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i love you
everything about you

the letters you send
yellowed parchment wrapped in a red bow
they're just ink on paper
yet they're everything to me

you're everything to me

i still wonder
who am i to you?
Sep 12 · 17
cherry coke
orion brayde Sep 12
someone gave me cherry coke today
they turned to me and said
"sorry sir, thought you might want this"
it caught me off guard, sure
but who am i to say no?

goes the can
i inhale the sweet cherry flavor
so unlike anything i've ever had before

i've been drinking diet my whole life
why hadn't i tried this before?
it's strong yet still sorry
way more flavorful than diet will ever be

yet how do i tell people i prefer cherry
when ive been drinking diet my entire life

"oh, she loves diet
that's what she always drinks"
that's what they'll think
they won't know
i drink cherry coke
Sep 9 · 33
who he is
orion brayde Sep 9
you're all i could ever want
never romantic but you're still the one
i look at you and see who i could be

we aren't so different are we?
a couple years apart
still, you mean the world to me

do you ever look at me and think
"he's who i used to be?"
maybe i'm the strange one
for seeing me in you

cherry coke and a gender crisis,
say you see yourself in me
say i'm not imagining it

— The End —