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Breanna Smith May 2012
A life the beauty of a butterfly is what you lived
Even now that you are gone I see you in the faces of those who are strangers
But for a moment they are you
The one who is a butterfly
How I wish to be in the presence of your warmth  
The reality hits my heart  
Taking the blood from my body
I feel cold after those moments
When the blood returns
So do the tears to my eyes
They fall for you the fallen butterfly
Who's wings where crushed so shortly
After you where no longer in your cocoon,
No longer a caterpillar but the most beautiful of butterfly's.

There are those who wounder about your little caterpillars
But I know you who had the life the beauty of a butterfly
Will watch over them from your place beside our
Heavenly Father for he has given you
Even more gorgeous wings
They are those of an angel.  

-Dedicated in loving memory of Michelle
Breanna Smith May 2012
Two broken people can't find happiness
Two broken trees can't support one another
Everything will come crashing down
Everything will hurt
Like a closet too full
Like a volcano about to go
Two broken people will find happiness like
Two broken trees will become stronger by leaning on each other like
Everything being salved like
Everything being mended like
A closet being cleaned like
A volcano blowing off steam like
Me being with you
Happily ever after.
Breanna Smith May 2012
I lay awake in bed one late night
Letting memories wash over me
When a memory wondered into my brain
A memory of my childhood
Back to late nights
Just as this one
When I was cuddled up
With my soft big blue blanket
It was torn at the edges
One edge missing completly

It kept me worm in the winters
Made a great fort in the summers
Held me tight during nightmares
Wiped my tears when I cried
Let me rest in its vast softness
Made an elegant dress for dress up
The best padding for play fights
Made for the best tug-of-war
Between my brother and I
It made me feel at home on long trips
Kept me company
On the couch when I was sick

Now where is my
Cuddly childhood blanket?
In a box in the attic
Waiting for once again
When it can be held tight
In the arms of a child
Breanna Smith May 2012
Sweetly does the rain
Sing against my window,
As it stirs the lavender
That caresses my nose,
Growing beneath my window as
My mother planted it there to do.
Wary do I grow of counting the
And cracks in my ever changing ceiling.
I try making out images instead of counting, Lacking creativity all I can see is

Dusk is capturing the world now and
The rain has finished it’s melody,
The insects and frogs
Take the stage and
Somewhere in the distance
Is the cry of a lone hawk,
Maybe feeling left out of the insects and frogs Choirs as,
He cries 
His sad

Pondering as to what the
Hawk’s story is
And as I ponder
I begin to hum
A soft melody keeping time
With the frogs and insects,
Maybe I am feeling left
Out like the hawk?

A breeze joins in,
String up the glories
Smell of lavender again
And cooling my face as it
Comes through the open window
I slowly drift
Breanna Smith May 2012
Tell me a story oh please tell me a story; a story of when times were better, when times were much simpler, a story of when time was slower.
Tell me a story that will give me hope for those days to come around again, a story that gives me hope that will change my life and in turn I can change people’s lives around me.
Tell me a story that will encourage me to make my life part of this story and inspire even more.
Tell me a story that will make me cry, bring me to my knees, laugh until my stomach hurts, touch my heart and pull on its strings, open my mind and wrap it’s self around it, uplift my sole, give me hope, tell me the joys of love and faith, and make me never forget.
Breanna Smith May 2012
How could a father hurt his daughter while telling her she means more to him than the world? How can a baby be neglected by his mother?! How can a lover cheat with another!

At times like these it would be better to let the world stop turning, to breathe the last breath, to say the last word, to make the pain stop forever...?

A heart that hurts with every breath, a baby that stops its cries because mama isn’t coming, a love that dwindles, snuffed out, and dies.

At times like these wouldn’t it be better to end it all? If the world stop turning, if pain stopped hurting?!

A little girl grows up to resent her farther, a baby boy grows apart from a world he feels he isn’t a part of, a family is torn apart.

At times like these wouldn’t it be easier for the world to stop turning, easier to breath the last breath, to say the last word, wouldn’t it be easier for it all to be over?!

A women who is strong for herself and others, a family grows closer, stronger than ever before, a boy who knows the harsh truth about this world he lives in.

So it is asked again would pain stop hurting if the world stopped turning?

— The End —