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Dec 2020 · 102
dark melody
fate nightshade Dec 2020
a spark
cloaked in shadows
walking through
a growing flame
playing with fire
an addicting symphony
toxic words
bittersweet lies
to each their own poison
Dec 2020 · 106
means to an end
fate nightshade Dec 2020
ash like rain
an old memory
flash of light
then nothing
I fade away
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
is it the end
or has it only just begun
fate nightshade Nov 2020
scarlet hood
I’m trailing behind you
hide and seek
lets play
I catch you every time you run away
run little red
the wolf is coming
falling through space
I taste the atmosphere
closing in
I reach out
caught you!
fading away
will they ever find us
good bye little one
I will see you with god
Aug 2020 · 77
fate nightshade Aug 2020
the sun kisses my face
feel the winds gentle embrace
icy breath escapes my lungs
my lips turn blue
I feel around me
all I feel is dirt
the smell of soil
I close my eyes
waking in reality
or is this all really a dream
May 2020 · 118
Ice cream memory
fate nightshade May 2020
a small laugh
red velvet ice cream
sweet childhood
the ice cream falls
I cry out
food poisoning befalls me
in illness I disdain the scarlet food
but now I think of it with fondness
how carefree that day was
parents laughing
smiling the day away
but why did it end so
I miss those carefree days
without a bitter thought or worry
but as it always does a blissful youth must come to an end
May 2020 · 121
words in darkness
fate nightshade May 2020
a breath of air
a laugh in the darkness
no one is there
who cares to hear
loud words ignored
bravery labeled ignorance
they look as if I'm speaking a foreign language
why do they always turn and run
do my words scare them
or am I in the wrong
May 2020 · 97
Mask broken
fate nightshade May 2020
the mask is broken
my emotions battle for control
no one understands
what I've been hiding
the feelings I've trapped
as if a dam has burst emotions flood my brain
my heart is now my sleeve
lets see how fast they break it
May 2020 · 78
fate nightshade May 2020
a gentle warble
the hum of nature
the gurgling of a waterfall
on a pleasant spring morning
the sun falls like rain in the meadow
finally at peace
everything is a waking dream
but oh the whispers of a scorching heat
for I know summer is soon to come
soon this gentle bliss will like all good things meet an end
the waterfall will soon dry up
for now I will enjoy this dream while it lasts
Mar 2020 · 107
fate nightshade Mar 2020
endless sadness
I put on my mask
my friends see what I let them
never glancing through
illusions I create
nothing real
silent thought
the irony of it
even believing it myself
new crush one day
setting them up with
friend the next
mask is stuck
never know
never see
the real me
Feb 2020 · 75
fate nightshade Feb 2020
the rhyme of a song
an old beat
ears ringing
eyes stinging
a thought
a word
the beat drops
with unintelligible words
I hum along
the worlds spinning
I fall
the beat of music still in my veins
I crash
I return back to earth
I sigh
why cant I stay there forever
Feb 2020 · 79
Story weaver
fate nightshade Feb 2020
it begins
a story weaver knits
and sows their story
a song rises in the air
sky sparks
oceans roar
stars shine as a thousand daggers
wraiths chill slid down their spines
an interruption
voice stops
worlds fall
another tale ended
another world gone
a banshee born
Jan 2020 · 90
Fading light
fate nightshade Jan 2020
a flash of light
blinding sun
Im falling
into the endless abyss
the light is gone
darkness has risen
I cannot wake from this endless slumber
I fall into the waves of darkness
Jan 2020 · 89
New beginnings
fate nightshade Jan 2020
a bright flash of sunlight
a new smile wavers then falls
hope sparked within
a new beginning
alongside an old end
I let my smile show
as if the forest senses my happiness
a refreshing breeze sweeps through
to new beginnings I think to myself
Jan 2020 · 66
New year
fate nightshade Jan 2020
a new hello while remembering a past goodbye
the new year is both a beginning and a end
a sharp almost painful memory of the past
and the fresh breeze of the future to come
fate nightshade Jan 2020
gazing through the window
looking down I see
a blazing hellfire
anguish and pain
and a sea of endless spite
tears like blood fall from the window
like lava from a volcano
the blood slowly leaks out
Jan 2020 · 110
Shadow of a phantom
fate nightshade Jan 2020
a shadow darkened my doorstep
a wayward soul drowning in deprivation of final rest
the phantom wails in sorrow
without eternal rest it weeps
what do I have
why must I stay behind
what gives my soul such restlessness
with a whirl of wind the specter is whisked away
Dec 2019 · 134
fate nightshade Dec 2019
A violent wind
anguish clouds my vision
air abandons my lungs
limbs frigid
awake yet
my heart motionless
to leave this place
eyes turn to glass
skin unchanged
a tear stains my face
Nov 2019 · 94
fate nightshade Nov 2019
the face of my clock
a fake smile
a forced laugh
slowly I notice
my emotions are fake
when did it start
when did I stop
a hollow place in my heart
I wonder if anyone sees through them
I listen for the clock for the ticking has stopped
Oct 2019 · 217
forgotten, hidden, lost
fate nightshade Oct 2019
searching in darkness
glancing into the light
scavenging through books
sifting through notes
a hidden memory
a lost smile
will the child ever return
the one I buried in my heart
the child knew the meaning
the child
was me
long forgotten
the meaning of life is lost
so is the child I once was
Oct 2019 · 125
the doll
fate nightshade Oct 2019
eyes cracked like glass
tear drops shatter to the ground
a porcelain doll
broken cracks mock her face
even though she looks broken on the outside
inside her fragile shell
lies something
a thousandfold
Oct 2019 · 122
a heart is glass
fate nightshade Oct 2019
a heart is glass
surrounded by walls of stone
no one gets in
no one gets out
only one holds the key
a key not like
the ones you see
this key encased
in the hand of a soul
has no equal
Oct 2019 · 119
skeleton in the closet
fate nightshade Oct 2019
white dust like
a skeleton in the closet
a knock on the door
a broken bell rings out
a ghost answers
politely asking
can you find my body
another person ran away
another eternity to wait
Oct 2019 · 190
a life of dreams
fate nightshade Oct 2019
life is a wonderland of fun
everyday you gaze up at the sun
the only thing that ruins it
the coma
living life through a dream seems fun
but slowly your body is shutting down
isn't life fun
Oct 2019 · 196
living through a haze
fate nightshade Oct 2019
I wounder through life
my vision clouded
trapped in a daze
slowly I fall and catch myself
slowly down life's road
staring at the world through
my foggy haze
I contemplate what
gives my life meaning now
out loud I state
Oct 2019 · 187
Hurricane lily
fate nightshade Oct 2019
the flower
blooms only in violence
a hurricane is arriving
the flower blossoms
shining its bright red hue
for a tempest
the flower is our only warning
Oct 2019 · 112
if you think you can
fate nightshade Oct 2019
if you think you can
if you think you can't
then think of something else
Oct 2019 · 107
fate nightshade Oct 2019
it hits you like a bullet
an idea suddenly forms
sure it looks
like your brain
exploded on a piece of paper
just clean it up a bit
a masterpiece is born
isn't it amazing
Sep 2019 · 163
Yin and Yang
fate nightshade Sep 2019
As light  
            as day
      as dark as night
                        gleeful mask
                                complete when together
                                            half a heart
                                                     when apart
                                               forever disagreeing
                                                                       never apart
Sep 2019 · 121
High School
fate nightshade Sep 2019
High school
                    a mad house
           pushing and shoving
                       with no apologies
                              people lose their manners
                     no one cares if the person they
                               shove falls
                   they keep walking
                            only caring about
                                          their destination
                                not about
                                           the people they hurt
                             most people don't care

                            high school
                                       the place were
                                     people don't care
                             and almost
Sep 2019 · 527
fate nightshade Sep 2019
A vast intertwined thing
           has but one beginning
                     yet meets
       current rushing
                              waves clashing
              cyclone swirling
                          it melts
                                    when faced
                                           with the sun
                                  storm cloud
                         a drop of rain    
                                       a temporary creak
                              water fall
                                         forever rising
                                                     forever falling
May 2019 · 130
The one who waits
fate nightshade May 2019
I wait in darkness
I wait in light
all ways waiting
  why you ask
do I wait
well  I respond
why does the wind whisper
why do the streams flow
why do birds fly
I respond
I simply wait
I wait patiently
I wait for someone
who you ask
that I respond
I don’t know
I am the one who waits
The reason I’ve told
but patiently
I will wait
for a person
a person I will only know
When they ask me why
I wait.
May 2019 · 203
The lost melody
fate nightshade May 2019
Bird that chases the wind
Child of wild things
Kid of the forest
Play now with the lost ones
Listen to their song of melody
The song is sung
Far away
A land of dreams
A land lost to history
Close your eyes
Imagine its trees
Imagine the palace
Painted by dreams
Sing along
Now child wake from your dream
May 2019 · 510
Broken halo
fate nightshade May 2019
A bird falls
a broken wing
Its halo shattered
for no more will it fly
for no more will it sing of
the breath of wind
beneath its wings
a broken halo
with light
that shines
with stars
no more
a bird
that used
to fly
The poem above was inspired by
  Chris Stapleton’s song Broken halos
May 2019 · 113
A thief disappears
fate nightshade May 2019
The whisper in the wind
        a shadow among the trees
from a house a figure flees
      a light appears
        the figure disappears
  the only witness is the wind
                            the shadow
                                                hidden  in the trees
May 2019 · 156
The memory of history
fate nightshade May 2019
The spark of an idea
The strike of imagination
The burning inferno of a thought
The fire of memories flow
The rest is written in stone

many things follow
some great
others a tyranny

history is made
history is being written
all one
all the same
words become sentences
sentences stories
stories books
books treasured
it all started
an idea
May 2019 · 121
fate nightshade May 2019
A violent wind
the breath leaves my lungs
limbs so cold
still awake
hasn't moved
to leave this place
my eyes gloss over
rolls down
my face
May 2019 · 121
The great king of thieves
fate nightshade May 2019
He was a great king
as the story goes
but what history has hidden
is what is now being told

the pirate king
a scoundrel
emperor of thieves

he sailed the seven seas
burned cities
and salvaged riches
of nobility

he conquered a country
long forgotten
lost to the sands of time

some say he was
a caster of spells
an enchanter

I say he was a magician
an astrologer
an alchemist

but we may never know
another secret lost to
the sands of time.
May 2019 · 115
A Story Old
fate nightshade May 2019
Now listen
to this story
a story old

a story with hair platinum
many moons ago once gold

listen closely
for the once mystifying
is withered and whispered

listen children
silence now
even though old
this story still
has lessons to teach

close your eyes
now children
let the story
carry your mind
to a land
so ancient
at just one slight brush
it will wither away

the story tells you
of giants
of foolish souls
of jesters bequeathing kings
you'll learn
of the king of thieves
the Arabian knights
the histories
by the Brothers Grimm

wake now children
with your eyes aglow
for your minds
have grown
you have learned
many lessons
both new and old
hold these lessons
within your heart dear children
for when the time comes
you'll teach others
what you know.
Jan 2019 · 163
a winter nights dream
fate nightshade Jan 2019
a gentle bliss
snow dances across the sky
a cold winter night
frost twinkling
it seems the world
is enchanted
by this wonder
this beauty
a timeless grace
a fantasy in reality
and yet
like all good things
it must come to an end
it whispers
with its last cold breath
fair well
until we meet again
Jan 2019 · 175
fate nightshade Jan 2019
create  memories
a fantasy
an alternate reality
create fears
create stories
a escape from reality
dreams come at a price
the price to pay
differs each day
dreams can tell future
the limit is your imagination
Jan 2019 · 133
fate nightshade Jan 2019
the bridge falls
the glass breaks
planets collide
the future is the past
the past is a mistake
everything and nothing is the same
reality breaks
fantasy consumes your mind
a book is written
a story is forged
the sword in the stone
the crystal skulls are real
the lost is found
the reasons are written in stone
Jan 2019 · 621
fate nightshade Jan 2019
calm is the ocean
an ocean so fierce
an ocean of memories
a sea of flame
a world
a mind
a sound
all one
all the same
all the difference
a thought
the shape of a memory
all words
all meaning
always changing
the sea of a mind
Jan 2019 · 277
The peace of silence
fate nightshade Jan 2019
limitless the sky seems
breath taking is the view around me
the birds take flight
clouds of fluff
mountains of dust
limitless as the sea
the world is
ever so calm around me
a silence settles
for once every thing
is peaceful
every thing
seems right
Jan 2019 · 134
fate nightshade Jan 2019
ice coats the sky
it falls in sheets
like dust
the sky clears
the ice falls
ice like snow
once more the ragging river flows
the ice melts
the white coat it leaves
fate nightshade Jan 2019
fire fills the air
               it whispers in the wind
           it soars above
    it's whispers carry
         wonders foreign
                          yet familiar
                                       the past turned to ash
                                the future
                             the fire wonders
             is the future near
                       and yet it realised
        the future is far
                                    not in distance
                           not in reality
           but in time
                     what the future holds
                                       the flame waits to see
Jan 2019 · 122
fate nightshade Jan 2019
electricity fills the air
a strike
a ray of light
falls from the heavens
a tree turns to ash
a ray of light is pure
a ray of light is fire
the sky clears
all is calm
but something is gone
the sky goes dark once more
Jan 2019 · 678
fate nightshade Jan 2019
confusion clouds my brain
I remember past
I have forgotten present
fog clouds my brain
new memories fade
old memories seem new
time is an item
memories are dreams
life is substance
death is the end to reality
the fog fades my sanity remains
Jan 2019 · 187
The memory of a planet
fate nightshade Jan 2019
stars collide
the world has ended
       the world has just begun
  the sky is close
      the ground is far
soaring above
     every thing you know
is below you
        your future remains above
you watch as galaxies collide
                 your memories slowly fade
        everything fades
    everything and nothing
Dec 2018 · 142
The Box
fate nightshade Dec 2018
it holds
my dearest things
treasures new and old
my memories
the box tattered and old
even though it's broken so
no amount of money
no amount of gold
can compare to the worth
this box holds
even though it's small
it has endured
and moments
from these moments
these memories
the box is scarred
for that box is cherished
for this no one can buy
a box showered
in tears
showered in love
when others ask about this box
I simply say
in this box
memories are contained
this box is a treasure that cannot
be bought
or borrowed
some respond with
but it's just a box
I say otherwise
but who knows
maybe it's just a
box tattered and old
Dec 2018 · 481
fate nightshade Dec 2018
in a sea dark as night
colors explode
in the cosmos
stars are grains of sand
planets created
planets implode
the suns are countless
beyond the sky
lies wonders untold
colors like fire works explode
but beware within this vast beauty
like the wonders untold
there are dangers unknown
dangers to behold
and yet admire the scene before you
for now you view it from afar
in the future you
may admire among the stars
but be warned once more
remember great beauty
can hide greater darkness
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