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Jul 2019 · 871
Brandon Leake Jul 2019
I wonder do trails get lost
I wonder do trails get lost when people abandon them
To start their own path
Or I wonder if it is like giving birth
A beautifully painful experience
Accompanied by long hours
But the yielding result being
More precious then they ever imagined
I wonder do trails remember their birthing
When the world was young
And humanity had yet to ******* their mother
I wonder do they hate how humanity treads on them
Or is it something they’ve grown accustomed to
I wonder do trails ever think back to a time
Before they became paved
I wonder do they ever desire to be undone
To become overgrown again
To be wild again
To be untamed again
I wonder do trails consider
Thats why humanity made them in the first place
So they can feel undone
Feel over grown
Fell wild and untamed once more
Never realizing who they cauterized to do so
I wonder do trails ever hate humanity for its apathy
I wonder do trails get lost in thought
About all they’ve lost

— The End —