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Breathing Ice Nov 2010
you say you care but
what if you

Notice how
people who use the shuffle
option on their iPods 
keep on pressing

Your coffee always has way 
too much sugar in it and you
think too much
and somehow you scare  
Breathing Ice Nov 2010
You told me once  that you've  never loved
anyone like you love me. You also  told me
that you woud love me forever and   never
(ever) leave my life.  That   you were   here  
to  stay.  You  
said I looked
like an angel,
like  an    Arabian   princess,
Angelina   Jolie-esque  and  
simply  eatable.  Your love
for    me   showed   all  over
this   perfect
face of yours,
you   know...
And   though
my poor eyes,
heart,    and
hands    belie-
ved every eve-
ry lie,    every  
*******   *****
lie,    I   know
better    now.                             **UCK YOU
Breathing Ice Oct 2010

Oh yeah. You  were
all I ever wanted...
Huh.  With your too
sweet     lips
and    your    
painted lies.
****,   you
were so dra-
matic about
(all the ****-
ing time too)
but the way
   your fingers    
played with
my hair and
the way you
said I   love
you    was   too  good,  
too **** ******* good.
                                                 But   you   know    what??                                 DON'T
Breathing Ice Oct 2010
Es-tu capable de briser la Lune ?
Es-tu capable d'éteindre le Soleil ?
D'obliger le jour de dormir,
De pousser la nuit au réveil ?

Es-tu capable d'enterrer les étoiles ?
Es-tu capable de faire voler les fleurs ?
Aux oiseaux, de faire oublier le chant,
Des nuages, faire arrêter les pleurs ?

Es-tu capable de rendre la Terre plate ?
Es-tu capable de faire tomber le ciel ?
Peux-tu amputer les papillons,
Et donner aux ours les ailes ?

Es-tu capable de rendre la vie ?
Es-tu capable de faire cesser les guerres ?
Peux-tu avaler les océans ?
Peux-tu balayer les déserts ?

Si, ces tâches toutes simples,
Tu ne peux exécuter,
Comment crois-tu pouvoir
Ma flamme éteindre, et mon amour tuer ?
Breathing Ice Oct 2010
I need to get some                                   sleep. But what

really need right                                           now is to
           ­                                          have

one more cigarette                                      because you've

your way this time.                                          (You  always have your
way with everything).                                     But enough is
           ­                                             *enough.
Breathing Ice Oct 2010
Oh no, you weren't my
lullaby singer, my troubadour, but
in my darkest nights I
knew I could  count on you
                                                             ­                                           always.

Always there with your eager
words (eager hands), with your
incessant desire for more,
(always more) and that's when I
                                                               ­                                          knew

you were the one I needed.
The way you were crushing
on other meaningless girls was
                                                                ­                                       something

I could easily overlook.
You were here and it
was all that mattered to me.
And the sour feeling in my heart
                                                           ­                                              was

not important (right?) But then,
why are you the world to me, when
I am only one tiny star in the
constellation of your life? In my bed,
at night, (every night), I wish I am
                                                              ­                                          *wrong.
Breathing Ice Oct 2010
Oh yes (Oh no) cut cut cut Oh yes (Oh no) I can see the blood now
It's so funny what you told me. Something like
you want to leave me and that I was (?whatwasit?).
Red on white tiles. I drop the blade, whereisit?, i can't see my arm anymore
why don't you care
why don't you see
the way I cut
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