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Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Will you stay
or go away
Fly up high
or stay by my side

Will you stay
or will you go
Run away
or stay at home

Will you stay
or say goodbye
Will you please stay
with me tonight

Will you stay
or go away
Do what you want
but please take me too
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
Why leave now
and let me fall
Why not stay
and help me stand tall

The love you have
breaks my madness
Our quick embraces
cures my sadness

Why not stay
and make my day
Why must you leave
and force me to grieve
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
They help sometimes
but they also hurt
the game hangman
established their worth

whatever you say
cannot be unsaid
so remember your friends
and don't cause their end
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
forever and always
thats what we would say
but today is the day
that i knew they weren't the same

forever to you
and forever to me
are like comparing
purple to green

always to you
and always to me
is like comparing
a frog to a tree
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
No light to be seen
No shimmer or gleam
No sun and no shine
We left it all behind

All alone no love or hope
No more warmth just dark smoke
And no more friends
This must be the end!

No more laughing
Only darkness cracking you
Breaking you down
So you fall to the ground

No more happiness
No more forgiveness
Just the same old quiet scarceness
Just the same old judging silence

Alone and afraid
Dark and unwanted
Never to be loved
But always to be silenced

This is the must...
The things that just happen
For a reason or not
We will all be forgotten
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
You had a way out
and so do i
but i have to stay strong
for those on the other side
i know they love me
i know they mean well
but lets just face it
their putting me through hell
everyday they smile
and everyday i cry
all i see is rain
and all they see is sunshine
i know its hard to understand
why suicides at high demand
but lets just think for a minute
why some people want to end it
when you're in pain, you cry
when your heart breaks
you essentially die
the pain is real
and thats all they feel
so the best option for them
is to make it all end
then the pain is gone
and they can finally move on
they cant hurt themselves
and they can end their own hell.
Breanna Riddle Dec 2016
theres no more grey clouds
theres no more rainy days
theres only sunlight shinning through

theres no more silent tears
theres no more weary years
theres only happiness all around you

theres no more all alone
theres no more go away
theres only please stay here with me

theres no more be afraid
theres no more go and hide
theres only stand tall and face your fears

theres no more dark  side
theres no more good byes
theres only hey how are you

theres no more aching pain
theres no more lonely hearts
theres only love for everyone

theres no more grey skies
theres no more silent griefs
theres only smiles all around

theres no more go away
theres no more silent days
theres only night full of laughter

theres no more falling down
theres no more lying on the ground
theres only spread your wings and fly

theres no more missing you
theres no more crying eyes
theres only i will be home soon

theres no more crying
theres no more saddened days
theres only smile and keep moving on

theres no more blood shed
theres no more falling walls
theres only happy things all around

Theres no more bad things
theres no more melting wings
theres only rainbows,peace, and love
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