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Brenten Hargrove Mar 2012
The time exchange is changing me
Repeating things ive known
Humans consume silly things just to fufill their souls
Passion splatters again amongst the windows
The scent of lust again against the pillars of his soul
So time exchange is changing me
Repeating things i want to know
I try to console the poets sense
with reckless hints of cruel intent
But if you wait for me my passion will splatter again around ladders just begging to crawl underneath
The pillars will shake from dead men to saints on shores of lust burning again
Humans consume silly things just to fufill their souls
with reckless hints of cruel intent
repeating things that I know
Brenten Hargrove Mar 2012
When you choke me...
My sight begins to shift
Dark red spirals and firefly esque spectacles
A carnal pleasure in books read in jest
But when inacted, thrills my body to be numb to all but one sense...
You look almost supernal, they say what we enjoy was sent from perdition.
Above me jostling, By the way we moan i can tell...
Some primitive shriek and an attempt at communication
Gets lost in between the sheets of our bodies jubilation
A partnership made between lies and temptation.
My hands keep on slipping I grab and start preparing
your hair a frenzied mangled sport
my tongue is pressing ever forward
Our arms are wrapped, a lovers embrace
A complete release into a solitary state where actions become sounds
and shivering is garunteed.
the only time a scream is allowed during laughter
A pale white angel porcelain like figurines, perfection only percieved she kisses and
scratches in acceptance and gratitude.
Dark red curls and deep green pasture like  iris's.
Gleaming with tears and startled by my endless
Brenten Hargrove Mar 2012
I see red
But its just another
way to get into your thoughts
the way the links were set
are hovering over chimney tops
and  those lips licked wet
are shoveled through the garage i thought
you'd pay respects
But im the one left coarse from Morbid thought
These ideas draw the line
between fate and love at first sight
but its not the first time
and ive seen the lines get dulll then bright
a sine that makes dreams coincide
with lies of infidelity
that wouldnt happen between you and me
Im wanting these things i cant reach
trying to speak words with to big of a meaning
Im stretching out but noone can lend a hand
Ive brightened the windows here and let you in with my own will
I'll make this simple but it all becomes to much
I wanted you
Not like the sky wants to fall
But in love with you
Oh no theyve seen it all
And i can promise you the way i like to call out insecurities would never leave these run on lines for you.
Theyd never leave my egg shelled heart
Theyd linger over chimney tops out of grasp of the way and out of time
Brenten Hargrove Mar 2012
She gave me the Plankton
The lowest lifeform of her being.
Anointed  with this discovery
I too gave in and shared with her a deep
and impenatrable solace within me.
Such truths arent always shown in sight
of others.
Nor are they whispered in ear shot,
But somehow
She burrowed right through them.
Empathy in a female form!
And not jaded and wrought with thoughts of imorality.
Day by Day she would come and take frlom me these
deviant caverns and restlless ideals sprung forth from
absence of maturity in child hood and loss of faith
as a growing man in the seamingly uncommon trait and
beauty each human claims the next has deep within.
The savage mastication of delerious greed
Usually self righteous. Sweetlt nipping at the arms of the impoverished.
the malady spreading further through while the ogres stomp their feet for attention
puffing up their chest like creatures and only for a moments pay they contract a virus
all to familiar in their learned ways.
her delicate hands grouping at the flesh id presented brushing away the small
inconsistences and as i vaguely remember now and to this day
she slipped a finger inside and in the membranes and masses an ease would fall over me.
the rush of expelling all that ales you within is a euphoria like no other.
Yet each time she would leave something behind.
Brenten Hargrove Mar 2012
on my second day of travels
   I found more than brick and gravel
     Waving Side to
                                                                                     ­ t
                                                                                ­   o
...                                                            ­                 o
I looked to see this land Deprived                      r
of even its waving Sighs                               p
                         To see the trees stunnned u
to see the rivers dry, pollute and some sunset that will enhance my
admiration for the forested lands.
On this day
The sun was d e e p e r
The sky was Wide
I found more than than love and marvel dancing side to side
Brenten Hargrove Feb 2012
You are reaching so high
i know you are not worth decieving

Trainwrecks piled up in the dark
This is where our hearts are leading
this is where our mind stops
Patience you've got to leave your mark
turn on the spotlight , grow and watch
try to please the world and watch how quick she stops
You never know where your path will lead and so
you know its true that you must walk it alone
no one knows what the future holds and so
you must go where only your love will grow
Brenten Hargrove Feb 2012
one resounding note
and  im free from time
it forms the boundless lands that keep us searching on and on

what can you do when you need more than a friend
You cant read the way i lean towards
the nape of your neck to encase myself in the scent of your clothes
i just want what i want what i need is irrelevant
Take theses few seconds of solitude and pleasure
for the hours and days of reminisence that i usually spend alone

drifting on i wonder if i'll go blind
In search of perfection
hiding behind memories
to find insecurities
My heart may be the key
But for now i'll use my brain

How come?
It seems you've been here
She will wander by
And you will always follow
just to find the scent of perfumed nostalgia beneath her clothes

until you've  gone all the way just to find her
when she has been beside you all along
you cant always recognize a lovers spirit
through eyes so vapid
hiding behind memories
to find insecurities
my heart may be the key
but tonight i'll use my brain

this is what you look up to
Bare bones right on schedule
Im to sure of it
Are you sure you want to believe

Dont stare its fate
You'll never know if you hesitate
Dont stare its fate
Sacrifice the guessing games

just let me in the right way
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