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Dec 2013 · 214
Brett W Dec 2013
Every single night
I think about your face
So happy and bright
Perfect in all the little ways

So beautiful and sweet
There’s one thing that is right
No matter how far we be
I know you will look beautiful tonight

I think about you every day
Think about us living life
Perfect in every single way
Living free of all the strife

How can I not think of you
It’s impossible to push it aside
Keeping the memories fully through
And not leaving a little detail behind

I love you with all my heart
And that is the full truth
I don’t want to fall apart
Because we’re still in our youth
Dec 2013 · 279
Can't Sleep
Brett W Dec 2013
It's almost 2 in the morning
Still awake and heavily yawning
I can't seem to drift into a sleep
I'm thinking of you, I begin to weep
At first a small tear drips down my face
And soon many more follow at pace
My body is weary but not allowing rest
As I try hard to rest, at my very best
I fail for now at getting this needed break
Soon, my body will break and will gladly take
That sleep that won't come upon me at this time
As if sleeping in these emotions, is a forbidden crime
Dec 2013 · 356
Last Birthday
Brett W Dec 2013
So after the day of my girlfriend’s birthday
Only one though disturbed me and it won’t leave
This may be your last birthday is your life, which is today
This is every young woman’s favorite birthday, the Sweet 16
All I would have wanted to do today was simply be there for you
Make you smile and enjoy the day you were brought into this world
All I wanted to do was to see you once more, but there’s nothing I can do
If I could teleport from place to place, I definitely will use it to see you, if I could
I hope that this thought isn’t popping into your head as well as mine
Because I can’t imagine what today will be like in exactly one year
If only you were still here with me and we had an indefinite amount of time
But soon there will be a time, creeping up on us quickly, where you will no longer be here
Think positive I constantly have to tell my aching mind
I have to look forward to the future, putting the past behind
So, yesterday (12-12) was my birthday and I turned 16 and today is my girlfriends birthday (12-13) and she's also now 16. She lives over one thousand miles away and I haven't seen her in almost seven months. She has cancer and was told in late August she has only has 6-12 months to live. So after saying that, while in school today, a thought popped into my head. This may be my girlfriends last birthday... Just the thought of losing her devastates me, and knowing that if this is in fact her last birthday, I'm not there to spend it with her. I really would do anything to spend this day with her...
Dec 2013 · 646
Staying Strong
Brett W Dec 2013
Through the sickness and cold
You remain strong and bold
Leaving all your friends behind
It’s too much pain combined
Remain strong my darling
Fight until your mind is swirling
Think about the happy moments
Combine happiness from many components
Dec 2013 · 426
My Worries About You
Brett W Dec 2013
I never in a thousand days
Would worry about our relationship
But it could fall apart in numerous ways
Commonly by an unwanted hardship
Right now, I'm worrying about you
Because you're facing a challenge
Being on death's doorstep like a few
Losing energy, you retain enough for a final lunge
My main worry is not having you in my life
Time is running down faster than we could imagine
Faster time runs out, more than to our belief
There's no way I'll let this disease destroy your passion
I worry that I will not be to keep you happy until the end
You will fade away in a tremendous amount of sadness and despair
But as the time left for you continues to descend
I will do my best to keep you happy, as long as I'm here
I will love you until the very end, no matter what anyone says
Because you are now down to living your very last days
Thank you for reading. I wrote this pretty late at night now hopefully it's good.
Dec 2013 · 564
The Evolution of War
Brett W Dec 2013
Swords clashing as knights swing
The sharp daggers create an obnoxious ping
The knights are only a small piece of this fight
People fighting for what they think is right

The evolution of war begins with the gun powder
Small particles, creating explosions getting louder
Once gunpowder was used, hand to hand was rare
More national armies used after westernization’s appear

Nowadays, the deadliest weapons ever created
With the nuclear bombings, making populations deflated
Killing off people who are defenseless from these killers
Fighting war for not freedoms as much, but for oil drillers
Just a little poem about war I guess. I just incorporated what I am learning in my AP Euro class and using it in other content. I hope you like it.
Dec 2013 · 223
What is Love?
Brett W Dec 2013
A commonly asked question upon the masses
Is what does the word love really mean?
The feelings we get when times passes
When we are with someone close and serene
Those feeling of happiness flowing through our veins
Getting rid of all of the troubles and little pains
The want and desire to be with someone at any moment
Staying with that certain someone, so both remain content
What is love? That's a question I ask myself frequently. So I wrote this poem to try to explain to people, and especially myself, because I think many people have different interpretations of what the word "love" means, and this is my way to explain it.
Dec 2013 · 390
Taking the Dive
Brett W Dec 2013
As I climb up the treacherous ladder
I feel my heart pump, faster and faster
I feel like that last chance baseball batter
Hoping he doesn’t create a perilous disaster
I peer down once on top as I gulp air into my lungs
I get ready to take the jump I’ve been waiting for
I jump, flipping through the air like loose dog tongues
I hit the water, precisely as planned, satisfied, I head out the door
Just a little random quick write.
Dec 2013 · 7.9k
I Love You Sarah
Brett W Dec 2013
I Love You               Sarah
Three words that anyone can say
But not everyone can achieve its meaning
I wish I can have your personality in my life everyday
To see a movie or whatever you would like and then cuddling
I know we spent less than a week together before you left
But we are still going strong though all this distance
You mean everything to me and that is the truth
But I really do love you with all my heart
Not just a single, lonesome part
With all my heart
I love you
I will be totally honest, I didn't realize the shape until I was about 3/4 done, and then I finished it off making it seem like a heart. I shocked myself with this!

Anyway, this poem is for my girlfriend, Sarah, and this is a series of 4 or so poems that I'm sending her for her birthday. I wish I could spend it with her (it's her sweet 16 and my 16th birthday is actually the day before hers) but we are 1500 miles away from each other. This poem is telling her how much I love her and how much I really miss her and how I wish she was here.

I hope you enjoy. Thank you!
Nov 2013 · 565
Brett W Nov 2013
As the first flake hits my lips
A cold sensation flows through my veins
Continues all the way to my finger tips
Until they tingle, with little pains
The cold wind tenses up my face
As I bundle up to remain warm
The snow starts to fall at a constant pace
These small flakes meaning no harm
This cold and snowy winter day
Is beautiful in every single way
Nov 2013 · 642
The Innocent Suffrage
Brett W Nov 2013
Of all people that endure most
It’s the innocent who take almost all
The one’s dying while on their post
Serving their country, standing tall
The children suffering on cancer’s fate
Can’t do anything to defend their own
Dying at a quickening and increasing rate
To most, this issue is just something to condone
More must be done to help with these matters
So we could stop those tears from its pitter patters
Nov 2013 · 264
My Only Wish
Brett W Nov 2013
Even though I contain multiple desires
There is really one that I want above all
Walk beyond hills and through perilous wires
Be there to catch you if you ever fall
Make you shine that beautiful smile
Until you have to leave once again
But I will walk to you every single mile
Anything to see you and ease this pain
Every day I wish to see your beautiful face
But we are fighting against time in an endless race
Nov 2013 · 682
Right Next to Me
Brett W Nov 2013
Despite you being a thousand miles away
You are right next to me here in my heart
But I still wish to feel your presence anyway
And again I can be next to my life’s missing part
I miss you like crazy and I wish you were here
But I’m hoping this long wait will end someday
Even though time’s almost gone, don’t you fear
But I am not fearful even in the slightest way
Nov 2013 · 390
A Life Without You
Brett W Nov 2013
I don’t know how I could move on
My mind will always think of you all day
It will be like life without the Sun
No light or warmth, like a dark, cold bay

My mind just wouldn’t be able to think
Because I’ll feel so gloomy and blue
My life will crash into rocks and sink
All because I will lose the one and only you

I don’t think anyone can take your place
My life will be forever dark and hollow
A distant look pasted on my expressionless face
With no one to trust anymore or to follow
So, if you haven't read any of my previous poems, here's a quick summary. My girlfriend is battling cancer and was told 3 months ago she has 6-12 months left to live. Now that's at 3-9... I know I'm young and that I'll meet more people, but she really means a lot to me. I don't what I'll do when the time comes when Death lets her inside. She's already on his doorstep, just time will decide when the door will be opened.. Thank you for taking your time to read this.
Nov 2013 · 412
The Man and the Baby
Brett W Nov 2013
Here sits the this grown man
So strong and powerful
Strong and extremely tan
From working until he’s null
Then here’s the baby child
So sweet and tender, a newborn
Not yet cranky or even wild
Fresh, like a sweater never worn
The man cradles this sleeping youth
Holding it strongly, yet full of comfort
As he looks and sees not one tooth
He smiles, and then the baby wakes with a snort
So, this one is not really going to be good because I always write about my life or something that's somewhat inspirational and this, as you can tell, is neither of those. So if you want, give me some suggestions to possibly fix. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Nov 2013 · 268
What I'm Experiencing
Brett W Nov 2013
No matter how hard I try
I can’t get you off my mind
It’s something I can’t explain
A certain connection I have to you
It’s something that money can’t buy
Something I don’t wish to leave behind
Can be wonderful or can put you in pain
But I know in my opinionated view
What I’m experiencing is love
Something created from high above
Nov 2013 · 274
The Things I Miss
Brett W Nov 2013
I miss the simplest things in all of this
Being able to see each other every day
Seeing you smile every day I sure miss
And making that smile appear in any way
Life just isn't the same without you here
It is much less energetic and entertaining
But I know it will not be full of a certain fear
Fear of the possibility of you never returning
Because I want to be able to hold you tight
To tell you that everything’s going to be alright
Nov 2013 · 489
A Year Ago From Today
Brett W Nov 2013
Here I was a year ago from today
I was a free soul always out and about
Energetic and proud in every way
Seemed like I was headed to a great route
Always like a silly child on the inside
But a serene appearance masked my face
Feeling like life was an easy and free ride
But I was wrong, and it’s flying by like a race
But here I am now, still the same appearance
Serene and tranquil still is as I appear
But the old feeling on the inside is a disappearance
But on the inside, I’m full of despair and fear
For I know I will not be the same a year from now
But hopefully I don’t look worse next year and ask, “How?”
My attempt of a Shakespearean Sonnet so let me know what you think. Thank you.
Oct 2013 · 313
The Hated Beast
Brett W Oct 2013
There is a hated beast in the world today
The awareness about this beast is way too low
The amount of species of the best is frightening in every way
But I will try my best to raise this awareness, and that’s my vow

This hated beast effects the most innocent of individuals
Most of these people have never done a wrong in their life
But these people lose their life every single day
Every day, this thoughtless beast stabbing families with a knife

Someday, someone will be strong enough, bright enough
To fend off this beast and to make himself a hero
But he may have saved the future, but the damage has been done
But the goal is to not have these innocent count their days here to zero
Oct 2013 · 289
My Smile
Brett W Oct 2013
The smile that you see on my face
Every day of these lengthy years
It’s fake and feels out of place
But I pretend to smile for my peers

I don’t want to show how I feel
Because some people will call me a shame
I need this fake smile like it’s my last meal
Because it’s the only thing that hides my pain

There is really only one person you there
Who can bring the real smile out of me
But that one person is no longer here
But I’ll soon see her again, and truly smile
You’ll see
Oct 2013 · 191
5 Months Ago
Brett W Oct 2013
I can’t believe tomorrow’s that day
Where we kind of went our own way
But that will always be one important day
On that special 22nd day of May
May 22nd was the last day I saw my girlfriend before she moved across the country. Even though that will not be the last time, I will always remember this day for many, many reasons.

Thank you! :)
Oct 2013 · 640
Roller-coaster of Life
Brett W Oct 2013
You get on as soon as you’re born
No maximum or minimum height requirement
Your body tenses up and becomes warm
As you get strapped in for the ride of your life
Throughout the many twists and turns
The different amounts of speed and velocity
Leaving small little wrinkles and wind burns
Scarring your body until the very end

Everyone’s ride on this coaster is utterly different
Many different experiences between all individuals
Some of these riders will encounter many hills
While others will experience more corkscrews and spirals
Even though some rides are shorter than others
And although everyone ends the exact same way
Only most people have a calming and soothing finale
At the end of everyone’s ride is the exact same
Finally they come to the end, entering into a dark, quiet valley
A valley that leads them to their final resting point
Oct 2013 · 631
Never Lose Hope
Brett W Oct 2013
Even though it seems as if already defeated
You can’t just give up all at one time
You have to fight until you are seated
Remain strong like a thick grape vine
Even though you lose a few battles
It does not mean you have already lost the war
Your body will obtain a few rattles
But the excruciating pain will soon be nevermore
Oct 2013 · 391
Death of a Loved One
Brett W Oct 2013
As you walk up the stairs to the funeral door
You think about the pain and agony this person went through
Wondering how on Earth could all of this be endured
What they were thinking before the heart monitor went flat
In the midst of your thinking, you find yourself on top of those stairs
Ready to enter the building in which that loved one is currently lying in

After walking around, mourning the death with other loved ones
You go and see the body and see what damage has been done
You see that the lifeless body looks still as ever, like they’re sleeping
“Wake up. Please. I need you hear,” You start crying out through the choking of tears
But you know there is nothing left to be done about everything
The damage has been done to your life and you can’t change the past
Only look forward to your future and forget about the past at last

You walk out the doors now, leaving the one you loved behind
You start walking down the stairs and then your tears make you blind
It’s only been a few days, or weeks. You don’t even remember
But you will always remember the life you spent, until you see each other again
This was actually tough to write because even though I have gone to a funeral for a loved one, I was too young to understand the pain, but I may have to endure this pain sometime soon due to my girlfriend having cancer and possibly passing away in under a year after her doctors told her she had 6-12 months left to live and that was told to her over a month and a half ago...

So, enjoy. And thank you for reading. :)
Oct 2013 · 356
Brett W Oct 2013
There is a disease that is among us
One that isn’t contained in the medical field
But one that affects our life every day
One that stealthily eats us alive every day

Everyone faces fear at a point in their life
Some people experience it more than others
But this disease can be very dangerous
Even at time, it can be highly contagious

This beast slowly crawls inside of your body
Unknowingly at first, you think everything is fine
Then it hits you, hard like a knock-out punch
You think that the world around you has broken into chaos

You can’t let this fear begin eating you alive
You have to fight it
Fight it with all of the artillery you contain
Fight until there is an end to your fear
Defeat it in any way possible
Sep 2013 · 276
In My Head
Brett W Sep 2013
Millions of thoughts
Aching inside my head
Everything I’ve been taught
Starting with every word I’ve read
Every memory I still contain
Everything from the littlest magnificent view
To the few times when I used to complain
To the times when I was still with you

The simplest ideas still float among my head
But the strongest thoughts, many more than just a few
Are not of my childhood of being carried to bed
But these thoughts are of one person, that person is you
Sep 2013 · 358
Out The Window
Brett W Sep 2013
As I look out the window
I can see far and near
See all the colorful flowers
That bloom every year

The cars whistle by
The birds chirp so freely
The sky roars and cries
Making the day become dreary

The rain soon pours down
It clears off the dirt
And splatters on the ground
And wettens your shirt

The sky then becomes free
The sun peeks out
Here comes the honey bee
Starting his daily route
Sep 2013 · 2.3k
Unwanted Dreams
Brett W Sep 2013
I am not talking of the dreams
For what you want to do in your life
The ones that occur in your sleep
But over the past couple of nights
I have encountered unwanted dreams

A few nights ago
I dreamt of being in a plane
Going to see the person I love
And the plane crashed in a horrific manner

Then there is last night’s dream
I drove 1500 miles to see the one I love
And when I arrived, I held her in my arms
And she soon passed away
Sobbing while cradled in my arms

I don’t want these dreams
They’re showing me unwanted ideas
Unwanted predictions of the future
I wish the happy dreams would come back...
The "person I love" has Leukemia and was told she has 6-12 months to live and I would do anything to see her, and in these past dreams, either I have died before I got to her, or I did get to her but she died while in my arms. I hate these dreams...
Sep 2013 · 352
Brett W Sep 2013
After a year and 9 months of fighting for your life
You have now been told that it is coming to an end
And soon there will be a horrific end after all your strife
And you are starting to think there is nothing left to defend
But you can’t lose hope after fighting for this long
After this long battle, you can’t show signs of defeat until it’s over
Because you never know because you can prove those doctors wrong
You overcome what they said and live the life you wanted to cover

All I want to tell you is to not give up on yourself and push on
I wish that I was there with you right now and I would do anything to see you
Just don’t lose hope and believe that you can still make it
Because I believe that you have the strength to make it through
But the only person that can make it possible, is you
So please, do not lose hope and just throw in the towel early
And keep pushing until you can’t push any longer
If you do go down, at least go down fighting and not give up
Written to cheer up my girlfriend, Sarah, who is fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and was told last night that she only has 6-12 months to live. I tell her not to lose hope and to keep fighting because I KNOW that she has the strength to prove these doctors wrong. I love her to much to lose her...
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
What I Love About You
Brett W Aug 2013
You are, first of all, the sweetest girl I know
Every single day, no matter how you are feeling
You show care and compassion to others when they’re low
And being able to help someone out of their life that’s slowly peeling
You have that beautiful, brown and silky hair that is striking to the eye
Those big, stunning brown eyes that peer deep into a person, finding their true inside
The inside that no one else even bothers to look for anymore in our time
That wonderful optimistic smile that lights up the room around you
And lastly, your amazing strength when that extra push is needed
I don’t know how you could put up with all of this and not show any pain
I know I couldn't pull of the strength needed to remain and not becoming vain
You truly are an astonishing and wonderful person
And I will promise to do my best to help you remain this strong, and energetic person
I wrote this poem about my wonderful girlfriend who is fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and was told last night (8-30-13) that she only has 6-12 months left to live. This is devastating to me because this is the only person in my life that likes me for the way I am. She is the only one that loves my personality and thinks that I'm not ugly, like what everyone else thinks. Be a fighter Sarah, you mean the world to me. I love you. <3
Aug 2013 · 269
Leave This Place
Brett W Aug 2013
Day in and day out
I just think about leaving
I want to leave after a quick count
To leave this place and start something new
To me able to meet new people
Find new sights for my pupil

I want to create a new start
Find a new way to cure my stressed heart
Go and possibly meet new people out there
But there is only one person who always catches my eye
I wish to leave this place, and go see this somebody
And I would not want to return back to this place

I wish to start a new chapter in my life
Where I know nothing of the people around me
Cut up my past with a fictional knife
Just put what I want in my pocket and walk away
To walk away from the burning ashes of the past
But this new chapter will not be the very last
Aug 2013 · 239
Remain Strong
Brett W Aug 2013
Over the past year and a half
You have been struggling with pain
But despite that pain and sadness
You are fighting with little complain

You show no signs of defeat
Do not show any sign of doubt
Because you have a while until life is complete
Because your time will never run out
This poem I dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend who has been fighting Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia for a year and almost 9 months.
Jul 2013 · 445
Brett W Jul 2013
If you were to take a quick glance at me
I would probably seem perfectly fine
But if you took a look for a long while
You will see that everything in my life is out of line
On the outside, I am flying free like a bird
But comparing that to my inside is absurd

On the inside, it feels like there are chunks of lead
Keeping the weight of the world inside of me
Keeping me from succeeding at much and feeling dead
Instead of a hard working honey-gathering bee
All I want to do is break free of this hold
But it seems near impossible where it feels cold
Just knowing that I will not be able to take this alone
It seems to remind me of how I can be condoned

But this pain inside of me will soon vanish
It may not be today nor tomorrow
But all I can do for right now is to wish
To wish that someone will come help pull me out
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Life is a Maze
Brett W Jun 2013
When you start off in life
Everyone starts the same way
Fresh and with no strife
Not yet will pain need to be washed away

When you come to the first branch
There are multiple ways you can travel
You could go left to the larger open patch
Or to the right that is full of loose gravel

Everyone in the maze faces a hardship at some time
It depends on when it starts and how often it occurs
Some people that go left start off perfectly fine
But after a while, their luck turns on them and defers

The people that headed right didn’t start off well
Facing many challenges but soon to have it straight
They soon will be able to hear that warning bell
Warning them about what is soon to happen past the next gate

There will some unexpected turns that you will take
That some include the death of a loved one
Or if you have a good time and meet someone at the lake
Or if you fail a big test and then you feel like life is done

In the end, everyone has the same fate
Everyone faces it at different times and stages
There is very little time for you to be able to wait
You have to live life while it continues turning pages

— The End —