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723 · Mar 2016
You have the personality of a sun
The demeanor of an ocean soothing and calm or powerful and commanding but always deep and full of Mystery
The patience of a mountain with the will of a great Redwoods roots, determined and selflessly for the sole purpose of providing shade for a loved one
The idiosyncrasies of weather multiple and variations and Beauty each indicating a specific season of mood
The presence of a bright full moon throned in a starless night and the wonderment of a butterfly Landing in a child's hand...

What I mean to say is that you are all lady, and if they say chivalry is dead then you revive it even in the most ill-mannered of men
if it does not then they are but animals

You see, you draw out not as a practice but is an instinct without having said a word from the innermost core of your soul, to the aura that surrounds you 20 feet in your circumference
You demand respect, boldly but with cadence and Grace
You need no rescuer, no salvation Nor Redemption from anyone but it will not stop me from attempting to be all of that for you just to add honor in my life
And you have been through hardship,,, but it has refined you like steel to Fire and most admirably is that you retained your elegant optimism through it all......
And yes you are all lady. And I?

I am that sunflower soaking up your raise
I am that ancient tribe Gathering from your abundance with great gratitude and respect
I am that life raft floating at your mercy and will
I am that climber learning as I ascend
I am that soil from which you can Pierce
I am that meteorologists, a keen Observer and I have made it my science to recognize your art

I am that howling wolf beckoning for you at night and when I'm with you
I'm that child with an open hand
721 · Jul 2016
By the innumerable amount of "I love you's", "Baby love's", kisses, random slow dances, by how you sleep attached to me every night and by the constant presence of love and affection, many, MANY years from now, to our great and possibly great-great grandchildren; we will be one of those elderly couples who you hear about the second gracefully following VERY shortly after the first one's passing...
657 · Apr 2016
I miss you like that old vagrant on a cold blistering night misses that vague and almost unfamiliar memory of his own bed, at whatever age it was he had it, if ever...


I miss you  like crashing waves miss stillness.

I miss you like HIP HOP misses "The Realness"...... and I miss you.....

I miss you like the old, the lonely and dying misses childhood.... I miss you like that childhood misses its mother while she's a way out at work at two jobs, day and night trying to support them. I miss you like that mother misses the promises once uttered by the man who left her..... I miss you like that promise breaker misses his freedom, the touch of his woman and the son he never met, all within a 8x9 steel and concrete place of his own making..... And I miss you...

I miss you like an inhale misses an exhale. Both forever at each others end, attempting to catch one  another, until that fatal moment they do... And I miss you! I miss you like that lost wondering soul misses the body. Like hands miss touching, like feet miss running, like lips miss,,,,,,, like lips miss forming words to express that emotion this poem is about. And I miss you....

I miss you like thought, consciousness and ideas miss eternity.... I miss you like eternity misses a stand still moment within itself that will never be again. Like the body misses a healthy heart, unbroken and unscarred... I miss you like fresh wounds miss time, the time that doesn't seem come fast enough to make those wounds painless, decensitized scars,,,, or that silly thing they call healing.... Ironically, I miss you like scars miss the need of healing...............

I miss,you because I love you, I love you so I miss you,,,,,, perpetually.........
Today the sun is kissing my face, the cool breeze is hugging me gently, the clouds abandoned their post in the sky to add some lift under the soles of my shoes, the trees are waving good morning, the mountains spread their arms panoramicly protective and assuring I'm home,  every strangers face greets me with a smile and a confirming nod, children's laughter distant and pleasant like the sounds of an ocean tranquil my soul and my heart increases in temperature............. sigh

JUST when I thought I experienced the pinnacle of joy, the ultimate climb at the Everest of happiness,,,,,,,,, someone comes along and teaches you to fly...

I love life.........
I don’t think anyone could understand…….

The sun seems dimmer today. The mountains seem small.. Even the sunrise and sunsets, the flowers and the sea all beautiful in their own right now seem quaint, mildly cute in their attempt or pleasant at best. Mere sparks, worthy of mention but not focus……

What are these but limited ephemeral things in comparison after witnessing beauty the size and effect of a Super nova, the colors of a forming Galaxy, feeling the warmth and size of a red super giant star, what attraction can they possibly have when in the clutch of a collapsed star where not even light can resist? I saw, witnessed and felt all these things whilst my eyes closed,,,,, and I kissed you………………………………
Did you know that even when life seems ******, for whatever reason that may be, you can STILL:
1. Kiss and hug loved ones. 2) PLAY, pretend to be or do anything you want. 3) Go for a run, get a workout in. 4) Go on a scenic hike/walk , smell flowers and enjoy nature. 5) BREATH wonderful fresh air. 6) Think, contemplate, meditate and just experience EXISTANCE! 7) Eat delicious food of whatever you want, including any dessert!!!! And many, MANY more things that are exclusively AWESOME in life especially if you are an adult?!!!!! (Let’s keep this PG)…….

Yup,, Life, pretty awesome even when ******…. Just saying :)
I am NOT minimizing the severity of suicide! I unfortunately deal with EVERYTHING with humor and know this is over simplifying a much serious issue.......... Hope lightness, soft, well intended humor and sweetness could possible tickle someone enough in the corner of their heart and at least one more day tucking those dark thoughts away.............................................. <3
519 · Jun 2016
Your sweet and selfless grace radiant and liberating like summer sun, your support and attentive nature its evening breeze.
                               Our affection of perfect love quilted sweaters, tea and comforting colors of my favorite season, as leaves fall to graceful final rest.

Children’s belly laughter filling our home like warmth from a welcoming fire on a winter’s night.  

                               Our future a spring of cultivated dreams and promises, budding and beginning their bloom of fruitions. Things to grow and flourish captivate our horizon…

Seasons they come and they change. I welcome it all.
503 · Jun 2016
Mio bambino ragazzo
In light of the new found attention my boy is getting from girls I decided to have a talk with him… He is such a beautiful little boy. A little sponge of information as he stared up at me attentively with those big beautiful eyes….

Baby boy, women are the most valuable, beautiful beings on this planet.. They are pretty, sweet, instinctively want to take care of things and plus they smell good…. At your age you NEVER kiss a girl first!.. It is ok if they kiss you and trust me, if they want to they will at any age… It will get a bit more complicated as you get older…….. Many will hurt you, baby boy. Most without intent or malice but a few with all the intent in the world. You WILL learn something from ALL of them. Keep in mind however, Son that there is not necessarily true that experience will be gained in numbers. Rather the quality of the encounters. What 20 fast women would provide pales in comparison to the growth gained from one true connection even if it ends in heartbreak….. Always show manners and respect to ALL women. Even to; and often most, to the ones who lack it within themselves…. Make them laugh, they seem to really like that…….. Never EVER hit a girl. Even if you encounter a crazy one, and you will someday, it is NEVER ok under any circumstance……. My father, your Poppy always told me this one: Help with the chores!.. They like that the most………… Do not try to “figure” women out. They are not some puzzle ruled by specific laws. They are an ever changing form like water to ice to steam.. It is part of their mystique… Best you can do is be attentive to whatever form they have chosen to be at that particular moment in front of you…… You will have more muscle than most (there are always exceptions) but trust me on this one, they are always stronger. If you recognize this someday, you will feed off this strength and they will make you better…. Unless you did something terribly wrong, never chase after a girl if she has chosen to leave but do request for her to pause before she walks out and make sure you tell her EXACTLY how you feel about her and what you want before letting her go…… Love is not something you hunt, capture or convince…. Do not sell yourself. The woman that sees in you why she should stay on her own is the one you want…. Never trick, lie or manipulate any to stay with you… That is a “fools love pointless”….. That will also avoid you ever growing the cancer of jealousy…. Protect them….. TRUST ME, DO NOT TELL THEM WHAT TO DO…… Compliment at the instant whatever quality of theirs struck a chord in you. No matter how silly or how silly it makes you feel…..

Do you understand what you need to be, Baby boy?

He responded casually but with assertiveness, “Be a funny gentleman”…….
497 · Apr 2016
No exaggeration
Two things that simply CANNOT be exagerated:

The size of the Universe...........

And how much I love you.
440 · Apr 2016
Luna, mio amico.
I love the moon..

The moon and I have always been friends.  It has been my quiescent calm in solitude.  As a child it eased my fears and lighted my pain. It sung sweet lullabies assuring me that as it glowed softly in the night sky, I was safe. There would be no beatings, no intimidation, no yelling or insults. I can rest.. Peaceful alone.

As a young man the moon watched over me as I ran the streets. It disapproved but could do nothing to stop me so it offered only it's light to make visible the line I should never cross. The line that would make everything too late, too far... It was a good friend even then.

The moon was larger than life, looming over the mountains that night as I yelled and cursed at it, intoxicated and angry for taking my young friend I loved so dearly...... The moon just stood there solemnly and took it. Cried, not for my curses but for my pain and it held no resentment....

The moon has always been my friend. The sun and I are awkward at best. We enjoy each other enough but never know quite what to say.. Not entirely sure of each other..... But the moon and I communicate telepathically... The moon understands my neurosis. It doesn't judge my over analyzing.. It slows the pace of my thoughts and controls my otherwise tempestuous tides of emotions. Romantically and halcyonic........

I love the moon... We keep each other company all too long and all too often..
The sun may allow me to experience life but the moon let's me FEEL it.... <3
God was in a nostalgic mood, pensive and reflective when he made you.
Like the feeling of an elder sipping sweet tea under a southern sky on a Sunday afternoon....... You see, God decided to make you on the 7th day......

And he thought of children skipping rocks on standstill Lake waters and he watched them form ripples as they made their distance, when he thought of your feet and the effect they would have when you enter or left a room....

The strength of oak trees were placed in your calves with the knowledge of the long treks that you would endure....

Your thighs were an ode to the smooth pouring of almond milk laced with honey as the inside of your thighs...Life's sweet elixir placed within you in the most secretive of places with the ability to pleasure more than sunshine to a flower or the sweetest next hit to an addict.....

Your belly he named after valleys made perfect for running freely with kisses onto the center
to visit the belly button well where one can make wishes from....

Further upwards the majestic curves of the highest peaks forever drawing mankind to approach them and attempt to conquer.

Your shoulders, the horizon from those peaks suggesting, promising a better tomorrow,,, smooth and soft like the finest white sand beaches and just as transitional between land and water..... Leading to your neck, the Amazon river, a strong current providing life and passage the beauty that lies ahead..

Your jaw line, which moved like elegant ballerinas when you spoke, and when you spoke your word was hypnotizing.

Your eyelids made after silhouettes of bodies making love. Your lips consisted of all living and healing flora on earth, Beautiful, vibrant, full of color and emitting your breath, your breath that carries the very oxygen that provides life to love itself...

In your eyes he placed mirrors so that he may see the reflection of himself in you...

Your forehead,  a great towering wall. Not one to keep things out but rather like a **** holding back powerful moving waters of thoughts and ideas rendering anyone in awe who approached it at the knowledge it beholds behind it. And to touch it is to touch the outer layer of eternity.

In your mind he placed galaxies, crashing, dying and birthing stars.. The mysteries of black holes, and the endless math of quantum physics. Impossible for any man to fully understand but always should appreciate if at all a man of pursuing knowledge..

In your heart he placed the entire accumulated force of all gravity in the universe. Not only drawing all to orbit you but bestowing you with the greatest power of creating life within you……………. And the magnitude of responsibility as the chosen passage from life to derive from identifies you as the strongest being outside of God himself.
411 · Jun 2016
Simply put.
......You are the most complex, interlaced multidimensional beauty I have ever encountered.......
381 · Jun 2016
The greatest Love
She writes me love letters in the sky using perfect white clouds
Kisses my face gently in the morning thru sunshine swaths
Sings for me to arise from bed with the sweet sound of birds
Confesses her love loudly with water and sky in tumultuous ocean storms

She flirts with unbelievable perfect timing coincidences, winks playfully and shows affection daily thru constant serendipity. She promises me of a better tomorrow through the bold and graceful character of children and their laughter.

She pleads and cries in rainstorms that it isn’t her that caused me or the world harm ever and admits she is helpless to mans’ will.

And I ask her why she loves me. Why so many gifts. Why I was chosen..
She gives no answer but simply caresses my face with a gentle wind and I think I get it. The love is and has always been there. I am simply acknowledging it now………….

Life,,,, she loves me……………..
Silver lining crested clouds, land in the horizon of lost ships, first glimpse of water oasis in a vast desperate dessert have absolutely nothing on even the slightest hint of a smile on your face.
Just something I thought of and shared with a friend who has dealt with the most tragic of losses a parent could fathom........ Its been years but it always seems so recent...... Just now, there might be signs of hope in her recovery.

— The End —