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Brian Carson Jun 2014
I am going to hurry the sun down
pounce on the night like a subtle barn owl
dives down on a field mouse in the stable behind my house
symbolizing a young man breaking out

to all of my my forgotten friends, let us mend
all of our differences and throw them into the wind
to move through the breeze exactly how the fish swims
inside of our hearts right before our life ends

I am going to hurry the come down
I have grown bored with this cloud
over and over until the voices in my head start to break out
symbolizing a young man breaking down

the feline in my soul chases ghosts when it is alone
I slam down the same keys on the piano
and write about the strangest places that feel like home
I have made it **** near impossible for me not to be alone

so now I beg and plead, something or someone come hurry the sun down
I want to enter a dream where I am suitable to be around
Brian Carson Jun 2014
she walked up to my table
sat down across from me
and calmly asked
why I had a skeleton
hanging behind me
I had not a word to say
I did not see a skeleton
when I turned around to look
she some how snatched my wallet
and ran away
I chased her out of the door
and to the street
after a few blocks
she stopped and handed me
my debit card, identification, and money
she took off again
I followed the direction
of my hair as it lifted with her wind
she is not very fast
neither am I
there is no wonder why
this look another four blocks
until she stopped
gasping for air
I had paced myself
I ran up to tackled her there
snatching my wallet
I asked
"why did you give me back my money
and keep my wallet?"
an obviously embarrassed, defeated
awfully attractive girl replied
" I have no idea, I was hoping to get away
  to see if you will try to find me
  most men would have walked away
  once they have what they want
  why did you continue the chase?"
maybe I have nothing better to do
maybe it is the symmetry of your face
maybe it is the aesthetically pleasing shape of your frame
or maybe it could be the fact
you had the nerve to come up to me today
I do not know
I helped her up from the concrete
we said nothing
then walked away
attached to two sunbeams
searching for what we have always
seen in our dreams
she looked up at me
I thought to asked about the skeleton
and she spewed beauty from her lips
"I seen your skeleton before, who you will be when you die
and I have seen my skeleton as well
they have always been entwined
and this vision was proven to be true
the moment I seen it in your eyes"
Brian Carson Jun 2014
when I was a kid
the graveyard across town
the one my father rests in
was significantly smaller
decades later it is quite big
and growing
because time is not slowing
and neither are we
where ever we are going
does not matter
because in the end
we become a spec scattered
across the land
and what if instead of burial plots
we were buried with seeds
that grew into beautiful things
we could save the bees
or the oxygen we breathe
what if as we die we repopulate rain forests
instead of taking up land people need?
Brian Carson Jun 2014
in the shade
on a bench
in a park
that I came to as a child
if you are with me here
then you mean something
not just to me
but to everyone I seen
you with
If I bring you here
then you possess something special
something I believe should be cherished
there has only been one before you
and I am twenty nine years old
that is a long time to figure out what I want
and if you sit on this bench
you have entered a sacred part of my heart
I know at this point in life
I am Fragile
but if you see this view
know that I can be strong and I love you
and to me, that is all that matters
Brian Carson Jun 2014
I see skin
on skin
in my dreams
and I am never sure
that things are
ever what they seem
I need a bright light
to blind me
or for love
to quit hiding
and find me
I hide behind trees
from no one
I just pretend someone else is there
chasing me for fun
I just run and run
wishing someone
would catch up
Brian Carson Jun 2014
I have went some months without pain
I would say a few
and then
out of the blue
I received a message from you
when I realized what I was reading
and who it was from
my stomach turned
my first thought was to ignore you
but what if you just showed up at my house
with such an obscure object you found of mine
what could I do?
after the past months, the solidarity I went through
what should I do!?
behave as if I am mature enough for this, no one is
but if you just showed up at my house while I am there
...what would I do?
that's a question I wrestle with
on a daily basis
I am too injured to be chasing
anyone, anything
you do not chase love
it lies at your feet
therefore, what we possessed was pointless
though you randomly appeared on my door step
the moment you seen my tears, you washed right through
the cracks between the boards of my deck
as I sat and listened to music that made me think about it
you know, the smiles
the piles of leaves
you would jump into with me
and we felt we brought our own hearts to their knees
laying there with our laughter and the feeling it brings
we would end up in my bedroom
with album covers strewn across the room
I would put the needle to Wild Heart
and make the sweetest of love to you

when I look back
on our perfect ten month stint
you were an absolute angel
and I gave my best performance yet
I hate the way it all ended
I almost wish one of us had died
if only to save our love from being tainted

I gave you the sacred parts of me
and you walked away
even had the nerve to
sit on the edge of my bed
look me in the eyes and sing every word to
the phil collins song "take a look at me now"
minutes before the last time you walked out of my house and did not notice the irony
and if you showed up at my house
with that obscure object of mine, today
I would probably tell you
to do what you do usually do
refuse to fight for what you love
and only focus on the men of yesterday
then I would tell you to
show me your trade mark move
the one where you just walk
Brian Carson Jun 2014
it is Friday night
and late
the 13th of June
with a full moon
on such an event
I remember when I use to
spend times like this with you
with her
with them, ****
I guess I always seem to do the same thing
and get the same results then complain
about all of it
I am lone and I drink
but not because I am alone
because I am bored then think
I'm in a pool of water beneath a cascade
and the emotions of people around me
are drops of water
falling into me
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