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B Rex Aug 2014
how can you wave your guns
my way and then
say your sorry and that
things will be ok

The buzzing of my phone
makes my heart jump
and knees weak
They call you the NPD
and I the codependent you seek

just one day, one  hour or one minute
is too long
I crave and sacrifice my happiness
to hear you say you were wrong

Sorry is said conveniently
when I am asleep
and you need a number
from the phone I wiped clean

I swore I wouldn't fall
for those weightless words
then it would be round….
i lost count, it became absurd

my begging and pleading serves
to make you loathe me more
compulsively driving you away
and into the arms of a *****

Nobody sees you as a villain
Him? But he's just so loud
It gives me the shivers
evil emerges from that shroud.

For when the door is shut
your hands tighten around my neck
no one knows that broken finger
was an act of self defense
  Aug 2014 B Rex
calpurnia mockingbird
This night is too long, without you I toss and turn in hope of slumber, finding only isolation and shattering need. I ache, my heart a pulsing bruise, my body weak from all the wanting, my mind lost somewhere between your echo and the closing of the door. 

I am barely here, gossamer silence wrapped in satin bows and weeping scars.

I have become my own tragedy, a lost soul wondering through darkness, chasing the fireflies of my imagination but never grasping their glow. My age leaves me weary, too many years have passed unnoticed while your hands dealt passions blows in the name of fun and inappropriate pursuits, but to what end?
My loneliness is a heavy blanket that offers no comfort, our love is a lie without remorse and you, my love, are the noose from which I will hang.
B Rex Jul 2014
I've got something to say to you
you are most malevolent
wearing my boyfriend
like an accessory  

I can't do anything
I can't do my hair right
Or share the limelight
Or fall asleep with my boy

If you don't wanna see
The worst in me
You've got two choices:
Cover your eyes
Both hands tight,
or just leave

I don't know what I think
I'm unsure that I could
Or couldn't care
less or more
About everyone
I do or don't know

If you don't wanna be
With a dead beat like me
I won't blame you

If you don't wanna see
The worst in me
You've got two choices:
Cover your eyes
Both hands tight,
or just leave
B Rex Jun 2014
I see you swim in the dark
Looking to have a good time
I want to rip out your heart
Because that's what you did to mine

So what if I hate you
And your plastic face
When we eat you
Your/'re rotting human waste

Pick me up
Pick me up
Pick me up and hold me
Burn Alice Burn

— The End —