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 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Frieda P
Walking on glass, breathing it in
cutting sighs bled of same shade's blood
cloudy veins purg'd in progenator's denial
flying in shadow'd lit fear of fight
stick a neede in my eye sideways
obsession's self fulfilling prophecy
heart races to halt the finish line
fragment'd monkey guts strewn about
grinding litany of guts and tombstones
twisted paradox of fixation's sweet tooth
dragg'd in the violent overtow of another
death rings a toll in it's exhaled kick
chlorine dreams on point to gut'd hell
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
intense pain
is felt
when blood
trickles down
my cracked lips
yet the pain i
experience daily
from my broken heart
hurts one hundred
times more
than the blood
that gushes
from my lips
or my arms
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
I’m falling through the holes in your soul
like grains of sand through fingertips  

we always think we have found someone so beautiful
and it makes it hard for us to see the ugliness that is behind it

there is no pearl being formed in your shell, my dear

and I suppose that should make me afraid

but I haven’t been scared of the dark
or big bad wolves
or boys with a few stitches in their brains
for years now

so just ignore the dripping knife I have in my hand
and please don’t follow the blood trail into the woods

some things are better left unknown

haven’t you ever heard ignorance is bliss?
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Vous disiez toujours mes mots sonnés le mieux en français
(You always said my words sounded best in French)

Comme ils fondaient de ma langue dans des tons de caramel
(Like they were melting off my tongue in caramel tones)

Vous me prieriez de chuchoter des choses comme
(You would beg me to whisper things like)

Je vous aime ou
(I love you or)

Vous êtes les seuls
(You are the only one )

Je pense que vous en avez vraiment seulement aimé l'ironie
(I think you really only liked the irony of it )

Parce que je n'étais jamais le seul pour vous
(Because I was never the only one for you)
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