy
She deserves better, believe me
It's what I'm trying to be
Trying to articulate feelings
While staring at ceilings, I'm reeling
Thinking if smiles and tears
Trying to stem the bleeding
Life leaving me flowing to the supreme being of us
I'm starting to become more than enough
Let me take another stab at this poetry ****
Playing with word maybe it'll go like this:

Her life stains my brain
Like red red wine
On a white wedding dress
Under an orange moon
On a purple November night
I can see her face in my breath mist
And that's why I love the cold

What about that one?
Not half bad, "B-" at best
But to be honest, Brian, that **** doesn't impress
Anybody but you
I tried walking in other shoes
But vans fit too good
Hell, what else can I do?
I've got songs for the people
but this one's for me and you

You see through me
Brian Clampet Aug 2011
Sordid ways
Manifest in exquisite shades of gray
Hiding from the sun In the shade only to complaining
about how dark it is
Mark this in your notebook, quick quote
Like going for broke is nothing compared to running for smoke
Hoping I choke on the next pill
Please stick in my throat
Riding the broken ferris wheel
Of blood, sweat and choked tears
I stud the walls with stars
and crush bars on mars
And break fists with locked cars and bottles of tar
And there you are under me
I bear teeth and tear sheets
And leave a trail of beats broken and ****** in the streets
I'm tasting tarmac under the weight of a thick black boot
Steel toes hold my nose to the road and I let go
And when my arms released I fell through the concrete
Floating weights in the breeze, at ease
To where she pleased
Indivisibly re-made, but the road isnt re-paved
Potholes crack my bones
****** stones mark the way
I was born into this
A writhing pile of spit and ****
Mixed with molten steel and brimstone and lithium lips
Living in Zildjian hits and Fender amplified Soundwaves
My breath wastes in songbreaks
My voice creates earthquakes
I make myself what i want be
ovecome whats in front of me
Cause theres something inside
that wants to fly so i let it ride
At first sight or at first light
whichever brings life
Because I feel like walking through some fire tonight
Brian Clampet Jul 2011
sweet yesterday, where did you go?
its been long since i've seen you even more since we spoke
and i've been meaning to tell you the camels back broke
and i've lost sight of things since i last time i wrote
and i know that you hate these notes i'm just trying to cope
somehow it helps to know i let you know
that i'm doing alright without you, once again
i no longer live in sin on the outside looking in
i'm the kid on the frontlines wearing skin too thin
and the levis are ripped, i got ****** scabs to match
i've been moving so fast that my mom can't patch
this hole in my heart i tried to fill with a spark
but i lost my grip and it left its mark
i don't know how many times ive had to curse this *****
somebody tell me, why's it always gotta be like this?
i remember when it was fine and we were just running
but now she's starting to take friends away from me
i've been thinking of the best way to say that we miss you
i wanna put my fist through glass cause it hurts too bad
to think about all of the things that you should've had
so i'll sit back, got some pictures out of storage
ill crack and orange for you, its sad but it's true
that you passed on throught without saying goodbye
but its alright we just want to apologize
sorry you had to go through it all alone
a guy like you deserves to be at home
with friends by your side and smiles in your eyes
not cold in the grass by yourself late at night
you never know when that drink will come and take your loved ones life
but just keep telling yourself you'll be alright
suicide by installments a day at a time
tip your glasses to the sky and hope tomorrow brings new light to life
while we scream
look Johnny B, you're finally free
go run your heart out, boy
know that we will be chasing
orange soda tasting, hawiian shirt raising, facing our fears
for you
Brian Clampet Jul 2011
Sometimes I feel like ******* drowning
leaving the surface and floating 'round
to release words that mix up
with waters weighing us down to the ground
air pockets rise, filled with sound
and get drowned out by the useless crap
that we surround ourselves with
I will be no more proud
but I will not stop getting loud
or fade in the crowd
I will never relax or quit chasing the clout
until this last note bellows out
I will fight to the death
of me or them whichever comes next
I will not rest
until my last cold breath leaks out
heard there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead
so I live like there's not enough hours left
press on strong
I'm the artist of a brand new dawn
crossed every single line that's ever been drawn
now all alone, I see that I'm wrong
but i just keep making these songs until I'm gone
Brian Clampet Apr 2011
sanitized minds combine to climb the brighter side
reaching towards the light with fistfuls of fire and might
we are sight blind, so our ears hear the path
cutting through the struggle and strife under the cover of night
it's bad math when they add up all the love that they subtract
with their crack and guns and wars and crooked politicians
endorsed by equally corrupt private corporations
that sensation that your facing is frustration at the nation
freedom seized by the land of the thieves, home of the slaves
She makes us cry nights away
but we love Her to the end of days
rocking the brave face in day
can America come out and play?
no way I'm sorry, not today
She's meeting the Devil at 8 to negotiate a trade
She lusts for black gold and he likes the way her soul tastes
it's the kind of heaven made match only greed can create
I love this god-forsaken place
keep our god the **** out of our state
we've got separation here, best not forget mister saint
our tap water's tainted and the plastic bottles cause cancer
tree's are illegal, so synthetic ******'s the answer
to numb the pain when my fat pig heart ruptures and bursts
but gimme one more triple espresso and three more bratwurst
two more cheeseburgers, a whole chicken, pizza and roast pork
mashed potatoes and mac n cheese but before I get my fork
make sure everything's deep fried, covered in bacon that's cut thick
I was hoping to choke it down before the last vein rips
flatline by design, dead before 45
thank your leaders they planned it
soon it'll be your time to die, I'm not lying
it's just facts go ahead and look at the stats
your the first generation to not outlive the last
and it's sad but more pathetic cause you don't even want to change
so strange how these animals play these silly little games
with dangerous toys powered by hot lead and flames
Aim for the brain! they shout at boy scouts
who tout many kills their dark skills willed by even darker minds in the hills
the shrill cries heard as the innocence dies flying straight out the hi-fi
nice try but you need a hand
tonight on American Bandstand the shattered youth of an illusory nation
think about these statements, the word choice and the placement
its all hidden in the basement
everything from last to first just be glad you're in the best nation on planet Earth
now please, into the hearse
No no don't curse, you're not the first
Just think it could be worse
Brian Clampet Mar 2011
****, I think the shrooms are starting to take effect
But there's something about the crowd that's getting me upset
There's not enough noise and actually I'm getting a little ******
Me and the Mic start fights with the Bass and Kicks
That's right, this the track you ******* asked for
The grooves from the guys your girlfriend's showin they *** for
The fastest cats laughin while were passin on your action
and crashing your favorite pad to smoke on you favorite stash
and you're mad
but I'm in another galaxy entirely, whole
and I'm watching the smoke trail off the bowl
Reminds me of how my soul leaks out the holes in my body
Given to me as a gift from this kid we call Scottie
Cause his breakbeats so sharp
Piercing through me like darts
and the Tree's basslines change the timing of my heart
Now my spirit's escaping, it's all over the stage
I'm trying to remember the next rhyme on the page
But I'll keep spittin cause my soul grows when I'm rockin a Mic
The bit I lose is made up for when the timing is right
You can see it in the lights, collecting up high
Pooling like mercury, growing with the passing of time
I've got friends with Black Ties, Purple Hearts, and Green Thumbs
Yellow Eyes, and Blue Souls sipping premium Red ***
They burn frosty trees chilling to some cool *** beats
Well what can I say, my soul's blue too some weeks
But that's why we make the music
For scrubbing the spirit, can you hear it?
That's great, but I need you to feel this
Cause this is real **** at last
We clash with popular demand
To make a stand on our hands
And that was always the plan

So if you're at a show
And you see a cloud above the crowd
Remember to breathe deep
Cause it's probably blunt smoke
Brian Clampet Mar 2011
its been four score and more
since the last time i played the cool kid
still on stage i trade the act for a mic
and they called me stupid
this is true ****
can you smell it
im speaking but wont spell it
im hungry this life's a sausage
im eating pass me the relish
elevated like jesus on
the cross you need to feel this
never soft or sweet
i'm like rock salt to teeth
chipping off pieces the size of boulders
catching them on my shoulders
i've got attitude problems, man
i thought they told ya
rebel souljah?
nah i'm the kid in the back of the class
assed out
passed out
the one your girlfriend just asked out
but i just laughed dont worry
homie, i won't touch it
the girls i'm looking for
have something called substance
****, she must have been
someone you trusted
from the look on your face
i can see your searching for an escape
but this ain't the place
unless youre looking for
the eternal sleep inflicted lyrically
i've got the word shaped sheep
to make it deep
if you dont know
i've been dreaming of this
rappin **** for years
eating your tears
drinking your fears
relieving myself in your ears
Brother Ali's been telling me the truth is here
now i feel it in the drum's spirit
with the bass to make it clear
I know that you feel this
cause we come with the realness
we're bleeding the crowd dry
sky high, we're fearless
really we're peerless
cause you're not on our level
we're anywhere from 6-10
steps ahead of you and the devil
you're like the treble, i'm the bass
on ten you're on negative eight
if you look there's no way
to find hate in this place today
im thinking rappers today are too hast
im thinking the stage lights are making me look pasty
despite that we're serving up tracks to call tasty
lace these beats with Rock Co.Kane Flow all day
It's not grace but we play in amazing ways
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