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135 · May 2022
B L Costello May 2022
No time to be kind,
Too much on your mind,
Because you are wrestling the hands of time,
Something is wrong,
I don’t know what,
When I ask,
I always interrupt,
Angry or mean?
I cannot decide,
And it makes me nervous,
Afraid to ask why
134 · Dec 2022
B L Costello Dec 2022
He is never home Christmas Eve,
It’s always been that way,
She’s home alone with cookies freshly made,
She’ll wait and watch  the weather,
But usually will nod off,
He’ll wake her with a kiss,
“Merry Christmas, Mrs Claus”
B L Costello Apr 2020
Social distance,
Staying inside,
I don’t have a fever,
I am drunk and I am high,
God, help us!
Forgive my addiction,
But life feels like science fiction,
I don’t really know how much I can stand,
Between naps....I play Rocket Man,
The numbers increase,
We're losing the pace,
I am never going to touch my face

©B L Costello 2020
122 · Dec 2018
B L Costello Dec 2018
Sure, that I was done,
I had given up all hope,
I heard the **** crow
And the fat girl cleared her throat,
That pain in my chest,
was not gonna stop,
I was checking out,
The kitchen was too hot,
At last I was alone,
All my friends were gone,
Closing my eyes,
I tried to sing along,
If only I had prayed,
Or maybe exercised,
I could be spared,
Instead….I am surprised,
If only I had listened to the things my father said,
If I was not careless,
or bumped my ******* head,
if I was more wise,
I would have used a net,
Instead I am a victim of the butterfly effect
©B L Costello 2018
B L Costello May 2022
When you hold your head in disgust,
I wonder...are you thinking of us?
I worry,
I do that...All the time!
I just wish I could change your mind,
I wish I was thinner,
I wish I was brave,
I wish you could tell me I am okay, won't,
So...Maybe...I am not,
I'm sorry,
I interrupt a lot,
It seems the only things we discuss,
Are disagreements between us,
Regardless of motive or my intent,
It ends up as an argument,
You're always mad,
I am always trying,
It used to easy,
But now,
I am dying.
© BL Costello 2022
Number 3 is killing me.  I should be alone.  Feeling very sad.......
117 · May 2022
B L Costello May 2022
Your making it hard
I don’t know what’s next
I never wanted to be your ex
I know them *******
I remember you said,
You don’t give a ****
You wish they were dead
Your absolute,
I do believe too,
Every time you say “f#%k you,”
I think I was wrong,
Is my time up?
You don’t have to remind me….I’m f#%ked
I know I have problems
We all need help
But you don’t have any…
So go f#%k yourself
©BL Costello 2022
Sorry for my lamguage.  Metaphors escapes me at times like this.  A little further down the rabbit hole.  This is bad....
117 · Jun 2020
B L Costello Jun 2020
Don’t ask,
I’ll wear my mask,
I’m already sick,
Will this pass?
More and more we disagree,
under his knee,
Social disease,
“you’re killing me”
No justice,
No word from DC,
The air is heavy,
And… “I can’t breathe”
©BLCostello 2020
116 · Dec 2019
B L Costello Dec 2019
Which advice would you take,
if you could choose just one?
Would you decide to be careful,
Or to go and love someone?
Would you always remember?
Or would you relax, and forgive?
There is only one choice,
Would you survive or live?
©B L Costello 2019
109 · Nov 2023
B L Costello Nov 2023
Forgive me if unkind,
I only changed my mind,
And now, you are sad!
That happens all the time,
Sometimes is not always,
Disturbed is just a word,
I know I am not popular,
I have seen... and I have heard,
Yes, I know all about it.....
I am never surprised!
They never can their laughter,
or lower their judging eyes,
They never understand,
and now,
I wonder too,
Does anybody get it?
I am looking back at you
Just a flow that started in me.  Was a song....enjoy
109 · Jun 2022
I Ponder.....
B L Costello Jun 2022
How time passes,
Soon we all return to ashes,
A couple of pets....
I will live and learn to accept,
I light another cigarette,
Smiling because I still have hope,
That tear in my eye is from the smoke,
I just wish I could get some rest,
But I'm worried about the pain in my chest.
Too much alone time.  Pondering can be destructive for me.  Just thinking too much.  I don't know if I am heartbroken or dying.........
109 · Oct 2021
B L Costello Oct 2021
Everyone’s begging for armageddon  
They all want to see the blood,
Punish them all
Lock them up
But all we need is love
It’s not about ***,
It not about baby’s
**** his ring
No one can save me
Nobody sees behind my mask
Or touches me without a glove
We are all becoming senseless
And all we need is love
106 · Apr 2020
B L Costello Apr 2020
Is it a lesson or is it a test?
I am unstudied,
But I try my best,
And you so smart,
Life is not fair,
You already know I am unprepared.
©B L Costello 2020
105 · Feb 2022
B L Costello Feb 2022
Living without you,
We’re living with it,
We’ll always wonder,
Who gave you that ****,
I’ll always remember,
We told you…before,
You said,
“I don’t do that anymore”,
We love you,
We miss you,
Our family is shattered,
If you lied or slipped,
It does not matter,
Your gone forever,
It’s hard to admit,
But we’re living without you,
And living with it
My beloved nephew, we all miss him.  We all tried to save him.  We failed.
105 · Feb 2022
B L Costello Feb 2022
I have asked you for years,
You always reply,
“I like what I see",
“Honey, your fine"
I guess I felt loved,
I cannot deny,
I know **** well,
Sometimes….you lie,
That is just something,
When I am down…..
I just do,
It lifts me up when you approve,
I was packing my lunch,
Just dreading work,
I cry way too easy,
You know…”the truth hurts",
Like sleeping alone,
When you come to bed late,
I am sorry I asked,
And I gained so much weight.
Pandemic has been rough.  Too much time together, too much food.
104 · Apr 2020
B L Costello Apr 2020
It’s not about you,
It’s not about me
It’s that f** virus covid-19
I don’t want to miss you.
I already do,
But I know I will see you when this is through
“It could peek again”,
Some experts expect,
I already spent that stimulus check,
But a nation divided,
Is sure to fall,
So, stay home and cook dinner,
They closed the mall,
There are so many things we can do without,
And we can save the world right from our couch
I apologize for the language. That's really not me, but I have such disdain for this thing. The growing division on this issue, is terrifying.
101 · Jun 2021
B L Costello Jun 2021
You're on camera,
They know who you are,
They know what you did,
and where you park your car,
and it's all been written,
so you better read your script,
Because big brother is watching,
And God is getting ******,
So smile,
We're all pretty,
They know who you are,
Hero or villain,
Baby you're a star
100 · Nov 2019
B L Costello Nov 2019
I should have got a pumpkin,
But…I don’t know how to carve,
I could have put on the porch,
I don’t have yard,
The porch did not work,
The children did not hark,
The little monsters were too afraid to beg out in the dark,
So, I ate a couple Snicker’s
I watched some DIY
That carving looks easy,
I might give it a try!
There’s always next year!
I’m bound to be more handy
Yeah, I got lots of reasons,
I ate all the candy!
©BL Costello 2019
My confession! Lol, better late than never!
99 · Feb 2022
B L Costello Feb 2022
Impressions do not last,
How was I to know?
When the seasons changed
They melted with the snow,
The ground so ****** white
That crunched beneath my feet,
Is no longer pretty,
Mud seeps underneath,
At least it’s not so cold,
I am warmer now,
It’s true
Now I impress no man
Or care about my shoes
@BLC 2022
94 · Feb 2020
B L Costello Feb 2020
She stood behind him, but she did not hide,
She offered her hand,
And it was denied,
He lied for an hour, Enough was enough,
He said goodnight,
and she ripped it up.
Regardless of what side of the fence you're on, it was an iconic moment! Only in America. God bless us.
B L Costello Mar 2021
Oh where have all the flowers gone?
And the hippies who used to sit on our lawns?
Granny glasses with braids in their hair,
They didn't shave or use underwear,
my father told me,  
They were crazy!
But I liked their smoke and colorful babies,  
The crocheted headbands
The tie dyed shirts,
Their naked feet and long patched skirts,
We could use some now,
Will they ever return?
Oh when will we ever learn!
87 · Jan 2022
B L Costello Jan 2022
I thought it was right,
But I was so confounded,
You see…I did not KNOW,
That was just how it sounded,
How sweet the music is,
Sometimes, it ends too soon,
“Ignorance is bliss”
And, usually out of tune,
Life is not perfect,
We all survive by chance,
And sometimes we look stupid when we try to dance!
87 · May 2020
B L Costello May 2020
We all are made to break,
Who knows when,
That separation starts,
As soon as you bend,
Perhaps you changed your mind,
People often do,
Or maybe you just turned,
And saw a different view,
I guess it does not matter,
We all make mistakes,
Nothing’s ever perfect,
We all are made to break
B L Costell©2020
B L Costello Apr 15
I guess I knew it would be this way,
I’d be alone and miss you every day,
But I could not imagine,
How long you’d be gone,
Forever seems to go on and on,
I guess...
I thought…
Somehow…”I’d get over”
I am not a child,
I am much older,
I miss resting my head on your shoulder,
The arms that held me,
When life was colder,
I thought I’d live with it,
I know…..”let it be”.
But I believe grief is killing me
86 · Jan 2020
B L Costello Jan 2020
I loved the wooded path,
I did respect their bones,
Fearlessly I tread,
Playing with my phone,
I saw no shapes or shadows,
Nothing spoke to me,
Careless, without faith,
I did not BELIEVE,
Just walking thru the graveyard,
I thought I was alone,
I should have looked behind me,
Something followed me home
©B L Costello  2020
84 · Jan 2022
B L Costello Jan 2022
I think I'm dying,
I am to scared to ask
The government’s lying
Pull up your mask,
The shelves are low
Some do without,
I sneezed,
Someone shouted,
“Cover your mouth”!
The order is mute
I wonder why?
The only thing exposed are my eyes,
I am disgusted,
Without a reply
Tasting my sneeze,
I lower my eyes,
I am scared,
I pray,
What else can I do?
It would have been nice,
To hear, "Bless you".
©BLC 2022
73 · Mar 2020
B L Costello Mar 2020
The world so turned away from his love,
I have to wonder,
Is this the “Flood”?
Karma reminds,
The is no end,
“What comes around goes around, again“,
That being said,
Who could dare say?
Is the Savior here?
Is this judgement day?
Depending on your sentiment,
It could be old testament,
The decision alone makes me age,
Its just a virus,
Its not the plaque
©B L Costello 2020
Strange days indeed.  There is meaning to everything.  We need to think about what the meant to all of this is.
71 · Feb 2020
B L Costello Feb 2020
I gave her all she needed to live,
Catholic school,
Then college,
My little princess!
I covered all bases,
Cheer leading,
Glasses and braces,
For her,
There was no in-between,
17 a beauty queen,
She turned 18 and wanted a car,
But I was afraid to go that far,
“Wait till your 20”
I put down my foot,
Teary eyed, my child was shook,
Now I wish I had never denied her,
She ran away with an Uber Driver
©B L Costello 2020
68 · Feb 2020
B L Costello Feb 2020
The worry the dread and all the doubt,
I think out loud but will not shout,
I know what other people may say,
They don’t know I was born this way
Strumming my uke sets me free,
Then I wonder…..Do penguins have knees?
Obsession, starts,
I cannot quit,
Does my gold fish have lips?
I don’t know the answers,
I think I am okay,
Do I have cancer?
Over whelmed,
Did I pay that bill?
Fu-k!, it on the mantle still
Its 2 in the morning,
There’s nothing to do but shut up play
©B L Costello 2020
Yeah, it was a rough night.  LOL
63 · Jan 2020
B L Costello Jan 2020
Being alone I must accept,
You are gone,
So here I am left,
10 years,
I still ask why,
I ponder suicide,
But if Catholic doctrine is true,
that will not bring me closer to you,
I had my angel,
for what it was worth,
you gave me heaven here on earth,
I would love to see you
to touch and to smell,
But plans like that,
Take you to hell,
It hurts,
It may **** me yet,
You were as close as I will get
©B L Costello 2020
Everyday it hurts.  Sometimes more than it is bad.
61 · Jan 2020
B L Costello Jan 2020
They’ll will wonder where I’ve gone,
But don’t shed a tear,
People come and go so quickly here
I fell down a hole,
I had a little drink,
That cookie was just an illusion,
……I think,
I’ve seen so much!
More than I care to tell,
But Mr. Carroll, will write it so well,
The times I was small,
The way I grew tall,
How I kept my head,
And the Jabberwocky’s fall
When they have their tea,
They’ll remember that,
But man,
I’m going miss that cat!
©B L Costello 2015
Revisiting some old stuff, wanted to share
52 · May 9
B L Costello May 9
The world is so dull,
Yet, I am afraid,
Confused by all these shades of gray,
We are starting to doubt what we know is RIGHT,
Something else is controlling our life,
Research is dead,
We’re all on vacation,
“Alexa.... what’s instant gratification?”,
It’s getting darker,
It’s hard to see,
Hold on, someone is texting me,
“Your payments declined”,
“the queen is dead”
Another “alert”,
I am going to bed,
It will all be fine,
I am still afraid,
How I miss the primary days
Everything seems so wishey washey lately.  There is always a reason why it is not wrong. I miss the black and white life. More than this I miss how colorful life used to be.  Everything was more decisive. Our morals and manners have been lost to technology.
It's a new world
B L Costello Sep 29
I guess...I'm okay!
It's nobody's fault,
It's how I am made,
Who could have guessed?
I'm not an alien,
I'm no threat,
I'm "just special",
The test was cheap,
To tell me...I'm rare,
Not a creep

BLCostello 2024
It really is interesting, take the test, it's all about you!

— The End —