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Brandon Campney Jan 2012
Tuck your tongue behind his cheek
Stop his mouth from another leak
Now if only you could stop his hand

One thing to another in a different shade
Hang yourself with the ropes he made
He’s such a cynical cakewalk

Pray your way free from his silly games
He’s a priest and clown he goes by many names
Either way, don’t listen to his nonsense

He’ll put you in my box full of all your friends
Ice cream and candy from end to end
Isn’t he the greatest that ever lived?

The food is plastic and your friends are fake
Eyes wide open but your not awake
Hero’s on his way any minute now

Knight in shining armor breaks through the air
But he’s the monster that put you there
Yes, he goes by so many names

He’s the man you’ve seen from all your scares
Can’t picture him in your wildest nightmare
Far from a dream anyone can see

Doesn’t need a mask to make believe
He doesn’t need a mirror to deceive
He’s got so many names, he might as well have none
Written about an old close friend who turned out to be extremely maniacal and fake.
Brandon Campney Jan 2012
The sun that lights my moon
But never one dark night
Because I glow when she’s around
And she glows to my delight

The cookies to my milk
She makes me much less bland
And I soften up her crunch
As if it was something that we planned

The wave running through my ocean
The one that will never crash
Nothing scary nothing big
Just enough to make a splash

I’m a cloud floating in an empty sky
She is my silver line
We’re not here to rain on any parade
Just float till the end of time

I’m the blob of purple goo
And she’s my nutty pal
Throw us on a piece of bread
Do with us what you shall

I’m locked up she’s my key
She opens me like a door
I can tell her all she needs to know
And she can tell me more

Where ever you find pavement
There’s grass that’s peeking through
And when I laid my eyes on her
The only flower grew

It will never change
There was never a doubt in my mind
On day she will be my wife
There is no one left to find

My sun, my cookie, my wave,
My glowing silver line,
My key, my flower, or my wife
What ever she is she’s mine

As long as she is in my life
And forever there she’ll stay
There’s one thing I can tell you
She’s why I wake up everyday
Corny, mushy love poem.
Brandon Campney Jan 2012
Can I ask you a question or maybe a few?
Because I don’t know how to do this, I have no clue
But let’s make it official, what’s the worst this could do
You like me, and I like you
Will you take my hand and never let go
Our fingers like vines, eternity they’ll grow
Entwined and knotted together so tight
Staying together til the last day of light
Will you share the good times, and be my best friend
Laughing and giggling with every second we spend
Make funny jokes, make silly faces
Tickle each other in so many places
Will you come see me, sneak out your door
And in the pitch black while most people snore
You’ll come and find me, just like the scripts
Look at me, smile, and then press with your lips
Will you give me your shoulder when I need to cry?
And when you need one too, on me you’ll rely
Will you be my turtle and I be your shell
I will protect you and make your life swell
Will you show me your eyes green like jade
Get stuck in the moment, and all else fades
We won’t even blink, our eyes exposed
We can sing love songs with both our mouths closed
Can we meet at football game, our parents won’t know
See how happy I make you and how you make me glow
And as I stare I’ll be shocked, everything to a blur
And ill think to myself… I really love her
Will you take what you get, accept all my flaws
And when I finally confess, without any pause
You’ll say right back, because you already knew
That you have the same feelings, I love you too
Will you grow up with me, through heaven and hell?
Forever and ever, no more farewells
Every second together, just like our dreams
That we’ve had so long, since we were both teens
And then we’ll get married, best day of our lives
And with this bond, we will both thrive
I’ll be your husband, you’ll be my wife
I’ll be your everything, you’ll be my life
…What I’ve been getting at what I’m trying to say
Is I have something to ask you, today is the day
That I tell you how I feel, let my feelings free
Let’s be more than friends, will you go out with me?
More personal than most poems i write.
Brandon Campney Jan 2012
It happens oh so often
And still every single time
Hands are numbed,
Warmth succumbed,
Shivers down your spine

Like a beaten path
Footsteps in the snow
Scent of pine
Walk up mine
If I have one to show

My stories like Saint Nick
And yet you still believe
Words so cold
No hand to hold
Only born to deceive

I brought this on myself
Remember the summer heat
I changed it all
Brought snow fall
And the winter we repeat

Golden green to blackened white
We lose the glowing smile
But I can’t hide
If I’ve lied
It eats at me after a while

We all can see it come
Say goodbye to all your leaves
Frozen bark
Skies so dark
And I hide behind my sleeves

Somehow you’ve forgiven
And you bud at the sight of spring
But I still cry
Because another lie
Brings back the winters sting

I wish  sunshine could stay
But how will I be true?
I have a feel
That if I’m real
Red will be the only hue

I need you and you need me
Through all the words and pain
I will pray
For the day
Where I at least bring back the rain

You never give up you always think
That maybe I will shift
Let down my guard
I try so hard
To give that special gift

If you asked I’d tell you what
I think you should give in
But I know you won’t
Cause I know you don’t
Neither I nor thou can win

I’ll be fake and you’ll be sad
The winter is here to stay
Flowers gone
Clouded dawns
Until like the snow we lay
Brandon Campney Jan 2012
Tears scrape down your face
Colder than winter breeze
I stop after you beg me
A million times over, please
Just one more step towards
You and me falling apart
As I carelessly add another
Crack to your crystal heart
Brandon Campney Jan 2012
The sun rises for her smile
To see who could shine brighter.
Loses every time,
But comes back despite her.

Yes, even the sun,
If it weren’t for the moon,
Would stare for eternity,
And would still leave too soon.

Over the horizon
The moon comes at night.
Takes a peak at her face,
But then hides in great fright.

His nerves get the best of him.
He can’t let her know.
He has so many feelings,
But he can’t let them show.

You see he’s not so pretty,
Not like the sun.
He takes the joy that it brings,
And makes it undone.

He’s so dark and sinister,
Malformed and gray.
What makes him bearable is
The light from the day.

Yes, the sun is a god
He lets the moon hide his face,
Because when the night comes
He knows the moon takes his place.

But everyone’s happy
When that star comes out.
They all get up
And they all get about,

But not this one girl.
She’s different for sure,
Because when the suns out,
Another day to endure

Without what she wants,
What she’d like to see.
The only person on earth
Who has this one plea.

She wants something else,
But it’s never around.
She just wants the moon,
But he was confound.

If only he knew
What she said when he ran,
“The moon is so perfect!”
She had a plan.

“When the darkness rolls in
I’ll lay down in bed.
I won’t go to sleep,
Ill fake it instead.

When he comes around,
And sits in the sky,
I’ll get up right then,
And open my eyes!”

She waited it out
Until the sun set
Out crept the moon
It was time that they met

And when it happened
They didn’t believe what they saw.
They were staring right at each other.
Both were in awe.

The moon was so happy
He shined like a star.
And she smiled so big.
It was something bazaar.

It was something so perfect
Something you needed to catch.
At that very moment
They both found their match.
Brandon Campney Jan 2012
Fulfill your senses, what is it you smell?
Intake through your nose the sweet scent of sin.
Give in to lust, the second layer of hell.
Draw them in, your captivating spell.
Morose thoughts that make you grin.

Use your eyes as well, what is it you see?
Darkness is filling, the gloom is rich.
Look through the pane, not but a tree.
Two bodies alone just you and he.
Do what you please, this is your niche.

Sounds will bellow, what do you hear?
The curious sound of a brand new sir.
A refreshing tone, loud and clear.
One of countless fools within this one year.
Just like the rest, this will soon be a blur.

Terrified to ask, what is it you taste?
Panting and moaning, mouth run dry.
Less than a week and you’ll have him replaced.
Shortage of men, the only trouble you’ve faced.
Quick shot of pleasure, ******* high.

But the real question is, what do you feel?
No feeling of love. Temptation intervening.
To every guy out there you’re just a great deal.
Fun for a while, but that’s your only appeal.
Forthcoming regret of *** without meaning.
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