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Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Shadows were made by light
Just like the lack of day causes night

The darkness we fear
Is the loss of the light we hold dear

The night where our monsters are
Was where we found our love for light
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Where do i belong?
in this cold dark world
she wonders as her arms slowly curl

Where do i belong?
in this unhappy place
she asks as she cries to the sky

Where do i belong?
in this miserable life
she cries ,to the beating heart, she holds inside

Where do i belong?
in this facade of emotions
she asks the mirror on the wall

Where do i belong?
in this terrifying mind
she wonders as she imagines her future

Where do i belong?
in this awful illusion
she imagines as she ends
the future of the unknown
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Inside I'm hurt
I only feel pain
And i have no self worth

Inside I cry
My heart is broken
And empty inside

Inside there is no facade
I don't hide my pain
And my emotions can be seen

Inside It's a prison
My darkest secrets eating at me
Even my soul can't fight it

Inside there's a dream
A world without pain
A world with you standing next to me

Inside I'm broken
But you're still alive
My memory of you
Is the reason i died
So that i could keep  you alive
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
the holes in the walls
tell of my past
when i had my falls
and when I thought I wouldn't last

The broken doors
and empty room
tell of the wars
when I faced my doom

The darkened light
and shattered glass
from my lonely nights
held in my past

The broken house
falling down
I feel like a mouse
trapped  in the ground
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
You know the difference
Between right and wrong
But you and your conscious
Don't get along

You claim that you are
As good as can be
But your sinful grin
Cannot fool me

You're a sociopath
That's all I see
A sociopath
Is all you'll ever be
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
I know you're gone
And you can't live on
But some nights i wonder
If you ever really left

I know you're there
And i know you can hear me
But every day i question
If you really still care

I know I miss you
And there's nothing i can do
But I keep wondering
If this was all a huge mistake

I know you love me
And that's plan to see
But I ask myself all the time
If you know what i know
That you were and are
Everything i would ever need
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Please just smile
quit defending the defeated child
and stand up for what you want
that defeated child to become

Please just smile
and be who you want
don't worry about your past
and what you think your life lacks

Please just smile
and see your own beauty
stop being blinded
by what you aren't
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