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Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
You were so hurt
You couldn't believe
The things that I went through
You blamed yourself
For not being there
To protect me from it
How do you think I feel?
I had to endure it
Why do you think
I'm backing away
From the world around me?
You couldn't bare
The thought of such a thing
How do you think I feel?
The images
Burned inside my brain
You worry about
How disgusted they are
How do you think I feel?
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
When she was alone
And when no one was home
She would close her eyes
And look up to the sky

"I know that your there"
She would say in despair
"But why aren't you here"
"Why did you disappear"

When she was afraid
Her burdens she laid
On the one up above
Who showed her such love

When she looked up to the sky
All she did was cry
Because he loved her so
That he made her his own
And now she has a home
Because she looked up to the sky
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Trying to escape
This horrible past
That's eating you alive
Closing in on you
Like you're a deer
You're painful past the hunter
Trying so desperately to gain control
Cornering you
Just when you thought you got away
He's coming for you
You know he's there
Lurking in the woods
Just waiting
For the perfect moment to shoot
For the ability to take you down with one shot
You run
But he's still right behind you
You run faster
Yet he's still there
You can't escape him
So you just accept it
You stop running
And he shoots
You fall down
He thinks the chase is over
But just when he is on top of you
You fight back

You get up and run
Trying to grasp your future
This bright future
That's giving you hope
Cheering you on
Like you're a cub
You're future the mother
Trying so hard to make you feel important
Lifting you up
She's here
You know she's there
Standing in the open meadow
Just waiting
For you to run to her
For her to be able to hold you in her arms
You stop
But she walks forward
You shy away
Yet she takes no offense
So you accept it
You step forward
And she hugs you
You hug her back
She knows you will be happy now
She encourages you to move forward
But just when she is about to let you go
You hug her tighter
And whisper to her
"thank you"
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Every night
when the sun goes down
A beautiful sight
unfolds all around

The Moon starts
With his wonderful dance
Enthralling hearts
By sending their mind into a trance

His wonderful rays
swirling everywhere
Creating a maze
Through out the night air

He grabs your hand
And leads the way
His bright rays creating a band
So we have no choice but to stay

Dancing with the moon
Is so much fun
But it will all end soon
With the rising of the morning sun
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
All these years
I thought I had you
Through all these tears
I now know I lost you

I was always told the wrong thing
And the words you shared
Slowly began  to sting
Because I actually cared

Now I'm alone
I was pushed away
now I'm on my own
Till the end of my days

I'm all by myself
But I'm better like this
Because I'm alone
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